WA5IYX 8-mm Solar Image

(click on image for full size)

Mar 25, 1998 8-mm video frame

Mar 25, 1998 - 2030Z (1430 CST)
(north is on the left and west is at the top)
RV-6 40-mm eyepiece into 8-mm RCA camcorder

The camcorder was set to the highest shutter speed, maximum zoom, and manual focus (though focusing is done with the rack-and-pinion eyepiece). The left edge "shadowing" is NOT the solar limb!. The bluish tint is due to the Solar Skreen (tm) filter. A b&w image would result in a much smaller-sized JPEG.
                     This is Boulder Region 8185

             8185 S25E24  0580 FKC  20   27 BETA-GAMMA

This translates into the region number, solar coordinates, area (in
millionths of a solar hemisphere), visual classification (modified Zurich
- McIntosh), solar longitudinal extent, spot count, and the (Mt. Wilson)
magnetic classification.

Two days later an M2.4/3N flare in the western area of this group resulted
in a considerable decrease in the spot density there.


Page last updated October 1, 1999
(Minor mod: January 20, 2001)