'DTMFtest.vbs: Send DTMF to decoder 'To invoke this script from the command line, type: ' cscript DTMF_send.vbs xxxxx ' Where xxxx argument = the DTMF string ' if no argument specified, it will send 12345 ' By ON7EQ august 2010 'This script can also be invoked from Scheduled Tasks, if desired. Set oEchoLink = CreateObject("EchoLink.EchoLinkSession") Set oSysConfig = CreateObject("EchoLink.SysopConfig") Set oSetupConfig = CreateObject("EchoLink.SetupConfig") If WScript.Arguments.Count > 0 Then sDTMF = WScript.Arguments(0) oEcholink.InterpretDTMFString sDTMF Else oEcholink.InterpretDTMFString 12345 End if