SM3KOR Homepage

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        Lars SM3KOR and OH8SR Mark (also known as TU4SR) who put the
        antenna system together. The setup at the SM3KOR Station is,
at the top of the 165 feet rotatable tower 6element for 21MHz
on 12 meter boom then the first of 5over5 element for 14MHz
on 16.5 meter Boom under that we have a 3 element fullsize
for 7MHz and a 6over6 array on 10meter boom for 28MHz
for the WARC 18MHz  there is a 4 element and for 24MHz a 6 el.
The Shack is is powered with IC-781 Rigs By Icom,
Linears from Henry and Drake and some homebrew,
The RTTY Contest setup is RITTY By K6STI and RTTY by WF1B

SM3EVR Tord and SM3SGP Gus is working with antennas

All antennas and tower at SM3KOR Contest QTH is made by OH8QD
SM3EVR has made two SAC Contest efforts from the SM3KOR QTH (1995-1996)
SM3SGP Gus have just got his own similar tower from OH8QD Jaakko
and he will soon be heard with a BIG signal on the bands.
Contesting is a very nice form of amateur radio
RTTY Contest Calender
SM3KOR Picture gallerie 1
SM3KOR Picture gallerie 2
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Some links to other sites
The Hams is Sweden is a list of SM amateurs with own Homepages
Swedish Radioclubs is a complete list over Radioclubs with Homepages
Hamradiolinks is hundreds of interesting links for radioamateurs
SSA is the homepage of the Swedish Amateuradio Soceity

Hams in Sweden

Swedish radioclubs.

Hamradio Links

I you have any comments please e-mail me at  [email protected]