Amateur radio is an exciting and fun filled hobby. Those of you who surf the web regularly can probably relate to some of the similarities between the hobby and surfing .

Just like on the internet , in amateur radio you meet lots of interesting people from interesting places all over the world. Some of the people we meet , we become friends with and as you know a friend is a wonderful thing to have . You communicate with them on a regular basis and some of them less frequently but either way you still exchange ideas and discuss various topics of mutual interest .

When you think about how big the world really is , it's a miracle when people meet and get together to form a friendship . No matter what the medium is , when this happens , it creates the possibility of us discovering how different yet also how much alike we are . When this understanding becomes clear to us it makes us wonder if we all do our part could we make the world a better place . I for one chose to think so .

Another common thread is that " Ham's " and " surfers " are both interested in technology and what's around the bend . The possibilities are endless limited only by our imiganitions . Great strides are being made in electronics as well as many other aspects of life .

I enjoy talking to people in other places and learning about what life is like where they live . It's a hobby that's fun for all ages , races , nationalities , and gender's. Somewhere in this world there's a person waiting by their radio that you can just call up or call for any station to answer you and strike up a conversation . It's good clean fun and a great way to spend time . There are also a lot of different aspects of the hobby , so there is something for everyone .

Below are some links that will provide you with loads of information regarding this hobby if you think you may be interested .
Sorry, you don't have the plug-in to heard this musique !


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