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Welcome to my new web page on the Internet. My name is Kostas Kounelis, and i live in Thessaloniki, North part of Greece (KN10LO). I am a radio amateur for over  6 years now, and i like most of all, CW Mode. My shack contains: IC-756 for HF use, along with PK-232 tnc for RTTY,SSTV and  HF-PACKET. KENWOOD TM-V7E for 2m/70cm, ALINCO 110 for packet and APRS on 2m

The antennas that i use are:

2, 15elem beams for 2m.

2, 15elem beams for 70cm.

4 elem beam for 6 m.

Dipoles for 40,20,15,10m. ( Soon with a X9 by Diamont on a 9m tower )


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E-mail me when you can, to setup a sked...73's and hope to work you on HF or in any other frequencie...


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