Monthly Report
Submitted to: ARES Central Ontario District DEC
Subject:  Central Ontario District Emergency Coordinator Report
Report Month/Year: September, 2003
Date Submitted:  September 30, 2003
EC Area of Responsibility: South Georgian Bay West Simcoe County
EC Name and Callsign:  Darren Lortie VE3REK
EC's Email Address: [email protected]
Club Names: South Georgian Bay ARC / Blue Mountain ARC
ARES Members this Report: 31
Registered Stations Increase/Decrease since last report:  0
Local Net Name:  South Georgian Bay West Simcoe ARES Net
Number of Net Sessions / Check-ins 4 Nets / 28 Check-ins - 0 Formal Traffic (0 Sent - 0 Rec'd)
Section Net Name: Ontario ARES Net - 7.150 MHz
Comments:  Nets for the SGBWS ARES have now resumed after being suspended for the months of July and August for the summer.

Registered stations with the South Georgian Bay West Simcoe ARES participated in the annual Terry Fox run held in Midland on September 14.  8 stations were in attendance and the event went off without a hitch.  Stations were placed at the main intersections of the course, a mobile and a bicycle mobile were also traveling the course allowing all points to be covered.  Net control was set up at the Mountainview Mall in Midland.  This year one of the coordinators of the run was given a handheld radio to monitor our communications.  He stated that the amateur operators that were there were totally professional and he could not believe how efficient and rapid our response was to issues that came up.  The police that were present for the event were also stating that the only information that they were recieving about the run was comming from the amateur operators.

NTS Liaison Station - Ken - VA3KEW, 0 traffic to / from ARES group to the OSN and the OPN.   Local traffic = 0 message. 

OBS - VA3KNR - Doug, read 4 Bulletins.

ARES data updated on local club web site and ARES web site 



M. K. Moreau - VE3LKI -  SGBWS ARES.
Copyright © 2001 [South Georgian Bay West Simcoe ARES]. All rights reserved.