Comment on contest NAC 432 MHz                    de SM0LCB

Difficult to work with all QRM here in SM0. Got   
many spots of OH and ES station from other SM0    
stations but my signals they didn't here. Too     
small output power maybe or do they need good     
signals in theire receivers ?                     
Hope to be QRV with better antenna next contest   
but still no PA. Will maybe select a QRG long     
way from center fq of both CW and SSB.            
No activity on 23cm next contest. Will only be    
10 and 24 GHz....                                 
                      73 de ULF/LCB               

Contest: NAC 432 MHz                       Call: SM0LCB
Section: A                                 Loc : JO89XI
                                           Date: 19991109
|  Band | TOTAL  | QSO-POINTS | BAD | LOC-POINTS | QRB          KM |
|  432M |  10290 |  25   5190 |   0 |  17   5100 | OZ6OL       557 |

Station description :
432M : TS-850+xverter, 70W, 17 el CueDee


DX  Date     Time Call           Loc    Bnd  Mod  QRB   QTE
 1  19991109 2138 OZ6OL          JO65DJ 432M CW     557 220
 2  19991109 2025 OH2BNH         KP20LG 432M CW     406  72
 3  19991109 2033 ES2RJ          KO29JM 432M CW     389  84
 4  19991109 1917 SM6UQL         JO67AT 432M SSB    385 246
 5  19991109 1837 SK7CA          JO86DQ 432M CW     313 199
 6  19991109 1842 SM7ATL         JO86EQ 432M CW     312 198
 7  19991109 1943 SM6CLU/6       JO68SE 432M SSB    287 245
 8  19991109 2116 OH1JPK         KP01SD 432M SSB    282  43
 9  19991109 1910 SM7SJR         JO87EB 432M CW     272 201
10  19991109 1839 SM1CJV         JO97EF 432M CW     238 174

Worked Locator
JO65: 1 JO67: 1 JO68: 1 JO78: 1 JO79: 1 JO86: 2 JO87: 1 JO88: 1 
JO89: 3 JO97: 2 JO99: 2 JP70: 3 JP81: 1 JP90: 2 KO29: 1 KP01: 1 
KP20: 1 

Worked DXCC
SM:19 OH0: 2 OH: 2 ES: 1 OZ: 1 

LOGGER ver 1.17, made by Ulf Larsson/SM0LCB.