In 1979, Bram PA 0 PCB was invited by the Ruwaard van Putten Scouting Group to facilitate a Jamboree On The Air (JOTA). Bram grouped some radio-amateurs and together with Scouting they made the JOTA a big success. The group of radio-amateurs involved decided that they would like to do more of these projects together. Plans were made to participate in the next National (yearly) Field Day.
De crew in 1991
The Scouting Group gave us permission to use their terrain for this fieldday. During this weekend the idea was born to unite the group of radio-amateurs in some kind of club. Scouting had no objections in using some of their space on the condition that we would support the JOTA every year to come. Thinking about a name for our club, it was decided to use the word Scouting in its name.
Clubbuilding at the Groenekruisweg in 1981

The name of the club was agreed upon : SRS, Scouting Radio Spijkenisse, because most of its members originated from Spijkenisse city or its surroundings. At a certain moment the Scouting Group was split up in the Ruwaard van Putten Group and the Hartelgroup. The SRS-club moved with the Hartelgroup to a location at the Gaddijk. For years we were located within an old pigsty. It was a splendid location, situated in the middle of pastures with little electric interference, which was of course favourable for making undisturbed radio contacts.

JOTA at the Gaddijk in 1984
The city of Spijkenisse was expanding and so did the Hartelgroup. Later on some portocabins and containers were placed on the premises to facilitate all groups. We have been there until December 1995. By that time the club compound was surrounded by a new estate. In 1996 the old club building was pulled down. At this location there is a public garden nowadays.
Photograph taken in 1995, new houses are advancing
Ham Contest in 1988 with Paul and Dirk
Morse code examination at the Gaddijk
JOTA 1988
JOTA 1993
In 1989 an public information night was held in
Spijkenisse city
gThe SRS-club was present with a stand
The ninth of December 1995 we moved to an old fire station in the centre of Spijkenisse. From this location we were participated in the JOTA in '96 and '97.
We moved the antenna pylon to the new location as well. But we did not put it into use; there was simply no room for it at the fire station, besides this was only a temporary location.

The antenna pylon on the move
1996, pull down has started
The old access road
In the meantime at the Drogendijk in Spijkenisse an old farm was abandoned. It was agreed that Scouting would make use of it after some renovations. Unfortunately it did not come this far, the farm was destroyed during a fire in 1996. The fire brigade was still busy damping down the fire the next day.

Voorbereiding voor de JOTA 1996
The house of the farm seemed spared, but suffered a lot of damage. At the end of the day the whole area was thoroughly cleaned to make way for something new. But there was no certainty about plans for the future. In 1998 the old fire station was pulled down to make way for new housing.

The farm destroyed by fire
Club night at Krekelveen
In the year 2000 there was again a JOTA
We moved again from the location of the fire station, this time we obtained a roomy shelter within a former school building in the middle of a housing area at the Krekelveen in Spijkenisse city. The disadvantage with this building was that we could not install the antennas permanently. They had to be put up and taken down with every event. At that time plans were made to build a completely new club house on the old spot where the farm was situated at the Drogendijk.
2000 The pouring of concrete for the new building
The foundation for the HF-antenna pylon
2000 It's starting to really look like a building
In 2001 the top of the building is reached
Here we see the revealing of the name of the building
2002 The roofing is already completed
Moving towards the Drogendijk
2002 The very first meeting at the Drogendijk
Ham radio shack under construction
In 2002 finally the day had come: The new building was (almost) ready! August 28th we held our very first club meeting in the new building at the Drogendijk.
The rooms were still rather bare but that changed quickly. Everybody, participated in changing the room into a real club home, a separate Ham Radio shack was created. Also a pantry was build to enable the serving of coffee and other refreshments.
Krekelveen : finished off
Placement of the VHF-antenna pylon
Construction work at the HF-antenna pylon

In 2003 we had our festive opening of the new facility. The Baden Powel Band started their musical march and was awaited by the children of the Scouting Group and some other children from the Childcare organisation that is also using the facility. All day there were all sorts of activities and Paul, PA 3 AQL brought the Unimog military truck from the Hellemonster Foundation PI 8 HM. All visitors, but especially the children, enjoyed this day very much. In our club home some old radio equipment was presented.
The day was completed by a huge and fantastic meal.

The Baden Powel Band approaching
Formal opening ceremony by the alderman of the city of Spijkenisse
Paul PA 3 AQL and the Hellemonster-truck
The joint meal
The campfire and after that a disco night