From : K6VE To : K6CPT@K6CPT.#LACCA.#SCA.USA.NA Type/status : PK Date/time : 04-Aug 12:25 BID (MID) : 14729_K6VE Message # : 90621 Title : @Geographic Designators (This message has been read 2 times so far in this BBS.) R:000804/1842 13888@K6VE.#SCA.CA.USA.NOAM R:000804/1834 14729@K6VE.#SCA.CA.USA.NOAM To All SYSOPS: There is a difference of opinion as to whether "@" designators in our area should be limited to geographic designators only or be available to "categories" such as @ARRL, @FBB, @AMSAT, @RLI, @MSYS, etc. There are advantages and disadvantages to either allowing or disallowing non-geographic flood designators. Some sysops have been limiting the field after the "@" to geographic areas, and a few of our gateways have been translating non-geographic designators to "@SCA". Many sysops in SCA do not support non-geographic designator forwarding. SCAPS offers an excellent forum to discuss and agree upon a resolution to this matter. There will be a SCAPS meeting this Fall, and ample notice will be given as to when and where it will be held. See you there! 73 de rick 73 de Rick K6VE @ K6VE.#SCA.CA.USA.NOAM [ Copy of message to SCPS ]