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C.3 Daemons

This section contains packages for all the daemons available for your Red Hat Linux system. Daemons are programs that run automatically, and perform various system functions for you.

SysVinit -- (Version 2.74, 141K)

SysVinit is the first program started by the Linux kernel when the system boots, controlling the startup, running, and shutdown of all other programs.

at -- (Version 3.1.7, 60K)

at and batch read commands from standard input or a specified file which are to be executed at a later time, using /bin/sh.

bdflush -- (Version 1.5, 9K)

This program flushes the disk buffers the kernel keeps to prevent them from growing too stale.

gpm -- (Version 1.13, 193K)

GPM adds mouse support to text-based Linux applications such as emacs, Midnight Commander, and more. It also provides console cut-and-paste operations using the mouse. Includes a program to allow pop-up menus to appear at the click of a mouse button.

kernel-pcmcia-cs -- (Version 3.0.0, 677K)

Many laptop machines (and some others) support PCMCIA cards for expansion. Also known as "credit card adapters", PCMCIA cards are small cards for everything from SCSI support to modems. They are hot swappable (they can be exchanged without rebooting the system) and quite convienent. This package contains support for numerous PCMCIA cards of all varieties and supplies a daemon which allows them to be hot swapped.

procmail -- (Version 3.10, 180K)

Red Hat Linux uses procmail for all local mail delivery. In addition to regluar mail delivery duties, procmail can be used to do many different automatic filtering, presorting, and mail handling jobs. It is the basis for the SmartList mailing list processor.

sendmail-cf -- (Version 8.8.7, 611K)

This package contains all the configuration files used to generate the file distributed with the base sendmail package. You'll want this package if you need to reconfigure and rebuild your file. For example, the default is not configured for UUCP. If you need to send and receive mail over UUCP, you may need this package to help you reconfigure sendmail.

sendmail-doc -- (Version 8.8.7, 1,219K)

This package includes release notes, the sendmail FAQ, and a few papers written about sendmail. The papers are available in PostScript and troff.

sysklogd -- (Version 1.3, 105K)

This is the Linux system and kernel logging program. It is run as a daemon (background process) to log messages to different places. These are usually things like sendmail logs, security logs, and errors from other daemons.

uucp -- (Version 1.06.1, 2,010K)

UUCP is a Unix to Unix transfer mechanism. It is used primarily for remote sites to download and upload email and news files to local machines. If you didn't already know that, you probably don't need this package installed. :-)

vixie-cron -- (Version 3.0.1, 54K)

cron is a standard UNIX program that runs user-specified programs at periodic scheduled times. vixie cron adds a number of features to the basic UNIX cron, including better security and more powerful configuration options.

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