Once a year the radio interested scouts (RIS) have there mobile foxhunt. The only thing the hunters know is that the fox is transmitting on the first frequency 145.525 MHz. in a given area. The 1st station is running "high power (> 100 Watt FM)" and is mostly a portable set-up.

The clubhouse of our last fox Scouting Mondriaan, Amersfoort
A nice clubhouse with a fireplace And a nice bar
Peter PA3FBO is setting up his fox

Hans PA3GRS, Laura PD0PGV,

Sjaak PA3GVR, Peter PA3FBO
And we had to wait for the first group
Peter PA3FBO compleet fox setup A close look at the transmitter and amp.
Hans PA3GRS testing the barbeque Laura PD0PGV in action
After the hunt, some of the teams Sjaak PA3GVR checks out a foxhunt receiver
And the winners are! Astrid PD1AOG and Chantal PD1ANA
After the hunt the barbecue
Do I have to say anything?