Expedition to Pamir Mountains (UJ8R area). Summer 1981.

EK8R Expedition took place in summer 1981. 
 Mirzo Tursoon-Zadeh was one of the prominent tajik poets. 
 His poems are written in the language of the people who gave 
 the world such great writers and poets like Rudaki, Firdousi, 
 Nizomi, Khayam, Saadi and Khafiz. Mirzo Tursoon-Zadeh 
 would be 70 in 1981 (1911-1977).   

 The ascent of Tajik climbers to one of nameless peaks in 
 Pamir mountains was devoted to the celebration of the poet's 
 jubilee. The peak, its height is 6038 meters was named after 
 Mirzo Tursoon-Zadeh. DX-pedition was working during the 
 ascent being allocated at the foot of the mountain at the altitude 
 of 4100 meters above sea level. 


Meeting in Tursoonzadeh city few days before expedition departure. 

Expedition members in the camp (L-R): 

1st row:  
Slava UJ8JG, Masud UJ8JCF (EY8AA), Nodir UJ8-040186 (EY8MM). 

2nd row: 
Alexej UA1BX, Roman UA3AHF (RZ3AA), Valery UJ8SAS (EY7SS), Alex UJ8JJJ (RU4CJ)


The son and grandson of the poet: 

Masud EY8AA and Nodir EY8MM 


Peak named after Mirzo Tursoon-Zadeh. 

Total 6,038 qso's was made in accordance with mountain altitude. 


Tajik alpinists on the top of the peak 6038 m above sea level.

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