Founded in 2000 by Jim Weidner, K2JXW, the ARLHS is the only society devoted exclusively to Maritime Communications and Ham Radio, Lighthouses and Lightships. One can find Expedition-Activation News, Lighthouse Awards information, Worlds List of Lights etc at
"Home Haven Award"
Award is issued by radio amateurs-seamen of Odessa city.
A total of 50 points for contacts needs to be collected.
Contacts must be made after the 1st of August 1991,
all available bands and modes are valid, repeated QSO
on different bands. Contacts through VHF repeaters are
not count.Two QSO with Ukrainian maritime mobile station should be
established at least, each count as 15 points. (/mm) QSO with cities-ports of Odessa region gives 2 points.QSO with expeditions of local hams gives 10 points. (/p)
During festivities: 1.04 - 2.04 - "Humorina"
10.04 - 12.04 - "Odessa Liberation Day"
2.09 - 3.09 - "Odessa City Birthday"

- each QSO with stations from Odessa gives 5 points.

Cities-ports of Odessa region:
Odessa, Yuzhny, Illichevsk, Izmail, Belgorod-Dnestrovsky, Vilkovo, Kilia, Reni
- are located on the shores of Black Sea and Danube river.

Award Fee: US $ 5

Award Manager: Reutov Eugeny V. 2, Odessa-62
65062 Ukraine
[email protected]
"Ukrainian Lighthouses Award"
The award is given out for 5 communications with five various lighthouses located in Ukraine.The address of the manager of the award:Max F. Yevsyukov, P.O.Box 57,. Kerch, 98312, Ukraine.   E-mail:
[email protected]