Amatör Sayfası Dönüş


2- FBB 7.0     BBS Komutları

Hazırlayan: Atila Başkoçak, TA1DX 

(Bu sayfadaki komutlar, DIGI ve BBS lerin yardım menülerinden kopyalanıp düzenlenmiştir. Farklı karakter yapısı bu nedenledir. Tercümeleri yapanlar:TA3DG (Mehmet Şavluk), TA3CCT (Thomas), TA2FQ (Fatih Oran) ve TA3CCN (Nurettin Şentürk)) Tnx TA2MBD


   Türkiye'nin ilk Paket BBS istasyonu olan TA2EM-1, üyelerimizden İhsan Kılıçkaya, TA2EM tarafından işletilmektedir. Kısa Dalgadan aldığı mesajları, 144,650 MHz frekansından bağlanan Paket Radyoculara aktarmakta, gene onların mesajlarını da Kısa Dalgadan yerlerine ulaştırmaktadır. TA2EM-1 BBS 'inde FBB 7.0 programı kullanılmaktadır.  İzmir TA3MBX ise FBB 5.15 versiyonunu kullanır.  Ankara TA2BBS de FBB 7.0d kullanır.

 Türkiye'deki paket radyo tarihinden bahsederken, TA3AK Ömer Yardaş  arkadaşımızdan da bahsetmek gerekir.  Yıllarca TA3BOX  (FBB 7.0) işaretiyle  HF  mesaj alış verişi yapan sistemi çalıştırmış, ayrıca TA3BUR, TA4MAR ve TA3IZM digilerini oluşturmuştur. 

    BBS, kendisinine  ilk CONNECT olduğunuzda, sizi tanımak için isminizi, şehrinizi, posta kodunuzu öğrenmek ister. Bu sorulara verdiğiniz cevapları, ileride tekrar  (uygun komutlar ile) değiştirebilirsiniz. Bazı BBS ler, tüm komutları içeren kısaltmalar ile hazır oldukları mesajını size iletirken, TA2EM-1 BBS i  ise aşağıdaki şekilde sizin komutlarınızı bekler:

(1) TA2EM BBS (H for help) >

Bu komuttan  sonra H (elp) yazarsanız kullandığı komutları size verir.

FBB 7.0 Programı Kullanilan komutlar listesi:

A : Abort - Listeleme konumundan ayrilis.

B : Bye - BBS'ten ayrilis.(Hoscakal)

C : Conference - Gurup kanusma modu. Access to conference.

D : DOS - FBBDOS bolumu, veya dosya alis-veris.

F : FBB - Hizmet bolumu

G : Gateway - Diger frakanslara gecis kapisi.

H : Help - Yardim.

I : Info - Sitem hakkinda bilgi.

J : Jheard - Enson bagli istasyonlarin listesi.

K : Kill - Mesajlari silmek

L : List - Mesajlari listelemek.

M : Make - mesaj dosyasi kopyalamak

N : Name - Isim girmek veya degistirmek

NZ: Zip - Zip kodu girmek veya degistirmek.

NH: homeBBS - Bagli bulundugunuz BBS'i girmek veya degistrimek.

O : Option - Opsiyon secimi(Sayfalama,lisan,kisisel liste/okumak vb).

PS: Servers - BBS icersinde kullanabilinir hizmet alanlarini gostermek.

PG: Program - Run (show) certain DOS-programs.

R : Read - Mesajlari okumak.

S : Send - Mesaj gondermek.

T : Talk - Sysop ile konusmak.

U : Upload - Upload a file to the BBS.

V : Verbose - Acik sekilde mesaj okumak. (R ile aynidir,fakat gelen yollari


W : What - Hangi dosyalari kullanabilirsiniz.

X : Expert - Usta ve Normal kullanim sekli

Y : Yapp - Yapp protokolu ile binary dosya alis-verisi.

Z : Delete - Dosya silmek.

+ : Append - Sadece sysoplar icin: Append a file after a message.

> : Send text - To send a text to another station connected to the BBS.

= : Connect - To connect another station connected to the BBS.

! : Info - BBs hakkinda bilgi

$ : Forwardet -Sadece sysoplar icin : Show what BBSs that will receive, or

    already have rceived a message.

* : Wildcard - Many possibilities, like @,?,#,=,*



A veya ABORT komudu listeleme yaptiginiz esnada listeler uzadiysa, yada listelemeden ayrilip baska islem yapmak istediyseniz zaman kullanmaniz gereken komuttur. Listelemin ortasinda (A) komudunu kullanirsaniz, bir muddet sonra size ABORT diye cevap gelecektir. Bundan sonra ki isleminizle yeni emirler gonderebilirsiniz. Sayfalama esnasında mesaj okumak isterseniz, C ve N komutlarini da kullanabilirsiniz. Bu islemlerin gecerli olabilmesi icin BBS konumundayken sayfalamayi secmeniz gerekmektedir.(?P yazarak bilgi alabilirsiniz.) N Komudu ile bir sonraki mesaji okumaniz ve C komudunu kullanarak ta devam etmeniz mumkundur.

Ornek: R 123 234 345 654 gibi .Bu mesaj numaralari ornek olarak yazilmistir.



- "CW" Komudu konferanstaki gorusmelerin listesini verir.

- "C" Komudu ile sizinde konferansa katilmaniz mumkundur.

Konferans konumunda iken kullanilan butun komutlara (.) koymayi unutmayin.

Komutlar :

.C[port] CALL-SIGN [V REPEAT ...] connects a call-sign on a port.

.D Konferans kunumunda iken kullanicilardan disc olmak icin.

.H Konferans konumunda yardim alabilirsiniz.

.W Konferans konumunu kullananlarin cagri isaretlerini gorebilirsiniz.

.Q Konferans konumundan ayrilmak icin kullanabilirsiniz


Available commands in FBBDOS are:

? and HELP - This help-text.

O - Options (paging, base-number etc)

DIR - Show directory-listing.

DU - Show disk-usage.

EDIT - Edit a file.

GET - Download an ASCII file from the BBS.

PUT - Upload an ASCII file to the BBS.

CD - Change Directory.

MD and MKDIR - Make Directory.

COPY - Copy a file.

DEL - Delete a file.

RD and RMDIR - Remove a Directory.

TYPE - Download an ASCII-file with paging.

BGET - Download a file with AUTOBIN (via radio)

BPUT - Upload a file with AUTOBIN (via radio)

YGET - Download a file with YAPP (via radio)

YPUT - Upload a file with YAPP (via radio)

XGET - Download a file with XMODEM (via modem)

XPUT - Upload a file with XMODEM (via modem)

X1GET - Download a file with 1k-XMODEM (via modem)

YGET - Download a file with YMODEM (via modem)

ZGET - Download a file with ZMODEM (via modem)

LIST - Show directory-listing WITH labels (if available).

PRIV - Go to a special directory (private...).

VIEW - See contents of .ZIP. .ARC and .LZH-files.

NEW - See all new files since last NEW-command.

EXIT, F and QUIT - Return to BBS-mode.

B - Disconnect.

You can go from one disk to another (like in MSDOS) with commands A: or

C: etc if the BBS uses more than one (physical or virtual) disk.


D-command has 2 different functions.

1) If you send D [filename], the mailbox will send you the file with that name. This file must be in the root-directory for users. If the file is in a subdirectory, you must use fulle path, like this:


See also help with the W-command (? W).

2) If you send the letter D alone, you will enter FBBDOS. The commands in FBBDOS are very similar to those of MS-DOS. Users have access to a part of the BBS's hard-disk in FBBDOS. Following commands are allowed here:

? HELP >= Use one of these to get help.

DIR >= List files in this directory.

MD MKDIR [name] >= Use one of these to make a new directory.

RD RMDIR [name] >= Use one of these to remove a directory. You cannot be in the directory you want to remove, and the directory must be empty.

CD [name] >= Use CD to change directory.

COPY [from] [to]>= Copy a file named [from] to a file named [to].Can also be used to copy between directories.

DEL [filename] >= Deletes the file [filename].

TYPE [filename] >= Download the ASCII-file [filename] from the BBS. The file is divided into pages, if you use paging when in BBS-mode. The file must be in your current directory.

GET [filename] >= Identical to TYPE, but always without paging, and the file is always ended with a CTRL-Z.

PUT [filename] >= Use this command to upload an ASCII-fil to this directory.

BPUT and BGET >= Use for upload or download of files via radio with AUTOBIN-protocole.

YPUT and YGET >= These are identical to PUT and GET, but uses the YAPP-protocole for binary transfer. Except:

Via telephone-modem YGET can be used to download files with YMODEM, YMODEM-BATCH or YMODEM-G.

XPUT and XGET >= These are identical to YPUT and YGET, but uses the XMODEM-protocole for binary transfer. Only for telephone-modem.

X1GET >= As XGET, but with 1K-XMODEM protocole.

ZGET >= As XGET, but with ZMODEM-protocole.

EDIT [filename] >= This is a small editor for editing texts and files in the BBS. You can use this editor ONLY on files that YOU have uploaded to the BBS. Get more info with ? EDIT

Command "EDIT":


This command is used for editing text-files in this BBS.Here are the available commands:

? : Shows all commands that can be used in the editor.

A : Adds a line after the current line. The text for the new line shall follow the letter A. If more commands are to follow after the text, the text must be ended with a "/" before next command. If the sign "/" itself is to used in the text, a "\" must be written just before the "/". If again the "\" is to be used inside the text as a valid character, it must be written twice ("\\"). The pointer will be at the start of the new line.

B : Go to start of file.

E : Go to end of file.

F : Search for the first occurrence of a character (or string of characters) in the file. The search starts at the current line. The string of characters must be ended with a "/" if more commands are chained (se the paragraph on the A-command).

I : Insert a line before the current line. Read about ending with a "/" in the paragraph on the A-command.

K : Delete the number of lines that are stated just before the letter K.

Example: 3K

If no number is used, then 1 line is deleted.

L : Move a number of lines from the current line. The number can be negative to move towards the start of the file.

Examples: 5L -10L

N : Toggle line-numbering on/off.

P : Show a number of lines from the current line. Example 8P. This will show 8 lines, starting with the current line.

R : Search and replace. Search for a string of characters and replace it with a new one. Example: RALL/ALLE will replace all ALL with ALLE from the current line to the end of the file.

S : Save file.

Q : Exit the editor without saving the file.


"EDIT>B5L10P" sets pointer at start of file. Move 5 lines down, and show 10 lines from there.

"EDIT>B4L6K-2L1OP" sets the pointer to the start of file. Move down 4 lines. Delete 6 lines. Move back 2 lines, and show 10 lines.

"EDIT>BFBonjour/K-2L5P" sets the pointer to the start of file, searches for "Bonjour", deletes the line containing "Bonjour", moves back 2 lines and shows 5 lines.

"EDIT>BFBonjour/IC'est une nouvelle ligne avec un \/ dedans/-1L3P" sets the pointer to start of file. Searches for "Bonjour", inserts the new line. The new line also contains the character "/". Goes back 1 line and shows 3 lines.

"EDIT>SQ" save file and quit the editor.


F B EXIT QUIT >= Use one of these to go back from FBBDOS to BBS-mode.

O >= Use this to set "options" like in BBS-mode.

LIST >= Same as DIR, but shows also descriptions of files, if users have provided such an description..

PRIV >= Gives special users access to a special directory.

VIEW >= See the contents of an archived file like *.ZIP, *.LZH etc. VIEW filename.ext

NEW >= List all new files since you last sent NEW



F -Komudu ozel HIZMET bolumu icin ve onun icinde kullanilir.

BBS konumunda iken hizmet bolumune gecebilisiniz.Bu mailbox hakkinda kullanim bilgileri alabilirsiniz  Dokuman dosyalarini okuyabilirsiniz.Bu mailbox'i kullananlar hakkinda bilgi alabilirsiniz. QTH Lokalatorler arasindaki mesafeyi hesaplayabilirsiniz.  Uydular arasindaki aci ve yorungeleri hesaplayabilirsiniz.

(1) TA2EM BBS>


You are now in "Server-mode". Type F <return> for BBS-mode again.

(1) SERVER-MENU (C,D,N,Q,T,F,B. ?=help) >h

(C) Connections-Stat.

(D) Docs.

(Q) Qth-Locator.

(N) User-data.

(T) Satellites.

(F) Return to BBS-mode.

(B) Disconnect.

For help, type ? (command).

SERVER-MENU (C,D,N,Q,T,F,B. ?=help) >? c



This is where you can get statistical information on the use of this BBS.


(1) SERVER-MENU (C,D,N,Q,T,F,B. ?=help) >? d



This is where you can get information and documentation of various kinds. The commands are numerical.

(1) SERVER-MENU (C,D,N,Q,T,F,B. ?=help) >? q



The QTH Locator describes one geographical position. This is done with a succession of 2 letters, 2 numbers and 2 letters. Example: FN31SH

You can change a QTH-locator into longitude and latitude, or vice-versa, calculate the distances and headings between two QTH-locators, or calculate your contest scores (cumulative distances).

(1) SERVER-MENU (C,D,N,Q,T,F,B. ?=help) >



In this module you will find any information that users want to leave, Surname, first-name, address, telephone, etc ...You can enter your own information in the same way.  

(1) SERVER-MENU (C,D,N,Q,T,F,B. ?=help) >? t



Trajectory calculator, orbital parameters and the charactaristics of several amateur ? f satellites.

(1) SERVER-MENU (C,D,N,Q,T,F,B. ?=help) >



Use this command to return to BBS-mode.

(1) SERVER-MENU (C,D,N,Q,T,F,B. ?=help) >c

(1) CONNECTIONS-STAT. (G,H,I,J,L,O,F,B. ?=help) >h

Use pr hour


* *

* *

* * *

* ** * *

** ** * * *

** ** ** * ** * **

** ** *********** * **

*** ********************



0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 Hour

0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8 0 2

(1) CONNECTIONS-STAT. (G,H,I,J,L,O,F,B. ?=help) >? g

Command G : General statistics about the server:

- Number of active messages.

- Number of connections in this BBS.

- Average time per connect.

- Average number of connects per day.

- High-traffic hours.


(1) CONNECTIONS-STAT. (G,H,I,J,L,O,F,B. ?=help) >? h

H : Graphic display of mailbox-usage each hour.

H [call] : Graphic display of usage of a callsign. "Wildcards" are allowed here. For example:

H W* : Gives a graphic display of usage from all W-stations.


(1) CONNECTIONS-STAT. (G,H,I,J,L,O,F,B. ?=help) >? i

I : List all callsigns that have used this mailbox. The list is sorted in alphabetical order. "Wildcards" are allowed, for example:

I W* : Gives a list of all W-stations.

(1) CONNECTIONS-STAT. (G,H,I,J,L,O,F,B. ?=help) >? j

J : Graphic display of daily total use of the mailbox.

J [call] : Graphic display for a callsign. "Wildcards" are allowed here.

For example:

J W* : Gives graphic display of usage from all W-stations.

(1) CONNECTIONS-STAT. (G,H,I,J,L,O,F,B. ?=help) >? l

Command L : Show detailed information on each connect:

- Port (A, B etc)

- Channel-number

- Number of each connect (starting from 1)

- Callsign

- Date

- Time (start of connection)

- Number of minutes and seconds for the connect

The list is shown in reverse chronological order, and can be aborted with the A-command.

(1) CONNECTIONS-STAT. (G,H,I,J,L,O,F,B. ?=help) >? o

Command O : Shows the usage of the mailbox and servers (percentage), and also the usage of each server individually.

(1) CONNECTIONS-STAT. (G,H,I,J,L,O,F,B. ?=help) >? f

Command F :


With this command you can go back to server-menu, and continue from there. If you want to leave server-mode, you can press F once more. 

(1) CONNECTIONS-STAT. (G,H,I,J,L,O,F,B. ?=help) >? b

Command B :


With this command you can log off from the BBS without going back to the BBS mode first.

(1) CONNECTIONS-STAT. (G,H,I,J,L,O,F,B. ?=help) >b




Hello Atila. 1051 active messages, last is 378003, last listed is 378003.

Assigned channels:

Ch. 1 (VHF) : TA1DX-0 - Fri 07/01/00 21:14

(1) TA2EM BBS>


You are now in "Server-mode". Type F <return> for BBS-mode again.

(1) SERVER-MENU (C,D,N,Q,T,F,B. ?=help) >d

1 connected(e) stasjon(er)

DOCUMENTATION (Number,L,R,B,F. ?=Help) >? l

Command L :


Use this command to see list of available files.

1 connected(e) stasjon(er)

DOCUMENTATION (Number,L,R,B,F. ?=Help) >? r

Command R :


If you have moved to a sub-directory of DOCS, use R to return to previous directory-level.

1 connected(e) stasjon(er)

DOCUMENTATION (Number,L,R,B,F. ?=Help) >? b

Command B :


With this command you can log off from the BBS without going back to the BBS mode first.

1 connected(e) stasjon(er)

DOCUMENTATION (Number,L,R,B,F. ?=Help) >? f

Command F :


With this command you can go back to the server menu, and continue from there. If you want to leave the server-mode, you can press F once more.

1 connected(e) stasjon(er)

DOCUMENTATION (Number,L,R,B,F. ?=Help) >f

(1) SERVER-MENU (C,D,N,Q,T,F,B. ?=help) >n

(1) USER-DATA (I,N,R,F,B. ?=help) >? i

Command I : List of the callsigns that have connected to the BBS. This is in alphabetical order. 

(1) USER-DATA (I,N,R,F,B. ?=help) >? n

Command N : Change your surname and address. If the entries in the address file are incorrect or they have changed, you can change them with this command. A <space> or <return> in response to the question will not modify the contents. If the contents of the file are correct, you stop the changes by replying N to the Change (Y/N) question.

For SYSOP : Sysop can change user-data with command N (callsign).

(1) USER-DATA (I,N,R,F,B. ?=help) >? r

Command R : Search for information on a user. You can send R alone, then the BBS will prompt you for a callsign, or you can send R [callsign] directly.

Example: R LA6CU

(1) USER-DATA (I,N,R,F,B. ?=help) >? f

Command F :


With this command you can go back to the server menu, and continue from there. If you want to leave the server mode, you can press F once more.

(1) USER-DATA (I,N,R,F,B. ?=help) >? b

Command B :


With this command you can log off from the BBS without going back to BBS mode first.

(1) USER-DATA (I,N,R,F,B. ?=help) >f

(1) SERVER-MENU (C,D,N,Q,T,F,B. ?=help) >q

(1) QTH-LOCATOR (C,D,L,Q,F,B. ?=help) >? c

Command C : Sum of calculated distances. Having entered the QTH-Locator, which serves as the origin for the calculations, you could give a destination QTH-locator. The calculated distance could be summed with a second or several other calculations. It permits you to calculate the total number of Km. Distances shorter than 1 km is given 1 point in the calculations.

(1) QTH-LOCATOR (C,D,L,Q,F,B. ?=help) >? d

Command D : Calculate the distance and heading between two QTH locators. The distance is given in Km and the heading in degrees.

(1) QTH-LOCATOR (C,D,L,Q,F,B. ?=help) >? l

Command L : Change Longitude and Latitude into a QTH Locator. The longitude and latitude can be entered in degrees and hundredths, degrees and minutes, or in gradians. Correct format must be used:

Degrees : 1:45:00 (direction)

Gradians : 1.5 (direction)

where [direction] must be replaced by North, South, East or West. Remember to use a CAPITAL letter as the first letter!

(1) QTH-LOCATOR (C,D,L,Q,F,B. ?=help) >? q

Command Q : Change a QTH Locator into longitude and latitude. The longitude and latitude are given in degrees/minutes and in gradians.

(1) QTH-LOCATOR (C,D,L,Q,F,B. ?=help) >? f

Command F :


With this command you can go back to the server-menu, and continue from there. If you want to leave the server-mode, you can press F once more.

(1) QTH-LOCATOR (C,D,L,Q,F,B. ?=help) >? b

Command B :


With this command you can log off from the BBS without going back to the BBS mode.

(1) QTH-LOCATOR (C,D,L,Q,F,B. ?=help) >f

(1) SERVER-MENU (C,D,N,Q,T,F,B. ?=help) >t


(1) SATELLITES (C,P,T,F,B. ?=help) >? c

Command C : Characteristics and information on the selected satellite. After command C send L for list of satellites.


(1) SATELLITES (C,P,T,F,B. ?=help) >? p

Command P : Display the orbital parameters of the selected satellite. These parameters are used for the calculations. After command P send L for list of satellites.

(1) SATELLITES (C,P,T,F,B. ?=help) >? t

Command T : Calculate a satellite's trajectory. After choosing the satellite for which you want the trajectory, you have to enter the date and time from which the calculations start. The geographical position is the QTH-locator of the connected station, if it is in the file, else the QTH-locator of the server will be used by default. Following the satellites, the calculated pass could be variable, and a line of parameters will be displayed each pass. This calculated line corresponds to a minimum elevation of -5 yourees, when the satellite is 5 youress below the horizon. After command T send L for list of satellites.  


(1) SATELLITES (C,P,T,F,B. ?=help) >f

(1) SERVER-MENU (C,D,N,Q,T,F,B. ?=help) >f

You are in BBS mode. Type 'F <return>' for server mode.

(1) TA2EM BBS>



G - Komudu ile mumkun olan portlari kullanabilirsiniz.Sayet gateway kullanima acik ise.




I - Komudu ile bu BBS hakkinda bilgi alabilirsiniz.

Beyaz sayfa icin:

I (cagri isareti) - Yazmis oldugunuz cagri isareti hakkinda WP bilgilerini alabilirsiniz.

ID - WP dosyasina kayitli bilgileri alabilirsiniz.

IH Bolge - (EU, NOR gibi ) kullanicilari arastirmak icin kullanilir.

IZ (zip) - Ozel zip kotlarini arastirmak icin kullanilir.

I@ (bbs) - BBS'leri arastirmak icin kullanilir




J- komudu enson baglanan istasyonlarin listesini verir.

-JK yazarsaniz enson baglanan istasyonlari gorebilirsiniz.

-JA yazarsaniz TNC-A dan baglanan istasyonlari gorursunuz.

-J1 yazarsaniz TNC-A dan duyan istasyonlari gorursunuz.

-JB yazarsaniz TNC-B den baglanan istasyonlari gorursunuz.

-J2 yazarsaniz TNC-B den duyan istasyonlari gorursunuz.




K-Komudu size gelen veya sizin yazdiginiz mesajlari silmak icin kullanilan bir komuttur.

-K [Bosluk][mesaj no] yazarak size ait ozel mesaji silebilirsiniz.

-KM Yazarak size ait mesajlarin hepsini silebilirsiniz.[Kill mine]

Bu komud mesaj silme yetkine sahip iseniz kullanilir. Sadece okuma yetkisine sahip iseniz bu komutlari kullanamazsiniz.

PS : You cannot delete messages that are not TO you or FROM you, only SYSOP can dio  that..


SYSOP: In front of K-commands, you can put an extra K, like KKM, KKF etc.In that manner the messages will get A-status (normally K) at once.




L-Komudu ile butun mesajlari listelemeniz mumkundur.. L Komudunu sadece kullanirsaniz en son kullanmanizdan bu zamana kadar gelen mesajlari listeleyebilirsiniz..

LB Sadece bultenleri listeleyebilirsiniz.

LC Cok ozel listelemeler icin.(Lutfen alttaki ayrintilari okuyunuz.)

LM Size ait butun mesajalari listeleyebilirsiniz. [List Mine].

LN Okumadiginiz yeni mesajlari listeleyebilirsiniz. [List New].

LL 10 Mailbox'taki ilk 10 adet mesaji listeleyebilirsiniz.[List Last].

LS [Text] Basligi[Text] olan mesajlari listeleyebilrsiniz.

L< [callsign] Yazdiginiz cagri isaretinden gelen mesajlari listeleyebilirsiniz.

L> [callsign] Yazdiginiz cagri isaretine giden mesajlari listeleyebilirsiniz.

L@ Kullandiginiz BBS'e gelen mesajlari listeleyebilirsiniz.

L@ [callsign] @[callsign] ait mesajlari listeleyebilirsiniz.

L [mesaj no]- lists ONLY messages with higher number than [messages#].

L [mesaj no]-[mesaj no] yazdiginiz mesaj nolari arasindaki butun mesajlar.

LU Okumadiginiz yeni mesajlari listeleyebilirsiniz. (Icerik LN)ile aynidir.

LR lists messages in revers order, starting with the oldest one.

LR can replace L in most contexts (ex: LR 1-100)


- 325 nolu mesaji listelemek icin L 325- yaziniz.

- 300 ile 350 arasindaki mesajlari listelemek icin L 300-350 yaziniz.

PS: Check number of active messages before doing a list-command, to avoid listing every messages in the system. This is easy to check with the V-command.

LC: Ozel komudu:

Bu komut ile cok ozel listelemeler yapabilirsiniz. Sayet siz LC DX,yazarsaniz bundan sonra sadece DX'e ait mesajlari listeleyebilirsiniz.

Sayet LC *DX* yazarsaniz, DX'in basinda veye sonunda ne olursa olsun size listeleyecektir.Ornek : VHFDX DXHF gibi. Normala donmek icin LC* yaziniz.

LC ? veye LC ; Yazarsaniz size kullanilabilir LC listesini gorebilirsiniz.




M [numara] [isim] : Mesaj kopyalamak icin kullanilir

MH [numara] [isim] : Same, but in same format as R (msg#).

MV [numara] [isim] : Same, but in same format as V (msg#).

These commands will overwrite old messages.

MA [numara] [isim] : Copy a message to file.

MHA [numara] [isim]: Same, but in same format as R (msg#).

MVA [numara] [isim]: Same, but in same format as V (msg#).

These commands do NOT overwrite old messages, but append the next text tothe old file.

Sadece sysoplar icin: M can be used instead of L. The listing then will have the BID included in the subject



N-komudu ile isminizi giebilir veya degistirebilirsiniz. En fazla 12 karakter kullanabilirsiniz.

Ornek: N [Bosluk][Adiniz ]

NP, NL, NQ, NZ, NH. harfleri icin basina ? koyarak yardim alabirsiniz.


O Option


O- Komudunun seçenekleri ve kullanilma sekilleri:

O- Komudunu lisan degistirmede,sayfalamada ve taban numarasi degistirmede kullanmaniz mumkumdur.

- OP yazarsaniz mesajlari 20 satirda sayfalayabilirsiniz.

- OP [satir numarasi] yazarsaniz mesajlari o kadar satirda gorursunuz,

- OL yazarsaniz kullanilan lisan ve numaralarini goruntuleyebilirsiniz.

- OL[Bosluk][lisan-numarasi] yazarak lisan secimini yapmaniz mumkun.

- ON yazarak taban numaranizi gorebilirsiniz.

- ON [numara] yeni taban numarasi secebilirsiniz.Yazmis oldugunuz sayi 1000 ile carpilir.Sayet siz ON 54 yazarsaniz, taban numaraniz 54000 olur.Bundan sonra R 25 yazmaniz , 6025 nolu mesaji okumak isteniz demektir. ON 54000 yazarak 0 taban numarasina tekrar donebilisiniz.

- OR yazarsaniz seciminiz ozel mesajlari listeleme/okuma olacaktir.

- OM yazarsaniz seciminiz her baglandiginizda yeni gelen mesajlar olacaktir.


R Read


R-Komudu mesajlari okumak icindir.(Dosyalari okuyamazsiniz.)

-R [Bosluk][mesaj no:] yazarak bir tane mesaj okuyabilirsiniz.

You can chain several message#, seperated by a space.

- RM yazarak size gelen mesajlarin hepsini sirayla okumaniz mumkundur[Read Mine].

- RN yazarak YENI gelen mesajlari okumak mumkundur.[Read New].

- RU yazarak okumadiginiz butun mesajlari okumak mumkundur,(Size gelen veya sizin yazdiginiz mesajlar.)

- R<to read messages from a certain callsign.

- Type R> to read messages to a certain callsign.

Size ait cok mesaj var ise sayfalama komudunu kullanabilisiniz. Sayfalama yaparsaniz N komudu ile bir sonraki sayfaya C komudu ile devam, A komudu ile ayrilmak istediginizi anlatmaniz mumkundur. ENTER'basmayi unutmuyorsunuz.


S, Send

S komutu mesaj yollanmak amacı ile kullanılır.

Örnek: S TA2IY

Eğer BBS TA2IY  işaretini tanıyor ise bu şekilde yollayabilirsiniz. Ancak tanınmıyor ise, S TA2IY@..... diyerek TA2IY nin bulunduğu BBS in isminin verilmesi gereklidir.



T komutu ile, BBS in sistem operatörü (sysop)a ikaz yollanır. (Sistem operatörünün bilgisayarında ton-düdük vs şeklinde sesli ikaz)


U Upload

BBS e dosya yollanmak için kullanılır.


V Verbose

V başlığı ile okunan mesajın R gibi detaylarını verir.


W What

Hangi doyaların olduğunu sorar.


X Expert

Usta BBS kullanıcıları için BBS e komut.


Y Yapp

Binari dosyaların  YAPP Transfer   protokolu ile transfer komutu.


Z Delete

Dosya silme.