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Swap And Sell Net



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Go Fund me for Steve Hodell , ka1rci ( sk). 

Hi All,

  As most will know by now,  Steve Hodell (KA1RCI) lost a long battle with male breast cancer last week. Steve had a relentless passion for building the KA1RCI Repeater Network that provides state-wide communication across Rhode Island, and then some, and it was all at his personal expense.  Steve put in countless hours, dollars, and unrelenting dedication to this cause that has touched so many over the last 2+ decades.  Steve asked that there be no memorial service, but he will be eternally memorialized at the headquarters of the American Radio Relay League in Newington CT with a little help from his friends. Please share because he would be ultimately honored knowing this was done for him.


  Roland - N1JOY




The Kent County Repeater Club open repeater is on the air.     posted 11/24/2017

Call Sign: KC1DGM

Frequency is 446.725Mhz

Mode is C4FM and Analog

Analog PL is 100hz

Please note that C4FM has preference over analog.

This is local repeater for the Kent County area.

It is not designed to provide cover outside the Kent County Area, although it may.

Thanks Dan

Bob, k1wyc

For further information e mail:
Robert DiPippo <[email protected]


BVARC Consortium at Lincoln Mall Asia Grille

Blackstone Valley Amateur Radio Club

The Consortiums are on the first Monday of every month at 6:30pm.  Everyone is welcome to come early and grab a bite to eat beforehand.  Yes, they are held at the Asia Grille at Lincoln Mall.  Contact either Bob Beaudet, W1YRC, at [email protected] or Jim Johnson, K1GND, at [email protected].

Monthly meetings are the last Monday of every month at 7:30pm.  Yes, they are held at the Blackstone Valley Historical Society building.  Address is 1873 Old Louisquisett Pike.  Contact either Rich Langlois, W1TBR, at [email protected] or Debbie Smith, W1GKE, at [email protected]



Club meetings in Rhode Island



 CTRI Group Club meeting

CTRI is made up of active, enthusiastic hams whose love of contesting, DXing and socializing. As active contesters, we regularly appear at the top of the local and medium club category listings for various ARRL and CQ contests. CTRI is a “no dues” club. The dues you pay are the help you provide to other members, the scores you contribute, and the events you take part in! So whether you’re new to amateur radio or an experienced contester, we’d love to have you on our team. Drop us a note to [email protected] or visit us here on our web site. www.wa1rr.org/  73 from the Gang they have their club meetings at the North Kingstown free library , 100 Boone st. North Kingstown, RI

The Associated Radio Amateurs of Southern New England

The Associated Radio Amateurs of Southern New England are one the very few groups in the area to own a club house which features a full HF operating station. This group sponsor's the 147.330 repeater and has been active since 1926.  We would love to see new faces on Friday evening's at 7:30pm for our  general gathering's. The official meeting are always the 2nd Friday of the month. For club details, please contact Steve, KC1I at [email protected] . Or 1-508-642-5582

                                                                                               Blackstone Valley Amateur Radio Club

The Consortiums are on the first Monday of every month at 6:30pm.  Everyone is welcome to come early and grab a bite to eat beforehand.  Yes, they are held at the Asia Grille at Lincoln Mall.  Contact either Bob Beaudet, W1YRC, at [email protected] or Jim Johnson, K1GND, at [email protected].

Monthly meetings are the last Monday of every month at 7:30pm.At Slatersville Congregational Church  25 Green Street, Slatersville, RI , www.w1ddd.org/ for more information.

                                                                                                    The Newport County  Radio Club

                                                                                   Holds their regular club meetings at the KVH Manufacturing , 

                                                                          75 Enterprise Drive, Middletown, RI, on the 2nd  Monday of each month,

                                                                         at 7:00 pm Contact: Jack k1ig for more information. 401-683-2250 or e mail: [email protected]


                                                                                                                     The Fidelity Amateur Radio Club

                                                                                  We have our regular club meetings at CCRI Knight Campus, Warwick RI  in the
                                                                  Great Room on the 2nd  and 4th Thursday of each month at 7:30 pm. Meetings
                                                                  are open to all.
                                                                  Contact: Mike Duane K1MJD for more information. tel. 401-764-0453or e mail:
                                                                  [email protected].

Nets On The Air

Posted 10/9/2017


The Rhode Island Amateur Radio Emergency Service, or ARES, will be holding its first net on November 21 at
9pm on the KA1RCI repeater network following the OSECA net. The net will then continue every 3rd Tuesday 
of the month at 9 pm in perpetuity. I will be the net manager, N1PSX. Anyone with interest
can contact me via email at [email protected] or find out more on the RI ARES Facebook group...

Paul Silverzweig, N1PSX
RI ARRL Section Emergency Coordinator
 "when all else fails, ham radio."

The Rhode Island Amateur Emergency Radio Service, or ARES, is back in business. 
We are recruiting members to help serve our communities in the event of an emergency. 
If you have an interest in emergency communications, please let us know. You can find us on Facebook, 
by searching for the group, RI ARES, or you can email Paul N1PSX at [email protected].


New England Weather Net


Greetings all:
The New England Weather Net was started fifty+ years ago and is still meeting on 3.905 MHz at 5:30 every morning but Sunday.
At an ARRL Division meeting which I attended this weekend, I was approached by Henry Brown, K1WCC who had a small request for me. 
Henry has been an active supporter of the Weather net for many years and reported that they have a regular problem on the net that I might be able to help solve. They have regular check-ins from every New England state plus New York, New Jersey, many other states down to Florida but never seem to have any check-ins from Rhode Island. He asked me if I could try to find some willing early risers in RI who could provide basic weather information such as current temperature and weather conditions to the net.
They meet Monday through Saturday at 05:30 on 3.905 MHz. If you wish to pass this along to someone who you believe might
like to do this, please do so. This is not a club program or activity. Anyone in Rhode Island could help this old and venerable New England institution in its mission.
Thanks very much,
Bob Beaudet, W1YRC
ARRL Section Manager
Rhode Island Section
ARRL – the national association for Amateur Radio ®



                                                                                                            The Providence Emergency Management Agency



The Providence Emergency Management Agency RACES radio club , club call  kk1pma

currently recruiting members. Meetings are the first Saturday  of every month at 9 am . At 591

Charles St. Providence.  The PEMA RACES nets are  every Monday  evening at 7 pm on the ka1rci repeater network.  Marian AA1VU is the net control. More information about the club can be found by searching KK1PMA on QRZ.com

Anyone interested in joining contact the group at  at [email protected] or visit our web site: www. providenceri.com/pema/races.

e mail Mike Grimaldi Sr.  [email protected]

Cell: 401-868-0590  


                                                                                                                          YL Net


Here is a copy of a portion of the email that I sent out to the YL folks that have shown an interest.

 Our on air net will be on the 1st, 3rd and 4th Fridays @ 1900 (7 pm ) starting December 2nd. We will eliminate the 2nd Tuesday after December 12.

 Our in person meetings will be @ the Westerly Police Department EOC, 60 Airport Road, Westerly @ 0900 starting December 9th.  Bring your radio, manual, etc. to these meetings. Will have an exercise on the 9th.

 In 2018:

January 13

February 10

March 10

April 14

May 12

June 9

July 14

August 11

September 8

October 13

November 10

December 8



D star repeater net

Tuesday evening at 8:00 pm. on the w1aad Portsmouth D Star repeater freq. 145.00

                                                                                                                                        HF Late night net

                                                                                                                                    on 3816 Mhz from 10 pm till midnight.

Nuts Bolts and Screws Net

on 40 meters freq. 7185 Mhz LSB Monday thru Fridays from 2-4pm  local time.

10 Meter FM Net.

Thursday evenings at 8:00 PM on the 29.470 MHz

Kent County Radio Net.

Monday evenings at 8:00 PM. on the 145.370 repeater pl tone 67.


 CW Net

3.549 MHz CW Net Monday Evenings at 9:00 PM

Dust off your straight key, paddles, keyer , etc. and join us for some
CW practice.

Informal net to help folks learn code or for an old salt to get their
fist back...

Please pass this message on to anyone that might be intrested in
pounding some brass.

(This information received from steve ka1rci , e mail: [email protected]


New England Weather Net

Every day of the week except Sundays, on 3905 mhz. at 5:30 pm local time, always in need of check ins from RI area.


Rhode Island and Eastern MA. Traffic Net

                                       Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9:00 PM. on the 147.075 pl tone 67                                                                                                          

Yankee six meter SSB Net (New England)

Every Sunday morning at 9:30 AM, on 50.275 Mhz. USB,  Wayne, K1MUC is NCS.  

ARES NET ( Amateur Radio Emergency Station)

The First and Third Monday of the Month at 8:00 PM, on the 146.700 Repeater

BVARC  Net  Blackstone Valley ARC  ( To test ARES coverage on simplex )

Every Wednesday Evening at 7:00 PM, Simplex Freq. of 146.565

Westerly Amateur Radio Team Net

The Westerly Amateur Radio Team Net meets every Thursday evening at 1900 (7:00 PM) on the team’s W1WRI Repeater, 147.315 + 110.9, located in Westerly, except for the 4th week of the month.   On the 4th week of the month we have our in-person meeting at 1800 (6:00 PM) in the EOC at the Westerly Police Station, 60 Airport Rd. Westerly, RI.  All hams are welcome to check into the nets and attend the meetings.

 Thank you,

 Jim Creamer, kb1mao

Westerly Amateur Radio Team

Emergency Coordinator

2 David Ave.

Westerly, RI 02891

P: 401-596-2720

C: 401-864-4510




Ocean State Emergency Communications Alliance Net


This alliance was created through a cooperative discussion with local Emergency Management Agency Ham Radio Team leaders who are eager to create an opportunity for Amateur radio operators in RI to practice and coordinate their ability to serve as Emergency Communicators.

The Ocean State Emergency Communications Alliance Net occurs bi-monthly on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday at 7 PM (1900) on the KA1RCI repeater system and is open to all licensed operators.

The purpose of this net is to promote interaction and cooperation between the organizations and individual Amateur radio operators involved in Emergency Communication in Rhode Island. We seek to provide a free exchange of information among those organizations and individuals, and also to make other Amateur radio operators aware of opportunities to serve as Emergency Communicators

Any licensed Amateur is welcome to participate in this net. You do not need to be affiliated with any emergency management agency or disaster response organization to check in.





Ocean State Emergency Communications Alliance Net
WHEN:  1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month @ 7:00PM (local)

145.170 Lincoln, RI - 145.190 West Greenwich, RI - 145.350 Cumberland, RI
146.460 Lincoln, RI - 146.625 North Providence, RI - 146.910 Foster, RI
146.985 Exeter, RI - 147.075 Portsmouth, RI - 147.390 Westerly, RI

Any other repeater in the KA1RCI Repeater Network.

This alliance was created through a cooperative discussion with local
EMA HRT leaders who are eager to create an opportunity for Amateur
radio operators in RI to practice and coordinate their ability to serve as
Emergency Communicators.

The Ocean State Emergency Communications Alliance Net occurs bimonthly
on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday at 7 PM (1900) on the KA1RCI
repeater system and is open to all licensed operators.

John WA1ABI [email protected]

All amateur radio operators are encouraged to join the net.



V E Sessions

WA1QCA ARC in association with the Providence EMA will hold a

test session at 10:00 AM on Saturday June 24 2017 at Providence EMA headquarters

located at 591 Charles Street Providence, RI walk ins are welcome

Contact for more information:

Ron W1TEM 401 423 0687

[email protected]

The Kent County Amateur Radio Group

The VE sessions are held at Cranston Public Library, 140 Sockanosset Cross Road
 Cranston, RI , the VE Sessions start at 9:15 AM. No pre registration is needed.  Testing dates are as follows:  Feb.20, April 16, June 18, July 23, Sept. 24, Nov. 19, 2016 Contact Ken Carr for more information:  [email protected]   or call:  (401) 491-9520


The Blackstone Valley Amateur Radio Club 

Has VE sessions held at the Slatersville Congregational Church, located at the corner of School and Green Street in Slatersville, RI .  Exams start at 9:00 AM   The schedule dates for 2013 are as follows, Jan. 30, Mar. 26, May 21, Aug. 20, Oct. 29, Dec. 31, 2016 .Contact Bob Jones WB1P for more information 401-333-4787. [email protected]  

The Newport Country Radio Club

VE sessions are held at Middletown Baptist Church, The exams will be upstairs in the church hall  , 1818 West Main Rd. (RT.114) Middletown, RI. Exams are given at 9:00 AM The next testing dates are:  March 12, June 11, September 10, and December 10, 2016 Call: Jack N1JK  for more information, 401-683-2250   or e mail: [email protected]



Has VE Sessions held the 1st Saturday of every month at the Cranston Public Library, 140 Sockanosset Cross Rd. Cranston, RI the testing begins at 9:15 AM.  For more information contact:  Contact: Bruce Herrick
(401) 741-2212
Email: [email protected]



Bulletin From RI Bulletin Manager, Dan KA1BNO

 As a special public service to the local clubs in the RI area I would like to start listing along with my other Bulletins and announcements, Club meeting times and dates so that other hams and non hams in the area have a chance to attend your club meetings to meet new people and maybe join your club.

 Please send me your information on when your Club meets and the location and maybe directions to the club meeting. and maybe a contact person if someone is interested in joining your group.

 Also send me any information on club projects and activities that are going on or will be going on in the near future. Be it guest speakers, or a special project, or public service. etc.

 I will not announce any club meetings on the RI Swap and Sell Net, until I get an official reply from a club officer via e mail. 

You can e mail me to the following address:   [email protected]

 Sincerely Yours:

 Dan Roy KA1BNO, 

ARRL RI Bulletin Manager and NCS for RI Swap and Sell Net.

This page was last modified on:  11/13/2016