ARDUINO ATU for EFHW 20/40m antenna & Icom TRX

This project describes an ARDUINO based automatic antenna tuner, for an end  fed half wave (EFHW)  antenna, dual band for 20 & 40m.

This project realization is for 'advanced' OM's ... I am hereby publishing all information  I have on hand, so what is missing must be experimentally defined in your setup ! My intention is not to withhold any information whatsoever and feel free to ask if you are missing something.

Why an EFHW antenna ? The big advantage of this type antenna is that (1) it is end fed, thus very easily set up (horizontally, slant, vertically on a fishing pole ... (2) it is fed with high impedance, thus requiring  only a minimum of grounding (counterpoise) -  so this antenna is very 'portable' and ideal for a temporary or portable setup. 

The fact that this antenna has an end impedance which is very high - measured in practice to be around 3.000 Ohm (up to 5.000 max, in theory when radiating in 'free space' ) makes it necessary to feed it in an appropriate manner. One of the methods was invented by FUCHS, who used a resonating L/C circuit to step-up the impedance from 50 Ohm to the required 3k.   The advantage of this method is that, by tuning the L/C circuit, a good match can be obtained under various conditions - so the system not only transforms the impedance, but matches as well to some extent.

On basis of this principle, the idea was to have:

Note : instead of an EFHW antenna, a magnetic loop antenna could in principle be tuned in same manner....

The first idea ... leading to a 'dead end' !

The IC-7000 has an integrated SWR bridge and the possibility to read it's the value by a CAT command ... GREAT !  I lost hours trying to get this running, looking into my code ....  searching for mistakes, debugging ...  before realizing  that the SWR reading is available through CAT EXCEPT DURING 'TUNE' PROCEDURE !  So, as soon as the 'TUNE' button is depressed,  no more information can be retrieved through CAT about SWR ....  this is a pity and forces to use an external SWR bridge / directional coupler. Anyhow, see the relevant CAT commands / readout here.

System operation & features

(click to zoom)


The ATU box is connected to the control bow by a standard CAT5 network cable and RJ-45, this is very handy.  The signal handles supply (+12v) and control signal to servo, and power to the 40m band relay.



The advantage of above method is that the power during TUNE can be freely adjusted by the sketch setup parameters.  This can be required because at high power (in my case > 5w RF), there were errors with servo (becoming instable) and/or data errors on the CAT line (Transceiver not returning to RX mode after TUNE/TX sequence)  Other possibility is to use the built-in TUNE feature of rig, but it then might be required to adjust the TUNE power in IC-7000 internal settings  (accessing the service menu).  Anyhow, the sketches for the 2 variants are provided (the one with built-in TUNE feature much less complex - but not my preference !).



A minimum of cables / connections are required. The system is powered through the ATU connector of IC-7000.  To emulate the original MOLEX, a plug was made out of a PC internal power plug, where on one end a section was cut out  to match the mating plug on TRX.

Pins  from L to R =   4   3   2   1

Pin 1 is the KEY pin, when the 'TUNE' button is pressed, it's pulled low by the tuner to tell the radio to start transmitting.

Pin 2 is the START pin to/from the microprocessor. Under normal circumstances the START pin is pulled high (to +12v via a 47k resistor) when a remote tuner is attached to tell the radio that the tuner is present. When you press 'TUNE' on the radio front panel, the radio pulls the pin low telling the tuner to start the matching sequence.

Pin 3 is POWER rated for 1 amp max and switches on and off with the radio. This powers the ATU.

Pin 4 is ground.


Recommended sites : have Google looking out for  - the site of Ekki is explaining Icom CAT up to bit and byte level ! He has written some nifty software to decode frames and analyze what is happening ...

Other inspiring information :

Below are the sketches - in 2 variants  or download version 1  (=by internal TUNE) or download version 2 (=fully by CAT) .   It was compiled with IDE version 0022.- IMPORTANT : please use the same or you might get errors when compiling !  You still can download previous versions from ARDUINO website

A rough sketch of interconnections to ARDUINO, IC-7000, Tuner can be downloaded as PDF here !

 (see other ARDUINO stuff under 'PROJECTS' page)

//                                                   //
//     ATU FOR END FED HALF WAVE ANTENNA 20 & 40m    //
//                   by ON7EQ                        //
//                                                   //
//         using the rig internal TUNE feature       //
//                                                   //

#include <Servo.h>     // We will use a servo
Servo servo;           // for rotating the capacitor

// include EEPROM write - required to memorize best antenna position
#include <EEPROM.h>

#include <NewSoftSerial.h>
// Use pins 2 and 3 to talk to the CAT. 2 is the RX pin, 3 is the TX pin 
// Connect the RX pin to the CAT output through a 4k7 resistor.
NewSoftSerial CATserial =  NewSoftSerial(2, 3);

#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
// initialize the library with the numbers of the interface pins
LiquidCrystal lcd(7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12);


#define TrxAddress (102)           // 102 = HEX66 = IC746Pro / 7400
#define LowPowerSet (8)            // this DEC figures sets the low power output level (max = 55 !) 25 = 5w about 5 = 2w about
#define servoControlPin (4)        // attached to pin 4
#define servoPowerPin (A5)         // attached to pin A5: H = power to servo
#define backLash (9)               // servo backlash
#define TuneRequestPin (5)         // attached to pin 5 : L = Tune request by Transceiver
#define TuneTxPin (13)             // attached to pin 13 : L = setr TRX in Tune mode
#define BuzzerPin (A0)             // attached to Analog pin 0 : H = Buzzer beep
#define manualTunePin (A1)         // toggles switch attached to Analog pin : 0 = down, +5v = up; 2.5 v = idle
#define VccMeasurePin (A4)         // attached to Analog pin 4 : Voltage measure (1k2 to GND, 4k7 to Vcc - max 25v)
#define SwrFwdPin (A2)             // attached to Analog pin 2 : SWR Forward probe  (max 5v)
#define SwrReflPin (A3)            // attached to Analog pin 3 : SWR Reflected probe  (max 5v)
#define relayPin (6)               // attached to Digital pin 6 : Relay control - High = 40m select
#define R1           (12)          // from GND to VccMeasurePin, express in 100R  (12 = 1200 Ohm)
#define R2           (47)          // from + power supply to VccMeasurePin, express in 100R  (47 = 4700 Ohm)


int i;
int incoming;
int buffget[10] ;                             // the receive buffer

int Swr_fwd = 0;
int Swr_refl = 0;

unsigned int SupplyVoltage = (0); // Power supply voltage

byte capPos = 255;
byte bestCapPos = 0;
byte HighCapPos = 0;
byte LowCapPos = 0;

byte refl = 0;
byte bestRefl = 255;

byte ActMode = 0;                               // Actual mode                    
byte ActPwr_msb = 0;                            // Actual power msb
byte ActPwr_lsb = 0;                            // Actual power lsb

byte  TuneRequestPin_status = (1);              // High level is idle
long  TuneRequestPinbuttonTime = 0;
long  HeartBeatTime = 0;
long  lastCat = 0;

int unsigned long MHZ = 0;
int unsigned long KHZ = 0;
int unsigned long HZ = 0;
int unsigned long QRG = 0; 
byte band = 0;                                  //actual band
byte oldband = 0;                               //previous band

// read commands
byte swr_read[7] = {254,254,TrxAddress,224,21,18,253};           // SWR read command
byte read_trx_id[6] = {254,254,TrxAddress,224,25,253};           // read TRX ID, irrespective if actal address
byte mode_read[6] = {254,254,TrxAddress,224,04,253};             // read mode: response $FE $FE $EO ra $04 $03 $02 $FD // $03 = CW
byte rf_power_read[7] = {254,254,TrxAddress,224,20,10,253};      // read RF powermode: response $FE $FE ra $E0 $14 $10 $yy $yy $FD 
byte qrg_read[6] = {254,254,TrxAddress,224,03,253};              // read frequency 

//write commands
byte dial_lock[8] = {254,254,TrxAddress,224,22,80,01,253};       // dial lock
byte dial_unlock[8] = {254,254,TrxAddress,224,22,80,00,253};     // dial unlock
byte low_power[9] = {254,254,TrxAddress,224,20,10,00,LowPowerSet,253};    // low power
byte tx[8] = {254,254,TrxAddress,224,28,00,01,253};             //turn Tx on
byte rx[8] = {254,254,TrxAddress,224,28,00,00,253};             // goto receive

byte mode_fm[7] = {254,254,TrxAddress,224,6,5,253};              // FM mode
byte mode_rtty[7] = {254,254,TrxAddress,224,6,4,253};            // RTTY mode

byte mode_return[5] = {254,254,TrxAddress,224,6};                // 1st 5 bytes, need to be completed
byte rf_power_set[6] = {254,254,TrxAddress,224,20,10};           // 1st 6 bytes, need to be completed with $yy $yy $FD 

byte degree [8] = {  // special character  'heartbeat' indicator
byte heart [8] = {  // special character


////////////////////////////////   S E T U P  ////////////////////////////////

void setup() {

// set up the LCD's number of columns and rows: 
  lcd.begin(8, 2);

// Print a message to the LCD.

lcd.print(" ON7EQ");
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
lcd.print("Icom ATU");

 pinMode(BuzzerPin, OUTPUT);
 digitalWrite(BuzzerPin, HIGH);  
 digitalWrite(BuzzerPin, LOW);   

delay (2000);

lcd.print("Ver 1.08");
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
lcd.print("03/2012 ");

delay (3000);

// create special characters 

lcd.createChar(0, degree);
lcd.createChar(1, heart);

pinMode(TuneRequestPin, INPUT);

pinMode(servoPowerPin, OUTPUT);  
digitalWrite(servoPowerPin, LOW);

digitalWrite(TuneTxPin, LOW);
pinMode(TuneTxPin, OUTPUT); 

pinMode(relayPin, OUTPUT);


TuneRequestPinbuttonTime = millis();

///////////////////////////  L   O   O  P  ////////////////////////// 

void loop() {


      if ((analogRead(manualTunePin) < 340) and (band != 0)) manualDown(); // manual tuning requested
      if ((analogRead(manualTunePin) > 680) and (band != 0)) manualUp();
      TuneRequestPin_status = digitalRead(TuneRequestPin);
      if (TuneRequestPin_status == 1) {
      TuneRequestPinbuttonTime = millis();  // reset  timer
      goto waitbutton;
  if ((millis() - TuneRequestPinbuttonTime) < 50)  goto waitbutton;
// button is pushed !

   TuneRequestPin_status = 1;                  //Reset button
   if (band == 0) {                            // Band error !
        digitalWrite(BuzzerPin, HIGH);  
        digitalWrite(BuzzerPin, LOW);             
        digitalWrite(BuzzerPin, HIGH);  
        digitalWrite(BuzzerPin, LOW);
        digitalWrite(BuzzerPin, HIGH);  
        digitalWrite(BuzzerPin, LOW);             
        digitalWrite(BuzzerPin, HIGH);  
        digitalWrite(BuzzerPin, LOW);      
    goto waitbutton;
   lcd.setCursor(0, 1); 

    delay(100);                    // wait till tune button released / DO NOT REMOVE LINE ! 



  bestCapPos = 0;
  bestRefl = 1023;
  digitalWrite(servoPowerPin, HIGH);
  capPos = 0;
  servo.write(0);                 // turn capacitor to start position
  delay(600);                     // this will take a bit of time, so wait

  ///// find best reflection routine ///// 
  /// coarse
  for(capPos = 0; capPos < 181; capPos += 10) {   //every 10°
 // Check if not stuck   
   if ((millis() - TuneRequestPinbuttonTime) > 30000) tuneError();
      lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
      if (capPos < 100)  lcd.print("0");
      if (capPos < 10)  lcd.print("0");
      lcd.print(capPos, DEC); 

//lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
      delay(150);   // Wait for servo 

     Swr_refl = analogRead(SwrReflPin);
//   Swr_fwd = analogRead(SwrFwdPin);
   refl = Swr_refl;
   if (refl > 999) refl = 999;
 // end SWR by probe input
    lcd.print(" "); 
    if (refl < 100)  lcd.print("0");
    if (refl < 10)  lcd.print("0");
    lcd.print(refl, DEC); 
    delay (20); 
    if (refl < bestRefl) {
      bestRefl = refl;
      bestCapPos = capPos;

 /// fine, every 1°
   HighCapPos = bestCapPos + 20;
   if (HighCapPos > 180) HighCapPos = 179; 
   LowCapPos = bestCapPos - 20;
   if ((LowCapPos > 180) or (LowCapPos < 1)) LowCapPos = 0; 
   bestRefl = 1023;
  servo.write(LowCapPos);           // turn capacitor to start position
  delay(400);                       // this will take a bit of time, so wait
  for(capPos = LowCapPos; capPos < (HighCapPos + 1); capPos += 1) {
  // Check if not stuck   
   if ((millis() - TuneRequestPinbuttonTime) > 30000) tuneError();  
      lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
      if (capPos < 100)  lcd.print("0");
      if (capPos < 10)  lcd.print("0");
      lcd.print(capPos, DEC); 

//lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
      delay(200);   // Wait for servo & vswr_refl voltage decay
     Swr_refl = analogRead(SwrReflPin);
//   Swr_fwd = analogRead(SwrFwdPin);
   refl = Swr_refl;
   if (refl > 999) refl = 999;
 // end SWR by probe input
    lcd.print(" "); 
    if (refl < 100)  lcd.print("0");
    if (refl < 10)  lcd.print("0");
    lcd.print(refl, DEC); 
    delay (50); 
    if (refl < bestRefl) {
      bestRefl = refl;
      bestCapPos = capPos;
      // if (refl > bestRefl) goto endTuneProcess ; 

  // select best capacitance 
  lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
  if (bestCapPos < 100)  lcd.print("0");
  if (bestCapPos < 10)  lcd.print("0");
  lcd.print(bestCapPos, DEC); 

  lcd.print(" "); 
  if (bestRefl < 100)  lcd.print("0");
  if (bestRefl < 10)  lcd.print("0");
  lcd.print(bestRefl, DEC); 

 capPos = capPos --;
     delay (100); 
 if (capPos > (bestCapPos - backLash)) goto endTuneProcess;

// Memorize best position

if (band == 20)  EEPROM.write(20,bestCapPos);
if (band == 40)  EEPROM.write(40,bestCapPos);

      lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
      if (bestCapPos < 100)  lcd.print("0");
      if (bestCapPos < 10)  lcd.print("0");
      lcd.print(bestCapPos, DEC); 

       lcd.print(" "); 
      if (bestRefl < 100)  lcd.print("0");
      if (bestRefl < 10)  lcd.print("0");
      lcd.print(bestRefl, DEC); 

  // end tuning process
    lcd.setCursor(0, 1); 
     lcd.print(" READY!  ");
    digitalWrite(servoPowerPin, LOW);
    digitalWrite(BuzzerPin, HIGH);  
    digitalWrite(BuzzerPin, LOW); 
    digitalWrite(BuzzerPin, HIGH);  
    digitalWrite(BuzzerPin, LOW); 
    digitalWrite(BuzzerPin, HIGH);  
    digitalWrite(BuzzerPin, LOW);  
void enterTuneMode() {  

  digitalWrite(TuneTxPin, HIGH);   // enter tune mode

void exitTuneMode() { 
  delay(500); // time to read SWR
  digitalWrite(TuneTxPin, LOW);   // exit tune mode

void readFrequency() { 
   while (CATserial.available() > 0); // clear buffer
   delay (20);

    lastCat = millis();
    for( i=0; i<6; i++){          // send qrg read
    CATserial.print(qrg_read[i],BYTE); }
  if ((millis() - lastCat) > 300)  goto new_try;
  if (CATserial.available() > 0) {
    lastCat = millis();
    incoming =;
    if (incoming == 254) {           // 1st byte is  an FE look for an FE to start
      goto qrg_start; 
     goto qrg_next; 


  buffget[0] = 0; 

  // delay(1);
  for ( i=0;i<10;i++) {                // get next 10 bytes
    if(CATserial.available() > 0) {
      buffget[i];     // load buffget with next 10 characters
      delay(2);                        //delay 1 ms if true, time for buffer fill

delay (10);                                     // delay is required to process buffer, do not remove !

  if (buffget[0] == 254) {                      // again FE , as 2nd character ?

    goto qrg_next1; 
  }                                             // yes, now do '00' test
  goto qrg_next;                                // wrong array, get another


  if ((buffget[3] == 0) or (buffget[3] == 3) or  (buffget[3] == 5)     ){  // check to see if 4th char is 00 or 03 or 05 (=frequency)
    goto qrg_next2; 
  }                                               // detected, goto next2

  goto qrg_next;                                  // wrong array, get another


// Check for last byte

  if(buffget[9] == 253 ){                       // look for FD at end of array
    goto frequency; 
  }                                             // if FD detected, goto frequency
  goto qrg_next;                                // wrong command

frequency:                                      // we have frequency array on hand

    MHZ = (buffget[7]);

    MHZ = MHZ - (((MHZ/16) * 6));               // Transform bytes ICOM CAT 
    if (MHZ >= 100)  goto qrg_next;             // wrong byte

    KHZ = buffget[6];
    KHZ = KHZ - (((KHZ/16) * 6));               // Transform bytes ICOM CAT 
    if (KHZ >= 100)  goto qrg_next;             // wrong byte

    HZ = buffget[5]; 
    HZ = HZ - (((HZ/16) * 6));                  // Transform bytes ICOM CAT 
    if (HZ >= 100)  goto qrg_next;              // wrong byte

  QRG = ((MHZ * 10000) + (KHZ * 100) + (HZ * 1)); // QRG variable stores frequency in MMkkkH  format

  band  = 0 ;                                   // Reset band info
  if ((QRG > 139000) and (QRG < 145000)) {
              if (oldband == 40) {              // band change detect
              digitalWrite(servoPowerPin, HIGH);
              capPos =;
              lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
              if (capPos < 100)  lcd.print("0");
              if (capPos < 10)  lcd.print("0");
              lcd.print(capPos, DEC); 
              lcd.print(" PRE");
              digitalWrite(servoPowerPin, LOW);             
       band = 20;
       oldband = band;
       digitalWrite(relayPin, LOW);  
  if ((QRG > 69900) and (QRG < 72100)) {
              if (oldband == 20) {            // band change detect
              digitalWrite(servoPowerPin, HIGH);
              capPos =;
              lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
              if (capPos < 100)  lcd.print("0");
              if (capPos < 10)  lcd.print("0");
              lcd.print(capPos, DEC); 
              lcd.print(" PRE");
              digitalWrite(servoPowerPin, LOW);             
       band = 40;
       oldband = band;
       digitalWrite(relayPin, HIGH);  
     lcd.setCursor(0, 1); 
     if ((band == 20) or (band == 40)) {
     lcd.print("m ");
     if (band == 0) {
       lcd.print("ERR "); 
       lcd.setCursor(5, 0);       
  SupplyVoltage = analogRead(VccMeasurePin);        // Read power supply voltage
  SupplyVoltage = map(SupplyVoltage, 0,1023,0,(50*(R2+R1)/R1));
              if (SupplyVoltage < 100) {
                 lcd.print(" ");
                 if (SupplyVoltage < 10) {
                      lcd.print(" ");
                 lcd.print((SupplyVoltage/10), DEC);
                 lcd.print((SupplyVoltage)%10, DEC); 
   // Heartbeat
        lcd.setCursor(3, 1);      
    if ((millis() - HeartBeatTime) < 1000) lcd.print(" ");              
    if ((millis() - HeartBeatTime) > 1000) lcd.write(1);
    if ((millis() - HeartBeatTime) > 2000) HeartBeatTime = millis();
///////////////////   M A N U A L   T U N E /////////////////////

void manualUp() { 

   lcd.setCursor(0, 1); 
  if (capPos < 180) digitalWrite(servoPowerPin, HIGH);
  if (capPos  == 255) {
      digitalWrite(servoPowerPin, HIGH);
      capPos = 0;
      servo.write(0);      // turn capacitor to start position if cappos never updated
      delay(800);          // this will take a bit of time, so wait
  digitalWrite(TuneTxPin, HIGH); 


  capPos = capPos ++;
  if (capPos == 181) {
      capPos = 180;
        digitalWrite(BuzzerPin, HIGH);  
        digitalWrite(BuzzerPin, LOW);             
        digitalWrite(BuzzerPin, HIGH);  
        digitalWrite(BuzzerPin, LOW);    
      goto endPlus;
  lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
  if (capPos < 100)  lcd.print("0");
  if (capPos < 10)  lcd.print("0");
  lcd.print(capPos, DEC); 
  Swr_refl = analogRead(SwrReflPin);
  refl = Swr_refl;
  if (refl > 999) refl = 999;
  lcd.print(" "); 
  if (refl < 100)  lcd.print("0");
  if (refl < 10)  lcd.print("0");
  lcd.print(refl, DEC); 
  delay(100);   // loop time high swr
  if (refl < 10) delay (100);  // running slow on low swr
  if (analogRead(manualTunePin) > 680) goto againPlus; 
  if (analogRead(manualTunePin) < 340) manualDown(); 
  if (analogRead(manualTunePin) < 340) manualDown();   
  digitalWrite(TuneTxPin, LOW); 

  lcd.setCursor(0, 1); 
  lcd.print("  STOP  ");

  digitalWrite(servoPowerPin, LOW);
  // memorize best position
  if ((capPos != 0) and (capPos != 180)){
        if (band == 20)  EEPROM.write(20,capPos);
        if (band == 40)  EEPROM.write(40,capPos); 
 void manualDown() { 
   lcd.setCursor(0, 1); 
  if (capPos > 0)digitalWrite(servoPowerPin, HIGH);
  if (capPos  == 255) {
      capPos = 0;
      servo.write(0);      // turn capacitor to start position if cappos never updated
      delay(800);          // this will take a bit of time, so wait
  digitalWrite(TuneTxPin, HIGH); 


  if (capPos > 0)capPos = capPos --;
  lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
  if (capPos < 100)  lcd.print("0");
  if (capPos < 10)  lcd.print("0");
  lcd.print(capPos, DEC); 
  Swr_refl = analogRead(SwrReflPin);
  refl = Swr_refl;
  if (refl > 999) refl = 999;
  lcd.print(" "); 
  if (refl < 100)  lcd.print("0");
  if (refl < 10)  lcd.print("0");
  lcd.print(refl, DEC); 
  if (capPos == 0){ 
        digitalWrite(BuzzerPin, HIGH);  
        digitalWrite(BuzzerPin, LOW);             
        digitalWrite(BuzzerPin, HIGH);  
        digitalWrite(BuzzerPin, LOW);   
        goto endDown; 
  delay(100);           // loop time high swr
  if (refl < 10) delay (100);  // running slow on low swr
  if (analogRead(manualTunePin) < 340) goto againDown; 
  if (analogRead(manualTunePin) > 680) manualUp(); 
  delay(1000);         // wait to show swr
  if (analogRead(manualTunePin) > 680) manualUp(); 
  digitalWrite(TuneTxPin, LOW);
  lcd.setCursor(0, 1); 
  lcd.print("  STOP  ");
  digitalWrite(servoPowerPin, LOW);
   // memorize best position
  if ((capPos != 0) and (capPos != 180)){
        if (band == 20)  EEPROM.write(20,capPos);
        if (band == 40)  EEPROM.write(40,capPos); 

/////    TUNER STUCK / TIMEOUT  //////
 void tuneError() { 
   lcd.setCursor(0, 1); 

  digitalWrite(TuneTxPin, LOW); 

        digitalWrite(BuzzerPin, HIGH);  
        digitalWrite(BuzzerPin, LOW);             
        digitalWrite(BuzzerPin, HIGH);  
        digitalWrite(BuzzerPin, LOW);   
        digitalWrite(BuzzerPin, HIGH);  
        digitalWrite(BuzzerPin, LOW);
        digitalWrite(BuzzerPin, HIGH);  
        digitalWrite(BuzzerPin, LOW);         

//                                                   //
//     ATU FOR END FED HALF WAVE ANTENNA 20 & 40m    //
//                   by ON7EQ                        //
//                                                   //
//         full tune sequence by CAT control         //
//                                                   //

#include <Servo.h>     // We will use a servo
Servo servo;                     // for rotating the capacitor

#include <NewSoftSerial.h>
// Use pins 2 and 3 to talk to the CAT. 2 is the RX pin, 3 is the TX pin 
// Connect the RX pin to the CAT output through a 4k7 resistor.
NewSoftSerial CATserial =   NewSoftSerial(2, 3);

#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
// initialize the library with the numbers of the interface pins
LiquidCrystal lcd(7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12);


#define TrxAddress (102)          // 102 = HEX66 = IC746Pro / 7400
#define LowPowerSet (8)          // the DEC figures sets the low power output level (max = 55 !) 25 = 5w about 5 = 2w about
#define servoControlPin (4)      // attached to pin 4
#define servoPowerPin (A5)        // attached to pin A5: H = power to servo
#define backLash (10)              //servo backlash
#define TuneRequestPin (5)        // attached to pin 5 : L = Tune request by Transceiver
#define TuneTxPin (13)            // attached to pin 13 : L = setr TRX in Tune mode
#define BuzzerPin (A0)            // attached to Analog pin 0 : H = Buzzer beep
#define manualTunePin (A1)         // toggles switch attached to Analog pin : 0 = down, +5v = up; 2.5 v = idle
#define VccMeasurePin (A4)        // attached to Analog pin 4 : Voltage measure (1k2 to GND, 4k7 to Vcc - max 25v)
#define SwrFwdPin (A2)             // attached to Analog pin 2 : SWR Forward probe  (max 5v)
#define SwrReflPin (A3)            // attached to Analog pin 3 : SWR Reflected probe  (max 5v)
#define relayPin (6)               // attached to Digital pin 6 : Relay control - High = 40m select
#define R1           (12)   // from GND to VccMeasurePin, express in 100R  (12 = 1200 Ohm)
#define R2           (47)   // from + power supply to VccMeasurePin, express in 100R  (47 = 4700 Ohm)


int i;
int incoming;
int buffget[10] ;                                                         // the receive buffer

int Swr_fwd = 0;
int Swr_refl = 0;

unsigned int SupplyVoltage = (0); // Power supply voltage

byte capPos = 255;
byte bestCapPos = 0;
byte HighCapPos = 0;
byte LowCapPos = 0;

byte refl = 0;
byte bestRefl = 255;

byte ActMode = 0;                                                         // Actual mode                                       

byte ActPwr_msb = 0;                                                       // Actual power msb
byte ActPwr_lsb = 0;                                                       // Actual power lsb

byte  TuneRequestPin_status = (1);                                                               // High level is idle
long  TuneRequestPinbuttonTime = 0;
long  lastCat = 0;

int unsigned long MHZ = 0;
int unsigned long KHZ = 0;
int unsigned long HZ = 0;
int unsigned long QRG = 0;
byte band = 0;

// read commands
byte swr_read[7] = {254,254,TrxAddress,224,21,18,253};                     // SWR read command
byte read_trx_id[6] = {254,254,TrxAddress,224,25,253};                     // read TRX ID, irrespective if actal address
byte mode_read[6] = {254,254,TrxAddress,224,04,253};                         // read mode: response $FE $FE $EO ra $04 $03 $02 $FD // $03 = CW
byte rf_power_read[7] = {254,254,TrxAddress,224,20,10,253};           // read RF powermode: response $FE $FE ra $E0 $14 $10 $yy $yy $FD 

byte qrg_read[6] = {254,254,TrxAddress,224,03,253};                           // read frequency 

//write commands
byte dial_lock[8] = {254,254,TrxAddress,224,22,80,01,253};             // dial lock
byte dial_unlock[8] = {254,254,TrxAddress,224,22,80,00,253};         // dial unlock
byte low_power[9] = {254,254,TrxAddress,224,20,10,00,LowPowerSet,253};       // low power
byte tx[8] = {254,254,TrxAddress,224,28,00,01,253};                         //turn Tx on
byte rx[8] = {254,254,TrxAddress,224,28,00,00,253};                         // goto receive

byte mode_fm[7] = {254,254,TrxAddress,224,6,5,253};                           // FM mode
byte mode_rtty[7] = {254,254,TrxAddress,224,6,4,253};                       // RTTY mode

byte mode_return[5] = {254,254,TrxAddress,224,6};                               // 1st 5 bytes, need to be completed
byte rf_power_set[6] = {254,254,TrxAddress,224,20,10};                     // 1st 6 bytes, need to be completed with $yy $yy $FD 

byte degree [8] = {   // special character

 ////////////////////   S E T U P  //////////////////////////

void setup() {

  //Serial.begin(57600);   // debug
   // set up the LCD's number of columns and rows: 

  lcd.begin(8, 2);

// Print a message to the LCD.
lcd.print(" ON7EQ");
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
lcd.print("Icom ATU");

delay (3000);

// create special characters  
lcd.createChar(0, degree);

pinMode(TuneRequestPin, INPUT);

pinMode(BuzzerPin, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(BuzzerPin, LOW);

pinMode(servoPowerPin, OUTPUT); 
digitalWrite(servoPowerPin, LOW);

digitalWrite(TuneTxPin, LOW);
pinMode(TuneTxPin, OUTPUT); 

pinMode(relayPin, OUTPUT);


TuneRequestPinbuttonTime = millis();

////////////  L   O   O  P  /////////////// 
void loop() {


      if ((analogRead(manualTunePin) < 340) and (band != 0)) manualDown(); // manual tuning requested
      if ((analogRead(manualTunePin) > 680) and (band != 0)) manualUp();
      TuneRequestPin_status = digitalRead(TuneRequestPin);
      if (TuneRequestPin_status == 1) {
      TuneRequestPinbuttonTime = millis();
      goto waitbutton;
  if ((millis() - TuneRequestPinbuttonTime) < 50)  goto waitbutton;
  // button is pushed !
   TuneRequestPin_status = 1;    //Reset button
   if (band == 0) {           // Band error !
        digitalWrite(BuzzerPin, HIGH); 
        digitalWrite(BuzzerPin, LOW);            
        digitalWrite(BuzzerPin, HIGH); 
        digitalWrite(BuzzerPin, LOW);
        digitalWrite(BuzzerPin, HIGH); 
        digitalWrite(BuzzerPin, LOW);            
        digitalWrite(BuzzerPin, HIGH); 
        digitalWrite(BuzzerPin, LOW);     
    goto waitbutton;
   lcd.setCursor(0, 1);

    delay(500);                                   // wait till tune button released / DO NOT REMOVE ! 

//   delay(5000);
//  lcd.clear();   


  bestCapPos = 0;
  bestRefl = 1023;
  digitalWrite(servoPowerPin, HIGH);
  capPos = 0;
  servo.write(0);           // turn capacitor to start position
  delay(600);                         // this will take a bit of time, so wait

  ///// find best reflection  ///// 

  /// coarse
  for(capPos = 0; capPos < 181; capPos += 10) {
      lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
      if (capPos < 100)  lcd.print("0");
      if (capPos < 10)  lcd.print("0");
      lcd.print(capPos, DEC);

//lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
      delay(150);     // Wait for servo 

     Swr_refl = analogRead(SwrReflPin);
//   Swr_fwd = analogRead(SwrFwdPin);
   refl = Swr_refl;
   if (refl > 999) refl = 999;
 // end SWR by probe input
    lcd.print(" ");
    if (refl < 100)  lcd.print("0");
    if (refl < 10)  lcd.print("0");
    lcd.print(refl, DEC);
    delay (20);
    if (refl < bestRefl) {
      bestRefl = refl;
      bestCapPos = capPos;

 /// fine
   HighCapPos = bestCapPos + 20;
   LowCapPos = bestCapPos - 20;
   bestRefl = 1023;
  servo.write(LowCapPos);           // turn capacitor to start position
  delay(400);                                             // this will take a bit of time, so wait
  for(capPos = LowCapPos; capPos < (HighCapPos + 1); capPos += 1) {
      lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
      if (capPos < 100)  lcd.print("0");
      if (capPos < 10)  lcd.print("0");
      lcd.print(capPos, DEC);

//lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
      delay(200);     // Wait for servo & vswr_refl voltage decay
     Swr_refl = analogRead(SwrReflPin);
//   Swr_fwd = analogRead(SwrFwdPin);
   refl = Swr_refl;
   if (refl > 999) refl = 999;
 // end SWR by probe input
    lcd.print(" ");
    if (refl < 100)  lcd.print("0");
    if (refl < 10)  lcd.print("0");
    lcd.print(refl, DEC);
    delay (50);
    if (refl < bestRefl) {
      bestRefl = refl;
      bestCapPos = capPos;
      // if (refl > bestRefl) goto endTuneProcess ; 


  // select best capacitance 

 capPos = capPos --;
     delay (100);
 if (capPos > (bestCapPos - backLash)) goto endTuneProcess;

      lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
      if (bestCapPos < 100)  lcd.print("0");
      if (bestCapPos < 10)  lcd.print("0");
      lcd.print(bestCapPos, DEC);

       lcd.print(" ");
      if (bestRefl < 100)  lcd.print("0");
      if (bestRefl < 10)  lcd.print("0");
      lcd.print(bestRefl, DEC);

  // end tuning process
    lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
     lcd.print(" READY!  ");
    digitalWrite(servoPowerPin, LOW);
    digitalWrite(BuzzerPin, HIGH); 
    digitalWrite(BuzzerPin, LOW);
void enterTuneMode() { 
// readFrequency();     // detect frequency, select relay
 while(CATserial.available());         // Flush buffer

  for( i=0; i<8; i++){                   // send DIAL LOCK  --> reply
    CATserial.print(dial_lock[i],BYTE); }

////// retrieve actual mode & power /////

// send mode  request 

 while (CATserial.available() > 0); // clear buffer
 for( i=0; i<6; i++){         
    CATserial.print(mode_read[i],BYTE); }
// read reply - format should be $FE $FE $EO ra $04 $03 $02 $FD -- $03 for CW

    if (CATserial.available() > 0) {
    incoming =;
    if (incoming == 254) goto m_start;                       // 1st byte is  an FE look for an FE to start
       goto m_next; }
    buffget[0] = 0; 
    for ( i=0;i<7;i++) {                                     // get next 7 bytes
    if(CATserial.available() >0) {
    buffget[i];                     // load buffget with next 8 bytes
    delay(2);                                                         //delay 2 ms if true, time for buffer fill
    }                                     // OK, got new 7 byte buffget array

    delay (10);                                                       // Required delay to process buffer, do not delete 

    if ((buffget[0] == 254) and (buffget[3] == 4) and (buffget[6] == 253))  goto mode;   // again FE , and mode byte  and last byte FD?
    goto m_next;                         // wrong array, get another
 mode:                                 // good array on hand, have a mode readout !
  ActMode = buffget[4]; 
// send rf power level 

 while (CATserial.available() > 0); // clear buffer
 delay (20);
 for( i=0; i<7; i++){         
    CATserial.print(rf_power_read[i],BYTE); }
// read reply - format should be $FE $FE ra $E0 $14 $10 $yy $yy $FD

    if (CATserial.available() > 0) {
    incoming =;
    if (incoming == 254) goto pwr_start;                       // 1st byte is  an FE look for an FE to start
       goto pwr_next; }
    buffget[0] = 0; 
    for ( i=0;i<8;i++) {                                     // get next 8 bytes
    if(CATserial.available() >0) {
    buffget[i];                     // load buffget with next 8 bytes
    delay(2);                                                         //delay 2 ms if true, time for buffer fill
    }                                     // OK, got new 8 byte buffget array

    delay (10);                                                   // Required delay to process buffer, do not delete 

    if ((buffget[0] == 254) and (buffget[3] == 20) and (buffget[4] == 10)and (buffget[7] == 253))  goto read_power;   // again FE , and mode byte  and last byte FD?
    goto pwr_next;                       // wrong array, get another
 read_power:                               // good array on hand, have a power level readout !
  ActPwr_msb = buffget[5]; 
  ActPwr_lsb = buffget[6]; 
  //end send mode  request       

  for( i=0; i<7; i++){                   // send mode RTTY cmd
    CATserial.print(mode_rtty[i],BYTE); }
  for( i=0; i<9; i++){                   // send LOW POWER 

    CATserial.print(low_power[i],BYTE); }
  for( i=0; i<8; i++){                   // send TX   

    CATserial.print(tx[i],BYTE); }

void exitTuneMode() {
 while (CATserial.available() > 0); // clear buffer
 delay (200);
  for( i=0; i<8; i++){                   // sendRX 

    CATserial.print(rx[i],BYTE); }

// set again mode 
   for( i=0; i<5; i++){         
    CATserial.print(mode_return[i],BYTE); }
// set again rf power level 
   for( i=0; i<6; i++){         
    CATserial.print(rf_power_set[i],BYTE); }

  for( i=0; i<8; i++){                   // send DIAL UNLOCK 

    CATserial.print(dial_unlock[i],BYTE); }

void readFrequency() {
   while (CATserial.available() > 0); // clear buffer
   delay (20);

    lastCat = millis();
    for( i=0; i<6; i++){                   // send qrg read
    CATserial.print(qrg_read[i],BYTE); }
  if ((millis() - lastCat) > 300)  goto new_try;
  if (CATserial.available() > 0) {
    lastCat = millis();
    incoming =;
    if (incoming == 254) {                     // 1st byte is  an FE look for an FE to start
      goto qrg_start; 
     goto qrg_next; 


  buffget[0] = 0; 

  // delay(1);
  for ( i=0;i<10;i++) {                             // get next 10 bytes
    if(CATserial.available() > 0) {
      buffget[i];         // load buffget with next 10 characters
      delay(2);                                             //delay 1 ms if true, time for buffer fill

delay (10);                                                                         // delay is required to process buffer, do not remove !

  if (buffget[0] == 254) {                                           // again FE , as 2nd character ?

    goto qrg_next1; 
  }                                             // yes, now do '00' test
  goto qrg_next;                                // wrong array, get another


  if ((buffget[3] == 0) or (buffget[3] == 3) or  (buffget[3] == 5)     ){   // check to see if 4th char is 00 or 03 or 05 (=frequency)
    goto qrg_next2; 
  }                                             // detected, goto next2

  goto qrg_next;                                  // wrong array, get another


// Check for last byte

  if(buffget[9] == 253 ){                                             // look for FD at end of array
    goto frequency; 
  }                                             // if FD detected, goto frequency
  goto qrg_next;                                // wrong command

frequency:                                                                         // we have frequency array on hand

    MHZ = (buffget[7]);

    MHZ = MHZ - (((MHZ/16) * 6));              // Transform bytes ICOM CAT 

    if (MHZ >= 100)  goto qrg_next;                           // wrong byte

    KHZ = buffget[6];
    KHZ = KHZ - (((KHZ/16) * 6));              // Transform bytes ICOM CAT 

    if (KHZ >= 100)  goto qrg_next;                           // wrong byte

    HZ = buffget[5]; 
    HZ = HZ - (((HZ/16) * 6));                 // Transform bytes ICOM CAT 

    if (HZ >= 100)  goto qrg_next;                             // wrong byte

  QRG = ((MHZ * 10000) + (KHZ * 100) + (HZ * 1)); // QRG variable stores frequency in MMkkkH  format

  band  = 0 ;  // Reset band info
  if ((QRG > 139000) and (QRG < 145000)) {
       band = 20;
       digitalWrite(relayPin, LOW); 
  if ((QRG > 69900) and (QRG < 72100)) {
       band = 40;
       digitalWrite(relayPin, HIGH); 
     lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
     if ((band == 20) or (band == 40)) {
     lcd.print("m ");
     if (band == 0) lcd.print("ERR ");
  SupplyVoltage = analogRead(VccMeasurePin);               // Read power supply voltage
  SupplyVoltage = map(SupplyVoltage, 0,1023,0,(50*(R2+R1)/R1));
              if (SupplyVoltage < 100) {
                 lcd.print(" ");
                 if (SupplyVoltage < 10) {
                      lcd.print(" ");
                 lcd.print((SupplyVoltage/10), DEC);
                 lcd.print((SupplyVoltage)%10, DEC);
///////////////////   M A N U A L   T U N E /////////////////////

void manualUp() {

   lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
  if (capPos < 180) digitalWrite(servoPowerPin, HIGH);
  if (capPos  == 255) {
      digitalWrite(servoPowerPin, HIGH);
      capPos = 0;
      servo.write(0);           // turn capacitor to start position if cappos never updated
      delay(800);                   // this will take a bit of time, so wait
  digitalWrite(TuneTxPin, HIGH);

  capPos = capPos ++;
  if (capPos == 181) {
      capPos = 180;
        digitalWrite(BuzzerPin, HIGH); 
        digitalWrite(BuzzerPin, LOW);            
        digitalWrite(BuzzerPin, HIGH); 
        digitalWrite(BuzzerPin, LOW);   
      goto endPlus;
  lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
  if (capPos < 100)  lcd.print("0");
  if (capPos < 10)  lcd.print("0");
  lcd.print(capPos, DEC);
  Swr_refl = analogRead(SwrReflPin);
  refl = Swr_refl;
  if (refl > 999) refl = 999;
  lcd.print(" ");
  if (refl < 100)  lcd.print("0");
  if (refl < 10)  lcd.print("0");
  lcd.print(refl, DEC);
  if (analogRead(manualTunePin) > 680) goto againPlus;


  digitalWrite(TuneTxPin, LOW);

  lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
  lcd.print("  STBY  ");

  digitalWrite(servoPowerPin, LOW);
 void manualDown() {
   lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
  if (capPos > 0)digitalWrite(servoPowerPin, HIGH);
  if (capPos  == 255) {
      capPos = 0;
      servo.write(0);           // turn capacitor to start position if cappos never updated
      delay(800);                   // this will take a bit of time, so wait
  digitalWrite(TuneTxPin, HIGH);

  if (capPos > 0)capPos = capPos --;
  lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
  if (capPos < 100)  lcd.print("0");
  if (capPos < 10)  lcd.print("0");
  lcd.print(capPos, DEC);
  Swr_refl = analogRead(SwrReflPin);
  refl = Swr_refl;
  if (refl > 999) refl = 999;
  lcd.print(" ");
  if (refl < 100)  lcd.print("0");
  if (refl < 10)  lcd.print("0");
  lcd.print(refl, DEC);
  if (capPos == 0){
        digitalWrite(BuzzerPin, HIGH); 
        digitalWrite(BuzzerPin, LOW);            
        digitalWrite(BuzzerPin, HIGH); 
        digitalWrite(BuzzerPin, LOW);  
        goto endDown; 
  if (analogRead(manualTunePin) < 340) goto againDown;
  digitalWrite(TuneTxPin, LOW);
  lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
  lcd.print("  STBY  ");

  digitalWrite(servoPowerPin, LOW);