Hello, stranger!

Many thanks for visit and interesting about my Home Page. Here you may find 
some information about me and many interesting HAM's & other links.

Now I'd like to tell you  about myself. I  was born on 02 June in 1970 in Pavlodar, North Kazakhstan and now I'm 30 years old. I am married.

In 1993 I have finished education in institute on a speciality the radioengineer, but has not worked day on a speciality :-). Now I work in structure of KazKommerts Bank on a post of the programmer but basic direction of my activity is telecom-munications. I provide modem communication, I are engaged in set-up of the communication software, and in free from work time I try to develop Web page.

But really main my hobby is amateur radio. My first license I has got in 1987. Then I worked as RL7FGJ, but several years back in Kazakhstan has occurred a changing the prefixes and I has got UN7FAZ call sign. Now I have Extra Class license and work in air as UN7FK. I much likes and actively work in many contests as UP0F. UP0F it's my second call sign which I have got specially for work in contests. I'm using transiver Yaesu FT-990 with home made amplifier about 500 watts output and vertical Cushcraft R7000+ approximately 25 meters high. It's equipment do really very good job.

That's all story now. If you wonna to contact with me please send me your message via E-Mail.