Comment on contest NAC 144 MHZ                    de SM0LCB/7

My first 10G QSO from ™land QTH... Heard SK1SHG   
beacon from 16z. First it was very weak but later 
it was quit strong. First atempt with OZ/OK5DX/P  
failed but the second went fin with S9+ signal.   
Thanks for this first QSO but I hope not last QSO 
from ™land this summer. Will be QRV next NAC      
microwave contest...                              
On 23cm the conds were fine but didn't find so    
many station active. Well I was only QRV during   
3 time periods 16-17z, 20-22z and sunday morning  
between 03-04z.                                   
                       73 de Ulf/SM0LCB/7         

Contest: NAC 144 MHZ                       Call: SM0LCB/7
Section:                                   Loc : JO86GH
                                           Date: 20010707
|  Band | TOTAL  | QSO-POINTS | BAD | LOC-POINTS | QRB          KM |
|  1.3G |   3518 |  11   3518 |   2 |   9      0 | OH1AU       573 |
|  5.7G |      0 |   0      0 |   0 |   0      0 |               0 |
|   10G |    163 |   1    163 |   1 |   1      0 | OZ/OK5DX/P  163 |
| MULTI |   3681 |  12   3681 |   3 |  10      0 |                 |

Station description :
1.3G : IC-290E+xverter, 10W, 55 el Tonna
5.7G : IC-290E+xverter, 100mW, 60 cm dish
 10G : IC-290E+xverter, 100mW, 60 cm dish


DX  Date     Time Call           Loc    Bnd  Mod  QRB   QTE
 1  20010707 2028 OH1AU          KP10CM 1.3G SSB    573  33
 2  20010707 2018 OZ1ALS/P       JO44XX 1.3G SSB    439 253
 3  20010707 2145 DL1SUZ         JO53UN 1.3G SSB    435 227
 4  20010707 1841 DJ1LP          JO64CC 1.3G SSB    369 230
 5  20010708 0318 LY3RI/P        KO06VA 1.3G CW     327  94
 6  20010707 1636 YL1A/P         KO06LG 1.3G CW     273  89
 7  20010707 2012 OZ9EDR/P       JO64LX 1.3G SSB    270 238
 8  20010708 0311 SP2JXN/P       JO94NK 1.3G CW     265 141
 9  20010707 2039 SP1CNV         JO84CF 1.3G SSB    233 185
10  20010707 2055 SM1A           JO97FK 1.3G SSB    171  42

Worked Locator
JO44: 1 JO53: 1 JO64: 2 JO75: 1 JO84: 1 JO94: 1 JO97: 1 
KO06: 2 KP10: 1 

Worked DXCC
OZ  : 3 YL  : 1 DL  : 2 OH  : 1 SP  : 2 SM  : 1 LY  : 1 

Heard Station


DX  Date     Time Call           Loc    Bnd  Mod  QRB   QTE
 1  20010707 2049 OZ/OK5DX/P     JO75JF 10G  CW     163 223

Worked Locator
JO75: 1 

Worked DXCC
OZ  : 1 

Heard Station

LOGGER 1.10 ( by Ulf/SM0LCB

LOGGER ver 1.17, made by Ulf Larsson/SM0LCB.