About me shortly (update > Jan 2014):
I live in Blonie, 30 km to west of Warsaw with my wife,Celina
I was born in 1940 and I have licence  from  1967. Beetwen 1967-1968 as  a  SP8CGN.
My first RX was BC-342 and  homemade TX  50 W output to W3DZZ antenna.
On this equipment I made abt . 8000 QSO mainly CW with all continents.
Since 1976 I began prepared  new  TRX  (on transistors and IC's),
next was new project - new component,and next .......next ......next ,
and last my decision in 1994 - to buy  IC-737.Next installed new 7-band GP antenna (like R7).
Now  I have not 160m antenna - due to space problem,it is a pity.
Since 1994  I made over 90000 QSO mainly CW with  274 countries (cfm 260 countries).
I like mode CW and  contests (if  I  have free time - allways starting)
and allways send log - (if  even one QSO, also).
Every first QSO on all bands confirming  by QSL in 100%.