Day After
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A report and photographs of Perth Seanet 2002.

by Mr. Phil Weaver 9M6CT & HS0/G4JMB


SEANET 2002 @ Perth 1-3 November

Arrival for most people on the Friday was a cool and blustery day with a very stormy cold front having passed through Perth during the night.

The convention was held at the Acacia Hotel, a very interesting Hotel being a conversion from a Warehouse. The décor is very modern, and the design of the rooms was very interesting. Because of the conversion, 50 of the rooms had no external windows, only a dummy window onto a white wall, a pity some one had not used their imagination to put paintings of photo murals in the window walls depicting an interesting scene like a desert Island or a rocky mountain view.

After registration on Friday afternoon, the first function was the reception and buffet dinner on Friday evening where a team of folk dancers did a show with dances from various countries such as Israel, Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey and the USA were performed with great vigour and enthusiasm. 92 people attended this function

On the Saturday morning after a buffet breakfast all delegates embarked onto two buses for the days outing, First we went to the lake to get the group photo and then we went to the Caversham Wildlife Park, for the web site see:, where a fine display of indigenous Australian wild life was shown in its natural habitats. An unusual and most interesting place to visit. I have now seen all varieties of Australian Kangaroos, plus a wombat, a Tasmanian Devil, and Koalas. In addition there was a very fine selection of all sorts of birds, and other animals. Camel rides were also available. We had intended to be there only an hour, but every one got so involved, we did not get away until an hour and half later.

From the Park we drove directly to Fremantle to have a fine buffet Lunch at the Esplanade Hotel. Following which we had over an hour and a half to visit Fremantle town and see the Market and harbour facilities.

The drive back to our hotel was the "scenic" route up the coast from Fremantle, following the scenic drive to look for whales, none were seen. We arrived back at 1630, giving us some time recuperate before the evenings Banquet.

All 110 participants were seated for the evening's festivities by 2000 and after a welcome by Ben Koh (VK6XC) of the host society, the Northern Corridor Radio Group, a very good buffet dinner was consumed. After the dinner the entertainment was the "Silken Rhythms" a group of local Western Australian ladies with interest in the middle east. They did several different dances dressed in Middle East attire and there were three ladies who showed us how the "belly" dance should be done. A most interesting and "different" type of show for the Seanet Banquet. After the welcome presentation by Barrie, our MC for the night, Mr. Neil Penfold VK6NE. the WIA (WA) President made a presentation speech, on behalf of the host organisations and the WIA, to all delegates and their guests.

The dinner was followed by a wonderful computerised presentation by Godfrey 9M6GY, on the history of Seanet and the Seanet convention in Kota Kinabalu in 2001. Dr. Ken Singh did a fine presentation on what is on offer for Seanet 2003 in Johor Bahru, with a great photo slide show of what is going to happen in JB. This was followed by Thailand, represented by Phil HS0/G4JMB, making a plaque presentation to the organising committee, and putting in a bid for the 2004 Convention to be held in Bangkok Thailand. Brunei also presented a plaque to the host organisation of the Convention. Afterwards the representatives did their own thing with countries doing various shows and sing-alongs. Among these was a fine demonstration of a Japanese Folk dance and a singing narration.

On Sunday morning we were taken to a local fair site where the annual western Australia Ham fest was taking place so we all managed to meet many local amateurs, and browse through the flea market. We all returned to the Hotel for the plenary session, which started at 1145.

During the Plenary session all countries were represented and made speeches to the gathering. Covering their enjoyment and pleasure to attend the Perth Seanet. Now this was the first time that Perth had ever done anything of this sort, and by all accounts, they are to be congratulated on a job well done.

On the bid for 2004 Seanet, the Thailand bid was accepted unanimously. Other matters covered were the new license now being issued in England, the Foundation License. In 2002 there were 2000 licenses issued.

The plenary session closed with the handing over of the SEANET Flag at 1235 and, following a light buffet lunch, all participants went on their way to all points of the earth.

News History of SEANET SEANET Song SEANET Control Contest Accommodation Committee Reciprocal Licence Registration Form Perth Australia Hamfest Day After

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Last modified: 04/05/04