~~ Field Day 2002 page ~~
(22-23 June)

Yep, even more pictures (courtesy of Bill Wright, WB3LJT)

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[ Left:  Ok, it's up... how come it doesn't work right? ]

[ Center:  Gene Talley, N3JTO, trying to fix an inoperative HF beam antenna ]

[ Right:  Pete, WA3UMY, caught in the act! (of eating).  Ted Savoy, N3HXN and wife standing to the left ]


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[ Left:  Warren Dean, KW3N, enjoying the event despite the hot weather ]

[ Center: Gene, N3JTO; Barry, WR3Z and others enjoy a good laugh ]

[ Right: AJ, AJ3U and Cal, N3CAL working on obtaining a satellite contact while Jim Forest, KB1YZ and Dan, WW3N supervise ]


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[ Left: Isn't that a pretty antenna!  More supervisory help has arrived on scene to ensure Cal does it right ]

[ Center: Oof! Who said we could push this beast up in the air??? ]

[ Right: Tom Clarke, W4OKW hard at work ]


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[ Left: Garner, W3SI and Pete, WA3UMY brief a newcomer to the site ]

[ Center: Pull!  Pull! Hey, who's holding back on getting this tower up in the air? ]

[ Right:  Hey, if everyone's taking pictures... who's putting up this tower! ]

Copyright © 2002, St. Mary's County Amateur Radio Association
All rights reserved - Permission granted to copy pictures as long as photo source is credited