Comment on contest ES Open FD Contest             de SM0LCB/7

Weak signals on 23cm this morning also...         
Late i contest I could hear something from the    
ES beacon on 23 cm but very very weak.            
On 10G I listen for the SM0 QRO beacon beaming    
in 120 deg from SM0 but nothing heard. Beaming    
in the sector of 0-120 deg from my location.      
Also listen for the SK1 10G becaon but noting.    
On 23cm the SK7MHL beacon were weak and nothing   
heard on the higher bands from it.                
Tnx for all skeds over phone KAK, DFP and FMT.    

Contest: ES Open FD Contest                Call: SM0LCB/7
Section: A - SOSB                          Loc : JO86GH
                                           Date: 20010805
|  Band | TOTAL  | QSO-POINTS | BAD | LOC-POINTS | QRB          KM |
|  5.7G |      0 |   0      0 |   0 |   0      0 |               0 |
|   10G |      0 |   0      0 |   0 |   0      0 |               0 |
| MULTI |      0 |   0      0 |   0 |   0      0 |                 |

Station description :
5.7G : 
 10G : IC-290E+xverter, 1mW, Horn antenna

LOGGER 1.10 ( by Ulf/SM0LCB

LOGGER ver 1.17, made by Ulf Larsson/SM0LCB.