

At home I usually operate with an FT-847 on VHF and a Kenwood TS-830S for HF.
For AO-40 I use a modified Transystem AIDC-3731AA as a down-converter, this unit has been modified to cover 2400 MHz by N4IP and lately to accept voltages between 11 to 35 VDC. With all these modifications I can plug the down-converter straight to the FT-847 without having to use a bias-tee. Very simple to use.

During VHF contest, I operate mostly mobile from mountain tops, here is my current gear.  






50 MHz

3 elements yagi

IC-706 100W

57 dBm

144 MHz

13 elements yagi

FT-847 50W

59 dBm

432 MHz

16 elements yagi

FT-847 50W

61.5 dBm

903 MHz

33 elements loop-yagi

IC-706 + HW transverter 5W

53.5 dBm

1296 MHz

25 elements loop-yagi

IC-706 + HW transverter 15W

56.7 dBm

2400 MHz

25 turns helix

FT-847 + Transystem AIDC-3731AA

RX only for AO-40

No 222 MHz yet, but I working in a new transverter.

Here are some of the antennas used during the Jan VHF contest 2002

Below is a picture of my AO-40 balcony antenna farm.

The 4 1/2' dish is used for downlink at 2401 MHz while the short yagi is used for uplink at 435 MHz.

The Shack as of 12/02/02