Comment on contest Region 1 VHF contest           de SM0LCB

Did not work hard this contest. Did just setup    
the antenna the last 2 hours. Was interested to   
see if the southern station will turn the         
antenna up here in the end of the test. Did not   
hear/work so many from that direction even if     
my small antenna more or less was fixed in        
225 degrees.                                      
Well will not be so much activity during this     
kind of test. Hope to be more active during the   
upcoming NAC 432 MHz contest. 73 de ULF           

Contest: Region 1 VHF contest              Call: SM0LCB
Section: Single op                         Loc : JO89XI
                                           Date: 19980906
|  Band | TOTAL  | QSO-POINTS | BAD | LOC-POINTS | QRB          KM |
|  144M |   2290 |  11   2290 |   0 |  10      0 | OZ1IEP      530 |

Station description :
144M : ICOM IC-290D, 25W, 4el CueDee


DX  Date     Time Call           Loc    Bnd  Mod  QRB   QTE
 1  19980906 1238 OZ1IEP         JO55XU 144M SSB    530 225
 2  19980906 1349 SM3AKW         JP92AO 144M CW     363   1
 3  19980906 1334 SK7CA          JO86DQ 144M CW     313 199
 4  19980906 1138 SK7AX          JO77DS 144M CW     277 232
 5  19980906 1217 SM4HFI         JP70TO 144M CW     191 318
 6  19980906 1146 SM5UFB         JO78MN 144M SSB    190 243
 7  19980906 1240 SM5TJH         JO88CN 144M SSB    134 229
 8  19980906 1208 SM5AOG         JP80WF 144M CW      98 357
 9  19980906 1249 SK5CG          JP80UE 144M SSB     94 352
10  19980906 1207 SM5BEI         JP90EB 144M CW      83  16

Worked Locators
JO55: 1 JO77: 1 JO78: 1 JO86: 1 JO88: 1 JO89: 1 JP70: 1 JP80: 2 JP90: 1 
JP92: 1 

Worked DXCC
SM:10 OZ: 1 

LOGGER ver 1.17, made by Ulf Larsson/SM0LCB.