Sterling Park Amateur Radio Club (SPARC)
  2 - 3 March 2019
Tech License Class

The tech license preparatory course started on Saturday, 2 March 2019 at 0800 and was over at 1115 on Sunday, 3 March 2019. The course consisted of 10 classes followed by several on-line practice examinations.

 Seventeen students took the class and all but one passed the tech exam.

The instructors continued the tradition of providing excellent instruction.  They demonstrated they knew the material, were interested in the subject, and told personal stories to keep the classes' attention. 

The instructors were: Paul, K4PDF; Earl, KB0NRK; Kevin, W4KLS; Bill, K4UPE; Henry, K2BFY; and Monte, KV4KS.  In addition  to the normal instruction, Kevin, W4KLS, did a demonstration of a modern digital radio station.


Paul, K4PDF, started the sessions with the class: T1 � FCC Rules, descriptions and definitions for the Amateur Radio Service, operator and station license responsibilities.

Earl, KB0NRK, continued with two classes: T2 - operating procedures and T8 - Modulation modes: amateur satellite
operation; operating activities; non-voice

Mike, WB8RDN, the examination coordinator, passed out Form 605 to all the students and explained the examination process.

Kevin, W4KLS, started Saturday afternoon with T7 � Station equipment: common transmitter and receiver problems; antenna measurements; troubleshooting; basic repair and testing.

Bill, K4UPE, taught two classes:  T3 � Radio wave characteristics: properties of radio waves; propagation modes and T4 - Amateur radio practices and station set up.

Henry, K2BFY, finished the classes on Saturday with the class on T5 � Electrical principles: math for electronics; electronic principles; Ohm�s Law.

Kevin, W4KLS, started Sunday morning with the class on T0 � Electrical safety: AC and DC power circuits; antenna installation; RF hazards

Monte, KV4KS, finished the classes on Sunday with the final two session on T9 � Antennas and feed lines and also T6 � Electrical components: semiconductors; circuit diagrams; component functions.

Gordon, NQ4K, monitored the classes and helped out.

Amit, KC3HVX, monitored the class and will become the class coordinator starting with the next class.

Chaz, KK4TNO, stopped by to seee how the class was progressing.

Evelyn, YL who is a good operator and may get her license, and her father, Marty, NV3H, also stopped by.

A time distortion?

The class.
Overall another successful event.
Photos by Gordon, NQ4K, and Amit, , KC3HVX

Made on 5 March 2019