Sterling Park Amateur Radio Club (SPARC)
18 May 2014 License Examination

On, 6/1/2014 8:44 AM, Bill Free emailed::
The call signs have all been posted. The last one made it Friday evening
 due to some technical difficulties.

 Attached is a list of our students who were successful, as well as those
 who came for exam testing only.

Canepa        Jay    KM4BTJ  
Clarke        Ian    KM4BTI  
Dolan        Sydney    KM4BTG  
Dow        Mike    KM4BTF  
Gates        Scott    KM4BTE  
Gomez        Dan    KM4BTD  
Johnson        Eric    KK4YJY    Extra
Leib        Gordon    KM4BTC  
Minerd        Steve    KC3CYF  
Mogus        Jack    KM4BTB  
Parillo        Robert    KM4BTA  
Parr        Sean    KM4BSZ  
Szoke        Michaei    WB2SDY  
Taylor        Bonnie    KM3BSY  
Taylor        Kiley    KM4BSX  
Tembo        Mulengo    KM4BTN    General
Wagner        Jeff (JD)    KM4BSW  
Willey        Jeffrey    KM4BTO    General
Willey        Rena    KM4BSV  
Wyman-Clarke        Andria    KM4BTH  

 Once again, my thanks to all of you who made this, our largest group
 yet, successful. 

 Red N3TG

Friday, 23 May 2014:

The exams were finally mailed today.

We tested 26 individuals and produced 20 new Technicians, 2 new Generals and 2 Extra class upgrades.

Thanks to all of you for a job well done!

I will post the new call signs as soon as ARRL/VEC gets the tests and does its part.

Red, N3TG
VE Coordinator for SPARC 

On the left, Red, N3TG, the leader, checking the paperwork of one of the examinees.

Taking the exam.

Taking the exam.

Duane, K4UW; Charlie, K3SR; and John, KK4AHY; were
the Volunteer Examiners who graded the examinations.

Paul, K4PDF, overseeing the exam room.
Jim, KF4PQL, examination facilitator.

A few more examinees.

A few examinees near the end of the exam session finishing up their try at the General Class examination.

Red, N3TG, finishing up the paperwork with a new ham who just passed the tech exam.

Made on 24 May 2014.