

In 2001 I was on several small one-day-dxpeditions in Poland. Because of the location of my home (East Germany) the destinations were in the north-western part of this country. I was qrv from Wolin Island, Karsibor Island and from some small villages near the german-polish border.


Here you can have a look at the logs:

April, 7th, Stary Kostrzynek April, 28th, Luskowo on Wolin May,25th, Lubin on Wolin
June, 3rd, Krajnik Dolny July, 1st, Osinow Dolny July, 28th, Lubin on Wolin



October, 10th, Karsibor

Here you find maps of my island-qths:

Luskowo (East Wolin) Lubin (Southwest Wolin) Karsibor (Uznam-Wolin)
SP-Islands Award (SPIA)  
rules island list map

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