The VE3MCH Amprnet/Internet gateway consists of a Pentium 4 computer running GNU/Linux Ubuntu with ax25 support compiled in the kernel and running the full ax25 utilities, etc.. about 14 Gbyte of Linux programs and services.

Amprnet (ampr.org domain) is a large semi virtual private network scattered over the globe and presently divided in about 282 subnets. These subnets are interconnected by means of IPIP tunnels. Amprnet is strictly tcp/ip but other non tcp/ip procols like AX25, Flexnet are tunneled over Amprnet/Internet to other gateways when Wireless isn't possible. VA3TOK is not only interconnected with other Amprnet gateways but also with other non Amprnet packet gateways. who restrict themselfs to other protocols. It routes many protocols.

TCP/IP tutorial and Technical overview (IBM Redbook) in html or pdf (7.7 Mb)

Linux is the only operating system that provides standard AX25 Amateur Radio support into the kernel..

The machine acts as the Amprnet/Internet tcp/ip Gateway for the following subnets...


Subnet   Area
44.135.85/24   Hamilton / Burlington
44.135.86/24   Niagara
44.135.90/24   Oakville(Halton)

We run the following amateur radio accessible services, servers and Nodes besides Linux

  1. APRS server
  2. AWZ node
  3. Convers server Tampa Ping-Pong
  4. Dxcluster clx
  5. FPAC/Rose
  6. Jnos 2.0
  7. RMS/Telpac node to Winlink
  8. X-net/Flexnet

Supported protocols: TCP/IP, APRS, AX25, FLEXNET, INP3, NETROM, ROSE/FPAC ,

Full Amprnet access to all wireless amateur tcp/ip networks world-wide.

APRS stands for automatic packet reporting system and is developed by Bob Bruininga, WB4APR to track mobile GPS (navigation system) amateur radio stations with two-way radio. We are experimenting with aprsd and a new aprs server as written by Maiko Langelaar VE4KLM (http://www.langelaar.net/projects/jnos2/) and included in Jnos 2.0 and Tnos 3.01.

AWZ node is used as front-end for the ax25 utilities in linux.

The linux kernel provides native ax25 support and ax25 utilies (packages) is software what runs in userspace. The main ax25 utilitie packages, ax25-apps, ax25-tools, libax25, node and optional ax25-spyd & ax25mail-utils have to be configured. The AX25-HOWTO document describes how to install and configure this support.

Convers server is a world-wide chat server for amateurs, this server is developed by Heikki Hannikainen, OH7LZ derived from work by Brian Lantz. KO4KS http://www.lantz.com The source code can be downloaded from sourceforge.net CLX home page

Dxcluster is used as a special server to exchange life information about heard and or worked dx (long distance) stations at mainly short-wave but also higher frequency amateur bands, all these dxclusters are interlinked world-wide.


FPAC protocol as developed by F6DWJ is based on X25 and fully compatible with Rose as developed by W2VY, the linux version is using the rose kernel developed by G4KLX, modified by F1OAT and F6FBB. FPAC (Rose) allows fast and efficient packet switching with a very small overhead. Documentation and software can be found at http://www.f6fbb.org/fpac/doc/index.html and http://www.qsl.net/fpac

, host hamgate.va3tok.ampr.org (ax25: va3tok-5 , Netrom : WAAT va3tok-6) has many axip/axudp wormhole links with other ax25 packet networks all over the world, it's netrom node lists about 1100 nodes world-wide. It's bbs has + 120 Ham Internet mailing lists for the experimenter Jnos is based on the original net (original Dos based) code developed by Phil Karn, KA9Q with much improvements by Gerard van der Grinten, PA0GRI (gri nos) and later development by John Reinalda, WG7J, James Dugal N5KNX and others. The source code is presently maintained by Maiko Langelaar, VE4KLM who made many improvents and additions.


Click here to download a compiled jnos2.0 binary for linux including ve4klm's latest aprsserver

Tnos written by Brian Lantz, KO4KS http://www.lantz.com is derived from the original net software as developed by Phil Karn, KA9Q, Gerard, PA0GRI and has more facillities build in to interact with a standard ax25 bbs like the software written by Jean-Paul Roubelat F6BB and DPBox of Joachim Schurig, DL8HBS.

Download the latest tnos (3.0) source code version from here ,see the included readme for instructions how to compile it. The archives can be found at tnos.sourceforge.net

X-net documentation is the linux based software running the Flexnet protocol and is a token ring (if used with the DAMA protocol) based ax25 system, very much improving the disadvantages of Netrom and ax25 and developed by German Hams Jimmy, DL1GJI (Software) and Manfred, DL2GWA (Docs) and extensively used in Europe, flexnodes are also called digi's and va3tok-8 is one of the very few located in North-America with about 1200 accessible from flexnet node/digi va3tok-8. Documention and faqs can be found at http://www.qsl.net/db0syl/index_en.htm and software at http://www.swiss-artg.ch/xnet

English info/doc http://ww2.n1uro.com/xnet

The E-prom in your standard tnc needs to be replaced by 6pack as the standard kiss is not reliable for flexnet over the air as kiss uses non acknowledged packets internally, this is for all software flavors of flexnet be it for linux or dos.

The Web Based FlexNet How To Guide is a power point slideshow about pc/flexnet (dos) of the north-east area flex group, addressing different modems/tnc's. FAQ & other docs of this group.

Flexnet groupSoftware called pc/flexnet and documentation for win98 of the original flexnet group can be found at http://www.afthd.tu-darmstadt.de/~flexnet

NORTH><LINK at http://www.nordlink.org/eng/index.htm has released an upgrade to their TheNet for Linux with Dama Protocol, a build in Flexnet Gateway and Level2-Auto tunneling


Winlink 2000

TELHAM VE3MCH-10 is running the netrom network node/gateway to access the Winlink 2000 Global (Pactor) HF E-mail system, see http://www.winlink.org. RMS is the new name for telpac and can be downloaded from http://www.prgm.org/projekte/rms-gateway/.


Access Frequency for all services is: 145.590 Mhz Coverage Area: Niagara (US border) St Catharines , Brantford, Hamilton, Oakville, Freetown, Milton , Brampton, Mississauga, Toronto and beyond...


ax25 call Service Flexnet call Netrom call Netrom alias amprnet tcp/ip hostname tcp/ip services/ports access Remarks
ve3mch Dxcluster           Not operational (upgrade)
ve3mch-1 Convers       convers.ve3mch.ampr.org 3600/convers  
ve3mch-2 AWZ Node   ve3mch-7 Y-HAMS      
ve3mch-8 X-net/Flexnet ve3mch-8 ve3mch-8 X-HAMS xnet.ve3mch.ampr.org telnet  
ve3mch-4 Fpac/Rose            
ve3mch-5 Jnos ve3mch-5 ve3mch-6 HAMS ve3mch.ampr.org convers, smtp, telnet, ftp, http ax25 call also at flexnet
ve3mch-9 linux kernel       linux.ve3mch.ampr.org http no user access yet
ve3mch-10 RMS/Telpac   ve3mch-10 TELWAT Wink link gateway
ve3mch-11 APRS            

Router Subnets: 44.135.85/24, 44.135.86/24, 44.135.90/24

Contact Bob Tenty, VE3TOK for details