Contest: SM kvartalstest                   Call: SM0LCB
Section: A                                 Loc : JO89XI
                                           Date: 20020915
|  Band | TOTAL   | QSO-POINTS | BAD | LOC-POINTS | QRB           KM |
|  144M |    3695 |   6   1195 |   0 |   5   2500 | SK7MW        530 |
Responsible operator :
Ulf Larsson                               Phone: +46 8 730 2176           
Näckrosvägen 31A, 7tr                     BBS  :                          
SE-169 37  Solna                          Club : SK0UX                    
Sweden                Email: [email protected]                            

Station description :
144M : IC706, 50W, 4 el CueDee

I hereby certify that this station was operated within the rules
and spirit of the contest and within the terms of the license.

LOGGER 1.16  DATE: ............ SIGNED .........................

Date     Time Call           Tx      Rx      Loc    Bnd  Mod  LDM Pnts 
20020915 0813 SK7MW          55  001 51 011  JO65MJ 144M SSB  LD    530
20020915 0823 SM0DFP         59  002 59 017  JO99BM 144M SSB  L      21
20020915 0831 SM1A/0         59  003 59 021  JO99CF 144M SSB         20
20020915 0935 SK0CT          59  004 59 037  JO89XJ 144M SSB  L       5
20020915 0937 SM1MUT         59  005 59 028  JO97CJ 144M SSB  L     219
20020915 0951 SK3MF          59  006 59 033  JP92FW 144M SSB  L     400

LOGGER 1.16 ( by Ulf/SM0LCB

LOGGER ver 1.17, made by Ulf Larsson/SM0LCB.