February News Sheet

Reported 03 February 2011 by Les Parker VK4SO
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Welcome to the BARC News Sheet for this month.

Maritime museum news

The Brisbane floods have come and gone and I trust no one suffered any damage or loss. The Maritime museum did get some water from the river and I am pleased to report that there was no damage to any of our equipment. Our two lockers were opened by some people and items lower down were raised to the top. The two lockers have had new barrel bolts installed but a new padlock is needed for one of the lockers which I will take care of next weekend.

New Vice President

At the January meeting the members elected a vice President. Kevin Dalton VK4WA now holds the position. This will alleviate the problem we had where our President has a new job and he works 2pm—12pm which means he can't attend meetings.

Talks next meeting

At our next business meeting we will have a talk/demo from Kevin VK4WA and Peter VK4PZY on some UHF kits they have been working on.


It is now time to start preparing for BARCfest 2011. I need someone to produce an advertisement to be inserted in April AR magazine. There are new criteria that apply to inserts in AR. This can be downloaded from the wia website. The item should be received by the editor mid February at the latest to ensure inclusion in the April issue.

I will be e mailing clubs and commercial sellers shortly advising the event will be on Saturday 7th May 2011 starting at 9.30am.

Contests for February

12th Asia-Pacific sprint CW
12th—13th RSGB 160 metres contest CW
19th—20th ARRL Intl. Contest CW
26th—27th CQWW 160 metres contest SSB


I have no birthdays listed for this month but if you are having a birthday this month happy birthday to you.

Members activities

Kel VK4AZ, was to enjoy a cruise over the Christmas break but it was cut short not long into the cruise. He became ill and had to be transported to a hospital in New Zealand where he spent a few days and was then transported back to Brisbane where he spent more time in hospital. All the best to Kel from us all.

Bruce VK4TRS, now has a job but he can't attend meetings at the moment due to the hours he works.

The next meeting will be Friday 11th February at the maritime museum.

Until next month this is Les VK4SO

— Les Parker VK4SO
03 February 2011