[an error occurred while processing this directive]  AGM Minutes

AGM Minutes

Reported 23 May 2015 by Kevin Dibble VK4ZR
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The President, Kevin VK4ZR, opened the meeting at 2.00 pm and welcomed the 18 members present.


Apologies were received from Frank, VK4XK; Don VK4DS; Ron, VK4RA; Greg Meyer


The President, VK4ZR gave a brief report on the activities of the club in the past year, and highlighted the fact that we now had 66 members, one of the largest totals in many years.

The Treasurer, Peter VK4COZ, then presented his report for the club’s financial year from 1 March 2014 to 28 February 2015.Income was $xxxx.xx and expenditure $xxxx.xx leaving a net loss of $95.14. In terms of the balance sheet, the club had $xxxx.25 in its BoQ current account, $xxxx.61 in a BoQ Term Deposit account and $83.00 in petty cash, giving a carry forward balance of $xxxx.86. (actual figures can be obtained from the BARC Treasurer)

The Treasurer noted that hire of the scout hall had been paid for the current financial year and the previous year, a total of $1200, hence the small loss on the year’s operations. He moved that the accounts be accepted; the motion was seconded by Les, VK4FAEB, and approved.

The President declared that all positions were now vacant.

Nominations were called for the position of President. Terry, VK4AAT and Les VK4FAEB nominated. On a show of hands, Terry VK4AAT was elected as President for the 2015/2016 year.

Vice-President: Les, VK4FAEB nominated for Vice-President. There being no further nominations, he was appointed Vice-President.

Treasurer: Chris, VK4YE nominated for Treasurer. There being no further nominations, he was appointed Treasurer.

Secretary: Les, VK4SO nominated for Secretary. There being no further nominations, he was appointed Secretary.

Other positions: Gary, VK4FGZA agreed to continue as Providor, and Robert, VK4FABN was appointed as Club Librarian.

The new President, Terry VK4AAT now took the chair.

General Business: there was a general discussion on BARCFest15 and opportunities for the next BARCFest, as well as on the future direction of the club. Norm VK4ANB, moved a voted of thanks to the outgoing committee which was approved by acclamation.

There being no further business the meeting concluded at 2.50 pm.

	Signed as a true record of the meeting:
	K Dibble, VK4ZR							P.N Holtham, VK4COZ
	(Outgoing President)						(Outgoing Treasurer)

— Kevin Dibble VK4ZR
23 May 2015

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