Comment on contest NAC Microwave Contest          de SM0LCB/7

Hello and tnx for a nice contest.
-Very nice to be back on Öland. No S9+ radar QRM as I have at my QTH
 in Stockholm. Only limited QRM regarding radar. Heard a new QRM this
 evening. I was like a frequency hopping CW transmitter sending a dit
 here and there over the band. Anyone know that may be ?
-No signal from ES0SHF in the beging of the contest. But soon it was
 very strong S9+. Was calling a lot towards ES but NO QSO. Is there
 no ES stations QRV ? Well during my calling OH2AXH came back and that
 was my longest QSO this evening with fint signals. More difficult it
 was to get SM3BEI on the hook this evening. But finaly I got him.
 Only one phonesked this evening and that with SM4RPP/4 but no luck.
 Maybe they still were QRT because of thunderstorm at skedtime.
-Will be QRV here from Öland until 10 Aug with some small interrupts.
 Hope there will be some more good conds. For sked use my e-mail or
 mobilephone ([email protected]/+46 708 441067). 73 de ULF/LCB

Contest: NAC Microwave Contest             Call: SM0LCB/7
Section: A                                 Loc : JO86GH
                                           Date: 20020618
|  Band | TOTAL   | QSO-POINTS | BAD | LOC-POINTS | QRB           KM |
|  1.3G |   10412 |  20   5912 |   0 |  15   4500 | OH2AXH       682 |

Station description :
1.3G : IC-706+xverter, 80W, 55el Tonna, preamp 1.5dB


DX  Date     Time Call           Loc    Bnd  Mod  QRB   QTE
 1  20020618 1942 OH2AXH         KP20OK 1.3G CW     682  44
 2  20020618 2033 SM3BEI         JP81NG 1.3G CW     553   3
 3  20020618 1832 SM3LBN         JP80IO 1.3G CW     478   1
 4  20020618 1953 OH0A           JP90XD 1.3G SSB    471  24
 5  20020618 1807 OH0JFP         KP00AB 1.3G CW     465  25
 6  20020618 2041 YL3AG          KO26AW 1.3G CW     464  78
 7  20020618 1925 DJ1LP          JO64CC 1.3G SSB    369 230
 8  20020618 1748 SM0FZH         JO99HI 1.3G CW     360  19
 9  20020618 1811 SM0DFP         JO89VL 1.3G CW     360  11
10  20020618 1922 DL5UH/P        JO74AB 1.3G SSB    297 213

Worked Locator
JO64: 1 JO65: 2 JO74: 1 JO84: 1 JO86: 3 JO89: 1 JO96: 3 
JO97: 1 JO99: 1 JP80: 1 JP81: 1 JP90: 1 KO26: 1 KP00: 1 
KP20: 1 

Worked DXCC
SM  :12 OH0 : 2 OZ  : 1 SP  : 1 DL  : 2 OH  : 1 YL  : 1 

LOGGER 1.16 ( by Ulf/SM0LCB

LOGGER ver 1.17, made by Ulf Larsson/SM0LCB.