Uebersetzung noch in Arbeit!

DJ1KM, Reinhard & Inge Richter

Our hosts in 1997 and 2000

DF3DP, Ernst H. Hoffmann

Our host in 1997 and 2000

DL3NDU, Helmut Schiessl

Our host in 1997

DK9FX, Albert and Renate Siegel

Our hosts in 1994

In Otto's (DL1SEC) shack - he stands at the center

Our host in 1994 and 2000

UA9MIL-Valentina, DL4PN-Leo, UA9MPO-Oxana, DK5JD-Kurt, DF2YE's XYL-Helga, DF2YE-Eckhard

DK5JD was our host in 1997 and in 2000, all the rest including UA9MPO - in 2000


Hanne-Lore&Wilfried were our hosts in 1994, 1997 and 2000


Ton-PA3FZD, his XYL-Corrie, Wilfried-DL1GWD, Valentina-UA9MIL

Ton&Corrie were our hosts in 2000