From: [email protected]

UPDATE : 12/2000 Part 4/5

* The indicated frequencies are in kilohertz and MARK notation !


AA5BJ (.NM.USA.NA) - Dusty - (W)
10131 10134 ****STN still QRV ???????

AF5D (.#SAT.TX.USA.NA) - Joe - San Antonio - (W)
(E) [email protected]
7070.5 7075
10128 10140.5
14070.5 14073

AL7PI (#NAK.AK.USA.NOAM - Pete - Anchorage (W)
(E) [email protected]
(D) 3620 3624
(D) 7061 7068 7069
(D) 10126 10128
(D) 14062 14064 14069 14070
(D) 18105.5
(D) 21064 21079
(D) 24911
(D) 28125

K1UOL (.CT.USA.NA) - Bob - Bethel - CT n. NY (W)(P2)
(E) [email protected]
(D) 3620 3621 3622 NE
(D) 7072 7075.5 * 7077 NE
(D) 10126 10140.5 * 10142.0 NE
(B) 14066 * 14068.5 70 deg
(B) 14071.5 14073 14112.5 * 14118 70 deg
(B) 21070 21073 70 deg

* = Indicates Pactor-II connects only.

K4CJX (.#MIDTN.TN.USA.NA) - Steve - Nashville - (WL2K)(P2)
(N) virtual E-Mail address for users of this MBO is: [email protected]
(E) [email protected]
(D) 3619 3621 3622 7070.5 7072.5 7074 7077
10122 10123 10124 10126 10127
14064.5 14066 14070 14072 14073 14074 14077

KA6IQA (.#SAN.CA.USA.NA) - Tom - nr San Diego - (P2)
(E) [email protected]
3620 7070 10126 14064 18103 210670

K6IXA (.#CCA.CA.USA.NA) - Grady - Atwater - (WL2K)(P2)
(E) [email protected]
(B) 14065 132-230 deg: 0400-0500

K7AAE (.WA.USA.NA) - Ron - nr Seattle, (P2)
(E) [email protected]
3620 7071 10127 14075 21072

K7SLI (.#NWWA.WA.USA.NA) - Jim - nr Seattle - (W)(P2)
(N) pae
(E) [email protected]
3627 3629 3631
7069 7070 7073
10125 10126 10127 10142.5

14069 14071 14073 14118
21073 21074

K8HMR **** STN seems to be QRT ???????

KB6YNO (.ME.USA.NA) - Eric - South Portland - Maine - (WL2K)(P2)
(E) [email protected]
7072 1130-0100
14068 0100-1130

KD1RY (.CT.USA.NA) - Rocco - Bethel - CT n. NY (W)(P2)
(B) 14071.5 14073.5 14118 WSW
(B) 18102.5 18104.5 WSW
(B) 21068 21075 WSW
(B) 24915 WSW
(B) 28077 WSW

KD4BRB ****** seems to be QRT *****

KF6NPC ( - Mike/N6KZB - Riverside - CA (WL2K)(P2)
(E) [email protected]
(D) 3616 3624
(D) 7068 7077
(D) 10126 10138
(D) 14067 14078
(D) 18106
(D) 21070
(D) 24926
(D) 28077
** NO " Forward " to with other MBOs !! **

KH6FE (.#APL.WA.USA.NA) - Ted - nr Seattle - ( ex_N6EQZ ) (W)(P2)
(E) [email protected]
(D) 7069 7071 7073 7075
(D) 10123 10124 10126 10128 10138 10140
(D) 14065 14068 14069 14070 14072 14073 14073.5 14075 14077
(D) 14096 14098
(D) 21074 21079
(D) 28075 28117.5 28125 28130

KI0JO (= ex N3PGG) ****** going QRT ******

KK5QT (.#STX.TX.USA.NA) - Robby - Seguin - (D)(W)
(E) [email protected] ***** STILL QRV ??? ****
3605 3613 3620 3622 0800-0700
7068 7069 7071 7072 7078 0700-1800
10126 10128 14068 14069 14076 0700-1800

KN6KB (.#MLBFL.FL.USA.NA) - Rick - nr Melbourne FL (V)(WL2K)(P2)
(E) [email protected]
3617 * 3618 * 3619 3622
7069 * 7070.5 * 7073 7104.5
10123 * 10124 * 10126 10140.5
14067 * 14068 * 14069 14111
* =Indicates Pactor-II connects only.

N0IA (.#CENFL.FL.USA.NA) - Bud - (W)P2)
3625 7070.5 7073 7101.5 10128
3627 7072 10131 2200-1300
14110.5 14112.5 18103 21067 1300-2200

N0ZO (.N0ZO.#LAKE.FL.USA.NOAM) -Pat- Lady Lake FL. (WL2K)(P2)
(E) [email protected]
(V) 7066 * 7070.5 7072 7077 7101.5 24h
(V) 10122 * 10124 10126 10128 10140.5 24h
(B) 14067 * 14069 14112.5 14118 24h
(B) 18105 1400-2400
(B) 21073 1400-2400
(B) 28072 1400-2400
* =Indicates Pactor-II connects only.

N1NNM (.#ENC.NC.USA.NA) - Luke - Millcreek NC. - (W)(P2)
(N) ewn
(E) [email protected]
(V) 3622 24h
(V) 7070 7072 7074 7077 24h
(V) 3618 3619 3620 3621 3622 2400-1200
(V) 10122 10124 10126 10128 10140. 1200-2400
(V) 14070 14071 14072 14074 14075 1200-2400
(V) 21070 21073 1200-2400
(V) 28073 28077 1200-2400

N4SS (.#WFL.FL.USA.NA) - Nick - Pensacola - (W)
(E) [email protected]
3622 7071 7100.5 10126 24h

14071.5 14098 24h

3618 0100-1300
7072.5 1300-0100
14073.5 14076 14077 14078 1300-0100

N5TC ******* seems to be QRT ****

N6EQZ ***** change Call to KH6FE ***** <------!

N7QDN (.#PDX.OR.USA.NA) - Duane - nr Portland - (W)(P2)
(D) 3624 3627 3629
(D) 7071 7072 7073
(D) 10122 10124 10126
(D) 14069 14070 14073 14075 14114 1400-0400
(D) 18103 1400-0400
(D) 21068 21074 21077 1400-0400
(D) 24915 1400-0400
(D) 28073 28075 28077 1400-0400

N8PGR (.#NEOH.OH.USA.NA) - Hans - nr Cleveland - (V)(WL2K)(P2)

(E) [email protected]
3621 * 3622 * 3623 3630 2200-1400
7066 * 7068 * 7072 7101.5 7104.5 24h

10127.5 * 10138 10140.5 24h
14068 * 14073 * 14076 14078 1200-0300
14075 14118 24h
21073 * 21075 * 21080 1200-2000
28075 28080 1200-2000
* =Indicates Pactor-II connects only.

VE1YZ (.#HFX.NS.CAN.NOAM) -Neil- Halifax NS- (WL2K)(P2)
(E) [email protected]
(D) 3620 3621 3622
(D) 7072 7075 7077
(V) 10122 10124 10126 10128
(V) 14069 14073 14112.5 14118
(D) 21075

VE7DHM (.#SVI.BC.CAN.NOAM) -Paul- southern Vancouver Island - (G)(W)
** RealTime-GateWay to -AX25-Network (Digi to VE7VBB 145.690) **

WA6OYC (.NC.CA.USA.NA - Oakland Yacht Club - Alameda - (WL2K)(P2)
(SysOp : Rich - WB6EEE
(E) [email protected])
(V) 3627 3628
(V) 7069 7070
(V) 10130 10132
(V) 14073 14076
(V) 18103 18006
(V) 21066 21068
(V) 24926 24928
(V) 28075 28077 28177

WB7OKX (.WB7AWL.#SEOR.OR.USA.NA) - Ray - Keno - Oregon - (GW)(P2)
(E) [email protected]
(V) 3639 3642 24h

(V) 7066 7071 7079 24h

(V) 14068 14077 14079 24h
(V) 21068 21079 24h

** RealTime-GateWay to -AX25-Network (Digi to WB7AWL) **

W1WCG (.CT.USA.NA) - Van - near New Haven - CT - (W)(P2)
(E) [email protected]
3618 3622
7067 7071 7100.5
10126 10128 10141
14071.5 14073.5 14098
21072.5 21096
** 1 scan cycle = 78 seconds = 6.0 seconds/QRG **

W3GL (#APL.DE.USA.NOAM) - Ralph - (C)(W)(P2)
(E) [email protected]
7068 7069 7070.5 7072 7077.9 7101.5 * 0000-2400
10126 10127 10128 10141.5 * 10143.5 * 0000-2400
14069 14112.5 * 14118 * 0000-2400
7071 7075 7077 2200-1100
14073 14075 1100-2400
18100 18105 1100-2400
21073 21075 21120 ** 1100-2400
24910 24915 24918 1100-2400
28073 28075 28080 28127 28128 1100-2400
** Frequencies marked with * are used for forward to other MBO's. **
** Please: NON-MBO-Users, do NOT use these frequencies. **
** The Frequency 21120 is included so U.S. Tech Plus amateurs can **
** connect in the Pactor mode within their assigned frequencies **

W4NPX (.#CVA.VA.USA.NA) - Bob - Charlottesville - (D)(B)(C)(M)
(N) cho
(E) [email protected]
(D) 3620 3628 3630 some Grid-offset: -100hz !!
(D) 7064 7066 7068 7070 7072 7101.5 some Grid-offset: -100hz !!
(D) 10126 10128 10133 10134 10142.5 some Grid-offset: -100hz !!
(B) 14064 14068 14070 14072 some Grid-offset: -100hz !!
(B) 21064 21074 some Grid-offset: -100hz !!
(B) 28073 some Grid-offset: -100hz !!

W5KSI (.#NOLA.LA.USA.NA) - Angelo - New Orleans - (W)(P2)
(E) [email protected]
3620 3622
7069 7071 7075.5 7101.5
10123 10124 10138 10140
14068 14069 14070 14071 14072 14073 14073.5 14074 14079 14112.5 14118
21074 21075 21079
28074 28075 28145*
* = This QRG for our American Technician class licenses ***

W6IM (.USA.NA) - San Diego Yacht Club - (P2)
(B) 7074 10137 14072

W7BO (.#SWWA.WA.USA.NOAM) - John - Woodland WA -
(N) por
(D) 7069

W7IJ (.#WWA.WA.USA.NA) - Bill - nr Olympia - (C)(W)(P2)
(E) [email protected]
(V) 3605 3620 3624 7068 7069
(V) 10126 10128 18104.5 18105.5
(B) 14068 14069 14112 ESE
(B) 14112.5 14113.5 14118 14120 ESE
(B) 21064 21078 21079 28125 ESE

W9MR (.#SEIL.IL.USA.NA) - Ken - Keensburg - (V)(W)(P2)
(E) [email protected]
3621 3622 3628
7066 7068 7072 7085 7101.5
10126 10127 10140.5 10146.5
14068 14075 14108 14114 14118
21064 21072
28075 28078

WA1URA (.IN.USA.NA) - Frank nr Fort Wayne - (W)(P2)
(N) fwa
(E) [email protected]
3620 3621 3623
7071 7075.5
10126 10128 10140.5
14069 14070.5 14073.5 14075 14110.5 14116
21074 21076 21079

WA3LCO (.#NWPA.PA.USA.NA) - Floyd in Erie - (M)
(E) [email protected] ***** STILL QRV ??? ****

WA7EES (.#RN7NTS.OR.USA.NOAM) - Dave - Hillsboro (Portland) - (W)
3620 3622 3625 3627 3629 3631
7069 7071 7075.5
10126 10127 10128 10131 10140
14069 14070.5 14071.5 14072.5

WA9WCN (.IN.USA.NA) - Bob - Indianapolis - (W)
(E) [email protected]
(D) 3616 3621 3622 ***** STILL QRV ??? ****
(D) 7068 7070

WB0TAX (.#SHRV.LA.USA.NA)- Deni -Elm Grove- Louisiana - (WL2K)(P2)
(E) [email protected]
3618 3620 3622 3624 0100-1300

7068 7070.5 7075.5 7101.5 1300-0100

10126 10130 10133 1300-0100

WB2FTX (.WB2FTX.#nnj.nj.usa.noam)- Dave - Butler - NJ -
(E) [email protected]
(D) 3618 3620 3622
(D) 7071 7100.5
(D) 10126 10128
(D) 14071.5 14098

WB3DTG -Bob - PA. <
(V) 7077 (W)P2)

WB5KSD (.ETX.TX.USA.NA) - Jon - Farmersville - (WL2K)(P2)
3625 3627 3629
7073 7075 7077 7101.5
10128 10133 10134 10141.5
14069 14073 14075 14114

WB5UJO (.TX.USA.NA) - Hoppy - (W)
7075 ***** STILL QRV ??? ****

WD5EEV (.KS.USA.NA) - John - Winfield -
(E) [email protected]
(N) ict
(B) 14072 south

WU3V ( - Jim - Lafayette / Louisiana - (GW)(F)(P2)
(E) [email protected]
(E) [email protected] or [email protected]
(D) 7040 7042 7070 7103.5
(D) 14070 14072 14074 14076 14078 14080
(D) 21074 21076 21078 21081
(D) 28075 28082

WX4J (.#SWITZ.FL.USA.NA) - Earl - (D)(W)
(N) jax
(E) [email protected]
3618 3620 3622 3624
7069 7070.5 7071 7071.5 7072.5 7073.5
14071.5 14072.5 14073.5

XE1M (.#CALP.TLAX.MEX.NA) - Valentin - (M)
(E) [email protected]

ZF1GC (.#GC.CYM.CAR.NA) - Frank - (WL2K)(P2)
(E) [email protected]
10124 10126 10140.5 10141 10142.5
14063.5 14064 14065 14066 14067 14068 14069 14069.5 14070
14071 14072 14074 14076 14077 14077.5 14078
21064 21066
** some QRGs are 100-150hz Grid-offset !!! -


Please send your Updates to:

Alf DF7ML @ DB0AAB.#BAY.DEU.EU - email-ID: [email protected]
Rudolf DL1ZAV@HS0AC.#PWT.BKK.THA.AS - email-ID: [email protected]

Thanks to u all for the last updates

*** EOF Part 4/5