October News Sheet

Reported 29 September 2010 by Les Parker VK4SO
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Welcome to the August news sheet

Club Events for this month

The next meeting will be Friday 8th October 2010. This is a social meeting so come along and join in the fun. The business meeting will be Friday 22nd October 2010. Don't forget there are 5 Fridays this month. Daylight saving starts this Sunday 3rd October in the southern states.

10m net polarisation

At the last meeting the 10m net was discussed and it was decided to change from horizontal to vertical polarisation in an attempt to get more members to participate in the HF net. Some members have begun to get a 10 metre vertical operating.

Social Organiser

Due to medical problems Kel has had to resign his position as Social organiser. At this stage the members will pick a date for a social outing. This will be communicated to all members when the date is decided.


A few members have not renewed their membership so please refer to the new membership list which has been emailed to those with email and will be posted to those without email.

Members’ activities

Kel VK4AZ, has been heard on 70cm a couple of times lately. He is also recovering from a sore foot. (I think it is actually gout from too much imbibing) Only joking Kel.

Frank VK4XK, has been attempting to tidy up his shack but keeps finding things he had forgotten he had and so progress is slow. Keep going Frank you will get to the end eventually.

Keith VK4XAK, has been absent from the morning nets lately but will be back in the very near future.

Murray VK4AOK, attended the last meeting. Good to see you Murray.

Jim VK4HJK, has been on a trip to the top end. Hope you made it to the tip of the top Jim.

Morning net

Before I close, the 8am net which is not a club net now starts at 8am on 2 metres 146.550MHz and at 8.30 we change to the club's repeater 439.950MHz 123Hz sub audible tone.

Till next month

— Les Parker VK4SO
29 September 2010