Comment on contest SRAL NORDIC CONTEST            de SM0LCB/7

Hello. Usally I'm not QRV during 24 hours contest but during this
weekend I were partly QRV. Most to see how well my small setup will
work and also I hope to work some nice contacts on 23cm.
-For 23cm there were no conds from my QTH. During the night I heared
 the ES-beacon but didn't work any stations. Skeds with LY/DL stations
 resulted in no QSO. Bad conds or bad station? As "allways" I "easy"
 worked SM3BEI/553km. This during an aurora opening during the nigth.
 Nice QSY from 144/aurora to 23cm/tropo QSO. But from that the result
 of the 23cm contest is weak. Bad station or bad conds....
-On 144 Mhz noted that 100W/15el is a small station but very common.
 Heard many "big" stations calling with S3-9 signals but no respons
 on my calls. Sometime I were lucky to get one or two QRZ! Lucky
 that there were some aurora openings giving me some nice and easy
 QSO during the contest. For next contest I need power and antenna!
73 de ULF, SM0LCB/7 in JO86GH (south east part of the island �land).

Contest: SRAL NORDIC CONTEST               Call: SM0LCB/7
Section: B1 and D1                         Loc : JO86GH
                                           Date: 20020706
|  Band | TOTAL   | QSO-POINTS | BAD | LOC-POINTS | QRB           KM |
|  144M |   23338 |  29  12338 |   1 |  22  11000 | RX1AS        911 |
|  1.3G |    3327 |   5   1827 |   0 |   5   1500 | SM3BEI       553 |

Station description :
144M : IC-706, 100W, 15 el CueDee
1.3G : IC-706+xverter, 80W, 55 el Tonna


DX  Date     Time Call           Loc    Bnd  Mod  QRB   QTE
 1  20020706 2301 RX1AS          KO59FX 144M CW     911  58
 2  20020706 2236 RU1AA          KP40XD 144M CW     892  56
 3  20020706 2103 OK1KIM         JO60RN 144M SSB    672 199
 4  20020706 2331 OL7M           JO80FG 144M SSB    672 181
 5  20020706 2243 OH4LA          KP20LG 144M CW     660  45
 6  20020706 2148 LY3MR          KO24PQ 144M CW     580 105
 7  20020706 2153 YL2OW          KO26WL 144M CW     575  84
 8  20020706 2306 SM3BEI         JP81NG 144M CW     553   3
 9  20020706 2142 LY2IC          KO14WW 144M CW     485 105
10  20020707 0351 DL0SP/P        JO62NM 144M SSB    476 209

Worked Locator
JO44: 1 JO54: 1 JO55: 2 JO57: 1 JO60: 1 JO62: 1 JO64: 1 
JO65: 3 JO73: 1 JO74: 1 JO80: 1 JO84: 1 JO86: 2 JO94: 1 
JP81: 1 KO14: 1 KO15: 2 KO24: 1 KO26: 3 KO59: 1 KP20: 1 
KP40: 1 

Worked DXCC
SM  : 5 OZ  : 7 OK  : 2 LY  : 4 YL  : 3 UA  : 2 OH  : 1 

Heard Station
1945z:DB0VHF       2333z:OH4LA        0439z:DK0XA        
0532z:DL0GEH       1306z:OK1ORA       1309z:OK1MKQ       


DX  Date     Time Call           Loc    Bnd  Mod  QRB   QTE
 1  20020706 2315 SM3BEI         JP81NG 1.3G CW     553   3
 2  20020707 0622 OZ1ALS/P       JO44XX 1.3G CW     439 253
 3  20020707 0829 SM0FZH         JO99HI 1.3G CW     360  19
 4  20020706 1954 SK7MW          JO65MJ 1.3G CW     242 246
 5  20020706 2052 SP1CNV         JO84CF 1.3G CW     233 185

Worked Locator
JO44: 1 JO65: 1 JO84: 1 JO99: 1 JP81: 1 

Worked DXCC
SM  : 3 SP  : 1 OZ  : 1 

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