Sterling Park Amateur Radio Club (SPARC)
12 - 13 September 2015 Tech License Class

Another successful class.

It started on Saturday, 12 September 2015 at 0800 and was over at 1200 on Sunday, 13 September 2015. The course consisted of 10 classes followed by several on-line practice examinations.

14 students took the class and all but one passed the tech exam. 

The instructors were: Paul, K4PDF;  Bill, K4UPE;  Forrest, N4UTY; Kevin, W4KLS; Mark, KI4OBT; Blair, KC9BBW, and Monte, KV4KS. Gordon, NQ4K, coordinated the event.

Paul, K4PDF, opened with the first three classes, including FCC rules and operating procedures.

Bill, K4UPE. taught two classes on radio wave characteristics and amateur radio practices and station setup.

Kevin, W4KLS, taught two classes on electrical safety and stations equipment.

 Forrest, N4UTY, taught the class on antennas and feed lines.

Mark, KI4OBT, started Sunday morning off with a class on electrical principles.

Blair, KC9BBW, taught modulation modes.

Monte, KV4KS, concluded the classes with a session on electrical components.

Jay, one of the students, lead some of the practive online exams.

The class.

Skip, KJ4LBB, stopped by to siwh us well.

Paul, KK4AIA, make the facility aavailable for us to use.

Red, N3TG, stopped by to brief the students on the exam process.

Made on 15 September 2015