For 1999, I operated as a 1e class station. The power was supplied from 2 batteries. One was a 5 amp/hr cell and the other was an 17 amp/hr cell. The radios for day were set up on a card table as shown in the photo.

Left to right the radios are a ICOM 821H, a Kenwood 8400 Diawa cross meters, and a Clegg Mark 3. On top of the Clegg is a Standard dual band handheld.Magmount antennas were used.

While this was one of my poorer years as far as contacts go, it was still enjoyable. My log enteries are posted below:

Station log for field day 1999

June 26:

      ve3ury - 21:57 f3 446.000 2 watts - 1b

      ve3xr - 22:27 a3 144.200 5 watts - 4a

      va3sky - 23:16 f3 146.52 8 watts - 7a

      ve3ury - 23:54 f3 146.52 8 watts - 1b

June 27:

      va3fin - 00:37 a3 144.200 1 watt - 2a

      va3uxb - 00:38 a3 144.200 1 watt - 1d

      ve3rbc - 12:41 a3 144.200 5 watts - 3a

      ve3aza - 12:51 f3 146.52 8 watts - 1a

In summary, Field day 1999 was not a good field day!

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