Sterling Park Amateur Radio Club (SPARC)
2014 Virginia QSO Party
Awards Ceremony

Gathering before the awards ceremony and admiring the plaques.  Bill Robbins, KJ4VTH, is behind table drinking something.

Admiring the plaques continuing.

Some of the audience.  The group sitting on the beachers is from the Loudoun Amateur Radio Group.

The certificates are on the table and available for pick-up.

Gordon, NQ4K, the announcer, welcoming all to the awards ceremony.

The Single Operator Digital Mode plaque, sponsored by Chris Walter, KI4CBF, is presented by Bill, KJ4VTH, representing SPARC,  to Gary Yohe, AJ4GL, from Roanoke (not present).

The High DX Station plaque, sponsored by the North Shenandoah DX Association, is presented by John, N4MM, to Jonas Paskauskas, LY5A,  (not present).

The High Single Operator VHF-Only plaque, sponsored by the Richmond Amateur Telecommunications Society, is presented by Bill, KJ4VTH, to Samuel Yarashus, KJ4JPQ (not present).

The High Outside Virginia Single Operator CW QRP plaque. sponsored by the Rappahannock Amateur Radio Association, is presented by Bill, KJ4VTH, to Dwayne Ayers, N4MIO from North Carolina (not present),

The High Virginia Single Operator CW QRP plaque, sponsored by Don Baucom, K4YND, is presented by John, N4MM, to Don Baucom, K4YND, from Loudoun.

The Outside Virginia Phone/Mixed QRP plaque, sponsored by Dave Williams, K7HMP, is presented by Bill, KJ4VTH, to Kenneth Denson, WB2P, from New Jersey (not present).

The High Mobile Single Operator plaque, sponsored by the Middle Peninsula Amateur Radio Club, in memory of KI4LXT (SK), is presented by Bill, KJ4VTH, to Tom Zeltwanger, KT4KA (not present).

The Virginia Expedition plaque, sponsored by the Alamance Amateur Radio Club, K4EG, is presented by Bill, KJ4VTH, to Jeff Newsome, KD4QIT, (not present) and is accepted on his behalf by Henry, N4HB.

The High Outside Virginia Sinvle Operator plaque, sponsored by the Alexandria Radio Club, W4HFH, is presented by Harry Jones, N4CWP, to Steve Forst, KW3A, from PA (not present).

The High Virginia Single Operator Phone/Mixed QRP plaque, sponsored by the Alexandria Radio Club, is presented by Harry Jones, N4CWP, to Ross Primrose, N4RP, from Fauquier.

The High Single Operator Novice/Tech/Rookie plaque, sponsored by the Richmond Amateur Radio Club, is presented by Dr. Joe Palsa,K3WRY, to John Herrick, KK4BSM, from Fluvanna.

The High Single Operator Youth (18 years old or younger), was sponsored by the K4AMG Memorial Amateur Radio Club, and presented to John Herrick, KK4BSM, from Fluvanna.  John wrote a summary of his interest in Amateur Radio.

The High Virginia Single Operator CW Low Power plaque, sponsored by the Loudoun Amateur Radio Group, is presented by Norn Styer, AI2C (on left), Gary Quinn, NC4S (2nd from left), JJeff Crawford, K0ZR (2nd from right), and Dale Gray, K3SEN (on right), to Richard Manderski, W2SKI, from Chesterfield (not present) and sccepted by Henry Boze, N4HB (in center). 

The High Single Operator Virginia Counties and Independent Cities Contacted, sponsored by the Franklin County Amateur Radio Club, is presented by Bill, KJ4VTH, to Gene Sullivan, WA4NUF, from Rockingham 
The High Single Band plaque, sponsored by the Vienna Wireless Society, is presented by Kevin, WB0POH; Brian, WV4V, and John, KJ4YHC, to Gene Sullivan, WA4NUF, from Rockingham.
The High Virginia Single Operator Phone Low Power plaque, sponsored by John Heartney, KG4NXT,  is presented by Bill, KJ4VTH to Ed Hoeck, KN3E, from Northunberland ana accepted on his behalf by Harry, N4HB.

The High Virginia Single Operator Phone High Power plaque, sponsored by the Shenandoah Valley Amateur Radio Club, is presented by John, N4MM, to Bill Robbins, KJ4VTH, of Loudoun.
High Virginia Single Operator CW High Power sponsored by the Loudoun Amateur Radio Club is presented by Norm Styer,AI2C (on left), and Gary Quinn, NC4S (on right), to Jeff Crawford, K0ZR, (center) of Loudoun.The High Virginia Single Operator High Power plaque, sponsored by the North Shenandoah DX Association,  is presented by John, N4MM (on right), to Jeff Crawford, K0ZR, of Loudoun.
The High Multiple Operator Single Transmitter Station, sponsored by Mark Travis, KI4OBT, is presented to Station H4HB, operated by Harry, N4HB, and Wary Dudley, AB4SF, of Northumberland.The High Single Operator - Virginia QSOs Only, sponsored by John Huggins, KX4O, is presented by Bill KJ4VTH to Rich Zwirko, K1HTV, of Culpeper.The High virginia Single Operator Low Power, sponsored by Don Sambol, K7CS, is presented by Bill, KJ4VTH,  to Rich Zwirko, K1HTV, of Culpeper.  Notice Rich now has two plaques, one in his left hand and Bill is holding the second.

The High Virginia Club - Virginia QSOs Only plaque, sponsored by the Vienna Wireless Society, is presented by Kevin, WB0POH (on left), and Brian Treadwell, WV4V, to the Fauquier Amateur Radio Association represented by Rich Zwirko, K1HTV, Mark Lindsey, KD6AKC,  Charles Gould, N4YXW, Michael Trowbridge, KA4RRU, and Ross Primrose, N4RP.

High Multiple Operator Multiple Transmitter Station, is presented by sponsorer Dr. Joe Palsa, K3WRY, to W4VA Station of Fauquier and accepted by Mark Lindsey, KD6AKC and Michael Trowbridge, KA4RRU.

High Virginia Club Combined Score sponsored by John Huggins, KX4O, is presented to the Fauquier Amateur Radio Association representee by .Charles Gould, N4YXW,  Ross Primrose, N4RP, Mark Lindsey, KD6AKC,  Rich Zwirko, K1HTV, and Michael Trowbridge, KA4RRU.
The hams at the Manassas Hamfest who made the 2014 Virginia QSO Party Awards Ceremony Possible.

Bill, KJ4VTH, managed the plaques.

Ray, KD4RSL, is SPARC treasurer and took the pictures of the awards ceremony.

Eric, AJ4LN, is the SPARC secretary and recorded the award of the plaques.

Thank you for participating in the 2014 Virginia QSO Party.

And other members of the Club and supporters who were present offering their support.

Dick, W2YE, was at the Incoming 4th call area, 2 letter prefix QSL buro table and is a long-time SPARC club member..

Jim, AF4MO, stopped by.

Kevin, WB0BOH, attended the ceremony.

Charlie, K3SR.

Jim, AF4MO, SPARC Vice-Presndent.

Duane Durst, K4UW, and Bob Loder, W4OGH.  Duane is collecting the SPARC history. Bob was one of the original founders of SPARC.

Carl Clements, W4CAC, Section Manager.

John, N4MM, is a long time supporter of the Virginia QSO Party.

Larry Bates, K0LB, a visitor.
See you on the air in 2015!

Made on 16 June 20134