Sterling Park Amateur Radio Club (SPARC)
12 February 2017 License Examination

The examination session was held on Sunday, 12 February.  

This time, we held two sessions during the examination.  The students in the class started their examination at 1300 and the examination-only license candidates started at 1400.  This worked out very well, especially given that in total we had more folks sitting for the examinations than we had seats in the room.

On 25 February 2017, Red, N3TG, emailed:

Congratulations to all listed below. They were successful in obtaining new licenses and/or new privileges as indicated:

Michael Anton            KN4BGU
Adam Armstrong        KN4BGV
Steven Balik                KN4BGW
Mary Boatman            KK4HMX        General
Brandon Broocks        KC3IOE
Tod Caldwell                KN4BGX
Allison Dufresne         KC3IOF
Aiden Evans                  KN4BGY
David Evans                   KN4BGZ
Donna Evans                 KN4BHA        General
David Ferguson            KN4BHB
Paul Folino                   KC3IOG
Blair Gillam                  KC9BBW        Extra
Chris Gordon                KM4WWU       General
Erick Hansen                 KE8GEH
Kitty Hughes                  KN4BHC
Sean Jolliff                    KN4BHD
Brian Larson                 KN4BHE
James D LeCroy            KN4BHF
James L LeCroy             KN4BHG
Aaron Nadler                KN4BHH
Mireya Pasa                    KN4BHI
Judy Petsch                    KN4BHJ
Francis Reyes                KN4BHK
Mick Roland                  KN4BHL
Kevin Roose                   KN4BHM
Chris Sanchez                 KN4BHN
Paul Sullivan                  KN4BHO
John Yates                      KE8GEI
Nick Zeller                     KN4BHP
Ryan Ziccardi                KN4BHQ

Thanks, too, to our instructors and VE team for making this huge boost to our brother and sister ham population! Looking forward to hearing you on the air...

Students starting to process their paperwork to take the examination.

 Examinees and Red, N3TG, processing paperwork.

The volunteer examiners waiting to score the exams.  Duane, K4UW (on left), Mike, WB8RDN, and Monte, KV4KS .

Red, N3TG, talking to the examinees before passing out the exams during the first session.

Working on the exam.

Duane, K4UW, volunteer examiner.

Monte, KV4KS, volunteer examiner.

Mike, WB8RDN, volunteer examiner.

Earl, KB0NRK
, helping to proctor the examination session.

One new ham proudly displaying her CSCE.

The volunteer examiner team, From the left, the leader, Red, N3TG; Gordon, NQ4K; Duane, K4UW, Mike, WB8RDN; and Monte, KV4KS.

Red, N3TG, talking to the examinees at the second session.

Photos by Gordon, NQ4K.

Made on 13 February 2017.