*****S.O.A.P.R.A.***** Southern Oregon Amateur Packet Radio Association Meeting Minutes for 2-9-02 AWLBBS Conference Net This meeting was conducted via packet stations, connected to the AWLBBS Conference System as suggested at the January meeting. S.O.A.P.R.A. President Albert Lawson opened the meeting at 10:13 a.m. Checking in were: Warren Olney - KB7EKF in GP Don Barkemeyer - KI7UK in GP Al Pion - KK7XO in K.Falls Frank Norman - KE7MZN in Hornbrook George Malmstrom - KC7JJG in Merlin Dick Suber - K7DDI in K.Falls Bob MacDonald - K7XI in MFR Albert Lawson - WB7AWL in Talent Leonard Coleman - KB7TSX in AZ David Bell - N2RSN in Round Lk. Minutes of the January Meeting were approved as previously sent to members. Treasurer's Report was forwarded to the meeting from Will Calvert, N7KS, via VHF radio. Will reported that we have $800.45 in the bank, $21.40 in petty cash, a bank deposit to make of $140.00 and an outstanding check to Steve Grajada of $30 (reimbursement for ORRC dues 2001/2002). Don Barkemeyer moved to accept the Treasurer's Report. Leonard Coleman seconded. Motion passed. Technical Report: · All nodes are still having intermittent icing problems. · SCARA node stack currently off the air-reason unknown. Frank Norman said he would try to gain access to the SCARA node and antennas to determine problem. Albert Lawson thought the problem might be power related. · Link to KFALLS is running slow-probably due to ice. · GP node still not hooked to SOAPRA network-no word on status/plans. Albert said he would contact Steve, see what his plans are, and offer assistance. · Link north to Lane Mountain and Douglas County is working, connecting to Coburg Ridge, but not working beyond that. · Link from Hamaker to Burney is doing well. Al Pion moved to accept the Technical Report; Warren Olney seconded. Motion passed. Old Business: · Warren Olney reported that he and Will Calvert had not met with Steve Grajada and collected the SOAPRA equipment from Steve's shop. They will do this in the next week or two. · No comments on our web site. Members are asked to take a look at what Will Calvert has put together at www.sosanitation.com/soapra, and send comments to Will. New Business: · Albert Lawson reported that Steve Grajada had resigned as the ORRC representative for SOAPRA. Albert has the paperwork from Steve and will prepare them for submission. Albert volunteered to be the SOAPRA representative as he has the technical knowledge and data. Leonard Coleman moved that Dick Suber would be our representative at the Rickreall ORRC meeting. Don Barkemeyer seconded the motion. Motion carried with Albert abstaining. Albert asked Dick to send him the URL so he could download the ORRC forms. · Albert Lawson suggested that we send Steve Grajada a letter, thanking him for his past work as our representative to ORRC. Warren Olney was asked to prepare a letter, sign and send. · Dick Suber suggested that we send Gene Burchfield a letter, thanking him for the fine job he did as president of SOAPRA. Warren Olney was asked to prepare a letter, sign and send. Meeting was closed at 11:36 by a motion made by Dick Suber. Respectfully submitted, Warren Olney Secretary