I have many interests the main one being that of Amateur Radio.  I am a relative newcomer to this hobby having only been licenced since December 1999.  I have met a great many people over the past few years and some have been of a great help to me in the pursuit of my hobby.  Through these people I have found my own favourite aspects of radio and communications and it is through this website that I hope to pass on some of the information that I have learned to other newcomers.  A lot of the information is by means of "LINKS" to other websites and some is by stories of my own experiences.

My main interest in Radio Communication is that of Digital Modes.  I am amazed at the way that a relatively weak signal can travel the airwaves and be perfectly decoded at the other end by way of a computer.  I use a variety of Digital Modes (Digi-Modes) and my favourite has to be PSK31.  This is a very narrow bandwidth communication method and can find its' way during the most adverse conditions.  Very useful when conditions wont allow you to use voice or other modes effectively.  I also enjoy communicating with SSTV (Slow Scan Television).  To the right you can see a picture I received from and Italian station while we were having a SSTV QSO.

Although I don't pretend to be the fastest operator in the world I do like to venture onto the CW (Morse Code) segment of the bands, from time to time.  CW, like Digi-Modes will make it through some of the most adverse conditions and is indeed the original mode for transmission by radio.  You can find a wealth of information by visiting the following website - www.marconicalling.com.  Here you will find video clips, sound files and lots of information relating to the history of radio.  

(Get into the shack and try some construction - even a small project can be fun)
A real passion of mine is so simple it is unbelievable.  I enjoy taking some scrap wire and/or bits of suitable metal and trying to turn it into antennas.  I have had some success and I have had some real disasters but, it all boils down to the fact that I enjoy it.  There is no better satisfaction than building something yourself and then finding out that it works.  I am not the most technically minded person in the world but there is always someone who will give some assistance if you need it.  To the right you will see examples of my "experiments".  This is what the hobby is all about - EXPERIMENTATION AND SELF TRAINING IN COMMUNICATION. Dscf0065.jpg (73978 bytes)
Rotary Dipole Centre Portable with
 Homebrew Rotary Dipole
see downloads and articles pages

If you pay a visit to the "Links Page" you will find connections to various sites where you will find all sorts of useful software for Amateur Radio Use.  PSK31 - SSTV - RTTY - Logging and lots more.

This site was last updated on 14-Jun-2003.
Email                [email protected]

QSL via The International Shortwave League to GM20997
Direct QSL info   www.qrz.com or click on the callsigns PA3HJB / MM0CXA
Copyright MM0CXA/PA3HJB 2003