// This sketch will decode ICOM CAT frequency information // and switch antenna's according to preset (memorized) // values. RX and TX antenna's can be different. // Instead of antennas, bandfilters band be selected // by ON7EQ November 2011 // With thx to Jeff Smith VE1ZAC from which some code was inspired. // Modified by Pete (El Supremo) // include EEPROM write - required to memorize antenna / band config. #include // This version uses the hardware serial port Serial1 // Connect the RX pin to the CAT output through a 4k7 resistor. // IMPORTANT : select on the rig in the menu // CAT 'TRANSCEIVE' (ON) // to implement broadcast of displayed frequency! //NewSoftSerial mySerial = NewSoftSerial(2, 0); // Pin Variables #define A1Pin (13) // Pin for Antenna 1 #define A2Pin (6) // Pin for Antenna 2 #define A3Pin (5) // Pin for Antenna 3 #define A4Pin (4) // Pin for Antenna 4 #define A5Pin (3) // Pin for Antenna 5 #define LeftPin (A0) // Pin for 'left scroll select' - +5v with 4k7 pullup, GND when depressed #define RightPin (A1) // Pin for 'right scroll select' - idem #define TXsimPin (A2) // Pin for 'TX simulator' - idem #define PTTPin (A5) // PTT input pin. 0 = TX, 1 = RX #define TonePin (1) // Pin for Beeper out // Define band edges, some out of band allowed for antenna SWR curves #define High6 (52025) #define Low6 (49975) #define High10 (29750) #define Low10 (27975) #define High12 (25040) #define Low12 (24840) #define High15 (21475) #define Low15 (20975) #define High17 (18200) #define Low17 (18018) #define High20 (14375) #define Low20 (13975) #define High30 (10175) #define Low30 (10075) #define High40 (7450) #define Low40 (6975) #define High80 (3850) #define Low80 (3475) #define High160 (2050) #define Low160 (1760) #include // initialize the library with the numbers of the interface pins /* * LCD RS pin to digital pin 7 * LCD Enable pin to digital pin 8 * LCD D4 pin to digital pin 9 * LCD D5 pin to digital pin 10 * LCD D6 pin to digital pin 11 * LCD D7 pin to digital pin 12 * LCD R/W pin to ground * GND to LCD VO pin (pin 3) (contrast) */ LiquidCrystal lcd(7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12); //int buffget[10] ; // the receive buffer int unsigned long QRG = 0; int unsigned long QRGcomp = 0; int unsigned memotime = (1000); // delay (ms) before selected antenna is memorized. Must be > 300 ! byte BAND =(0); // the actual band we are on byte oldBAND = (0); byte RXantenna = (1); // the default RX antenna for the band byte TXantenna = (1); // the default RX antenna for the band byte TXstatus = (0); // 0 = RX mode, 1 = TX mode byte oldTXstatus = (0); // 0 = RX mode, 1 = TX mode byte buttonpressed = (0); // 0 = no button pressed byte simbuttonpressed = (0); // LCD specific characters 'C' for CAT activity indication byte cat [8] = { B00000, B00000, B01110, B01000, B01110, B00000, B00000, }; // Antenna indicator Style 1 byte accoright [8] = { B00000, B11000, B01100, B01100, B01100, B11000, B00000, }; byte accoleft [8] = { B00000, B00011, B00110, B00110, B00110, B00011, B00000, }; byte memory [8] = { B00000, B00000, B11011, B10101, B10001, B00000, B00000, }; // some control variables int i; int incoming; int unsigned long DisplayTime = 0; // timer display refresh int unsigned long ButtonTime = 0; // Timer button depressed byte memorize = (0); // if = 1, them position to be memorzied ////////////// This loop run once on start up ///////////////// void setup() { //set up output pins antenna control & beeper pinMode(A1Pin, OUTPUT); pinMode(A2Pin, OUTPUT); pinMode(A3Pin, OUTPUT); pinMode(A4Pin, OUTPUT); pinMode(A5Pin, OUTPUT); pinMode(TonePin, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(A1Pin,0) ; digitalWrite(A2Pin,0) ; digitalWrite(A3Pin,0) ; digitalWrite(A4Pin,0) ; digitalWrite(A5Pin,0) ; digitalWrite(TonePin,0) ; // create LCD characters lcd.createChar(0, cat); lcd.createChar(1, accoleft); lcd.createChar(2, accoright); lcd.createChar(3, memory); // set up the LCD's number of columns and rows: lcd.begin(16, 2); lcd.clear(); // Print a message to the LCD. lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print(" ON7EQ Icom CAT"); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print(" v1.08 Nov2011"); delay (1000); // RESET if SCROLL left & right buttons depressed at startup ! if ((analogRead(LeftPin)<512) and (analogRead(RightPin)<512)) Reset (); // Startup Beep tone(TonePin,1200); delay(150); tone(TonePin,1600); delay (150); tone(TonePin,2000); delay (150); noTone (TonePin); delay (1000); // print screen template lcd.clear(); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print("QRG --.---- MHz "); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print("Bnd "); clearindicator (); // RXindicator (); Serial1.begin(9600); // CAT running at 9k6 Serial.begin(9600); } // To remove the debugging output just comment this define #define DEBUG // ........................................................... // Assemble a message from the ICOM rig. // If it is a frequency message, return the frequency // This keeps track of the current frequency and only // returns a non-zero value when the frequency has changed unsigned char buffget[16]; int idx = 0; unsigned long lastfreq = 0; unsigned long get_frequency(void) { unsigned char c; unsigned long t_QRG,MHZ; unsigned int KHZ,HZ; // If there's no input character return if(Serial1.available() <= 0)return(0); // If we haven't found an end of message, reset and try again. if(idx >= 15) { idx = 0; #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println("RESET"); #endif return(0); } // Read the character c = buffget[idx] = Serial1.read(); // Look for the 0xFE that starts the message if(idx == 0) { if(c == 0xFE)idx++; return(0); } // We've found the 0xFE, now look for the 0xFD at the end if(c != 0xFD) { idx++; return(0); } #ifdef DEBUG for(int j=0;j<=idx;j++) { if(buffget[j] < 10)Serial.print("0"); Serial.print(buffget[j],HEX); } Serial.println(""); #endif idx = 0; // There is a complete message in buffget // If it is not a frequency message, ignore it if ((buffget[4] != 0) && (buffget[4] != 3) && (buffget[4] != 5)) return(0); // decode the frequency and return it MHZ = buffget[8]; MHZ = MHZ - (((MHZ/16) * 6)); // Transform bytes ICOM CAT if(MHZ >= 100) return(0); KHZ = buffget[7]; KHZ = KHZ - (((KHZ/16) * 6)); // Transform bytes ICOM CAT if(KHZ >= 100) return(0); HZ = buffget[6]; HZ = HZ - (((HZ/16) * 6)); // Transform bytes ICOM CAT if(HZ >= 100) return(0); t_QRG = ((MHZ * 10000) + (KHZ * 100) + (HZ * 1)); // QRG variable stores frequency in MMkkkH format if(t_QRG == lastfreq)return(0); lastfreq = t_QRG; return(t_QRG); } ////////////////////////// MAIN LOOP //////////////////////////////////// void loop() { // detect if TX simulation switch depressed if ((analogRead(TXsimPin)<512) and (simbuttonpressed ==0) and (TXstatus == 0)) { // TX simulation depressed while in RX simbuttonpressed = 1; lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print("TX "); clearindicator (); // always to do, before RX and TX change TXindicator (); // We are displaying TX condition } if ((analogRead(TXsimPin)>512) and (simbuttonpressed ==1) ) { // TX simulation released simbuttonpressed = 0; lcd.setCursor(0, 1); if (BAND != 0) lcd.print(BAND,DEC); if (BAND == 0) lcd.print("Man"); clearindicator (); // always to do, before RX and TX change RXindicator (); // We are displaying RX condition } // detect if PTT low (Transmit status) if ((analogRead(PTTPin)<128) and (TXstatus == 0)) { // We go into TX mode TXstatus = 1; lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print("TX "); clearindicator (); // always to do, before RX and TX change TXindicator (); // We are displaying & setting TX condition } if ((analogRead(PTTPin)>256) and (TXstatus ==1 )) { // We go into RX with some hysterisis TXstatus = 0; lcd.setCursor(0, 1); if (BAND != 0) lcd.print(BAND,DEC); if (BAND == 0) lcd.print("Man"); clearindicator (); // always to do, before RX and TX change RXindicator (); // We are displaying & setting RX condition } /* DEBUG : test update cycle tone(TonePin,2000); delay (5); noTone (TonePin); */ if (TXstatus == 0) ReadButtons (); // no reprogramming when really in TX mode ! if ((millis() - DisplayTime) > 350) { // refresh CAT indicator lcd.setCursor(15, 0); lcd.print(" "); } // El_Supremo: // Frequency change message from IC735 when dial is turned // FEFE00040060530114FD // Frequency change message from IC706MkIIg // FEFE00580000350507FD if((QRG = get_frequency()) == 0)return; // Print frequency lcd.setCursor(4, 0); if (QRG < 100000) lcd.print(" "); lcd.print(QRG/10000,DEC); lcd.print("."); if (QRG%10000 < 1000 ) lcd.print("0"); if (QRG%10000 < 100 ) lcd.print("0"); if (QRG%10000 < 10 ) lcd.print("0"); lcd.print(QRG%10000,DEC); lcd.print(" MHz"); lcd.write((uint8_t)0); // print the CAT activity indicator // set display timer DisplayTime = millis(); // Which band ? QRGcomp = QRG / 10; BAND = 0; // default band = will generate error if ((QRGcomp < High6) and (QRGcomp > Low6)) BAND = 6; if ((QRGcomp < High10) and (QRGcomp > Low10)) BAND = 10; if ((QRGcomp < High12) and (QRGcomp > Low12)) BAND = 12; if ((QRGcomp < High15) and (QRGcomp > Low15)) BAND = 15; if ((QRGcomp < High17) and (QRGcomp > Low17)) BAND = 17; if ((QRGcomp < High20) and (QRGcomp > Low20)) BAND = 20; if ((QRGcomp < High30) and (QRGcomp > Low30)) BAND = 30; if ((QRGcomp < High40) and (QRGcomp > Low40)) BAND = 40; if ((QRGcomp < High80) and (QRGcomp > Low80)) BAND = 80; if ((QRGcomp < High160) and (QRGcomp > Low160)) BAND = 160; if (BAND == 0) { clearindicator (); // We are not on standard band, clear antenna's } if (memorize == 1) return; // antenna position must be memorized, do not read what is now in memory // Check band changed if (BAND == oldBAND) return; // no bandchange ///// Band is changed ! ///// oldBAND = BAND; // now process antenna change // read value from EEPROM if (BAND == 0) { lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print(" "); return; } // display band lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); if (BAND != 0) lcd.print(BAND,DEC); ReadEEPROMvalues (); //Show in display clearindicator (); // always to do, before RX and TX change RXindicator (); // We are assuming in RX mode while changing band // Music Maestro tone(TonePin,1600); delay(150); tone(TonePin,1200); delay (150); noTone (TonePin); } ///////////////// SUBROUTINES /////////////////// void clearindicator () { // Clear all antenna lcd.setCursor(4, 1); lcd.print(" 1 2 3 4 5 "); digitalWrite(A1Pin,0) ; digitalWrite(A2Pin,0) ; digitalWrite(A3Pin,0) ; digitalWrite(A4Pin,0) ; digitalWrite(A5Pin,0) ; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void RXindicator () { // Process selected RX antenna if (RXantenna == 1) { digitalWrite(A1Pin,1) ; lcd.setCursor(4, 1); lcd.write(1); lcd.setCursor(6, 1); lcd.write(2); } if (RXantenna == 2) { digitalWrite(A2Pin,1) ; lcd.setCursor(6, 1); lcd.write(1); lcd.setCursor(8, 1); lcd.write(2); } if (RXantenna == 3) { digitalWrite(A3Pin,1) ; lcd.setCursor(8, 1); lcd.write(1); lcd.setCursor(10, 1); lcd.write(2); } if (RXantenna == 4) { digitalWrite(A4Pin,1) ; lcd.setCursor(10, 1); lcd.write(1); lcd.setCursor(12, 1); lcd.write(2); } if (RXantenna == 5) { digitalWrite(A5Pin,1) ; lcd.setCursor(12, 1); lcd.write(1); lcd.setCursor(14, 1); lcd.write(2); } /* / Check if TX = RX ant lcd.setCursor(15, 1); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(15, 1); if (TXantenna = RXantenna) lcd.print("="); // same RX as TX antenna */ } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void TXindicator () { // Process selected TX antenna if (TXantenna == 1) { digitalWrite(A1Pin,1) ; lcd.setCursor(4, 1); lcd.write(1); lcd.setCursor(6, 1); lcd.write(2); } if (TXantenna == 2) { digitalWrite(A2Pin,1) ; lcd.setCursor(6, 1); lcd.write(1); lcd.setCursor(8, 1); lcd.write(2); } if (TXantenna == 3) { digitalWrite(A3Pin,1) ; lcd.setCursor(8, 1); lcd.write(1); lcd.setCursor(10, 1); lcd.write(2); } if (TXantenna == 4) { digitalWrite(A4Pin,1) ; lcd.setCursor(10, 1); lcd.write(1); lcd.setCursor(12, 1); lcd.write(2); } if (TXantenna == 5) { digitalWrite(A5Pin,1) ; lcd.setCursor(12, 1); lcd.write(1); lcd.setCursor(14, 1); lcd.write(2); } /* Check if TX = RX ant lcd.setCursor(15, 1); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(15, 1); if (TXantenna = RXantenna) lcd.print("="); // same RX as TX antenna */ } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void ReadEEPROMvalues () { // Read Antenna's stored in EEPROM if (BAND == 6) RXantenna = EEPROM.read(6); if (BAND == 6) TXantenna = EEPROM.read(7); if (BAND == 10) RXantenna = EEPROM.read(10); if (BAND == 10) TXantenna = EEPROM.read(11); if (BAND == 12) RXantenna = EEPROM.read(12); if (BAND == 12) TXantenna = EEPROM.read(13); if (BAND == 15) RXantenna = EEPROM.read(15); if (BAND == 15) TXantenna = EEPROM.read(16); if (BAND == 17) RXantenna = EEPROM.read(17); if (BAND == 17) TXantenna = EEPROM.read(18); if (BAND == 20) RXantenna = EEPROM.read(20); if (BAND == 20) TXantenna = EEPROM.read(21); if (BAND == 30) RXantenna = EEPROM.read(30); if (BAND == 30) TXantenna = EEPROM.read(31); if (BAND == 40) RXantenna = EEPROM.read(40); if (BAND == 40) TXantenna = EEPROM.read(41); if (BAND == 80) RXantenna = EEPROM.read(80); if (BAND == 80) TXantenna = EEPROM.read(81); if (BAND == 160) RXantenna = EEPROM.read(160); if (BAND == 160) TXantenna = EEPROM.read(161); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void WriteEEPROMvalues () { // Write Antenna's in EEPROM if (BAND == 6) EEPROM.write(6, RXantenna); if (BAND == 6) EEPROM.write(7, TXantenna); if (BAND == 10) EEPROM.write(10, RXantenna); if (BAND == 10) EEPROM.write(11, TXantenna); if (BAND == 12) EEPROM.write(12, RXantenna); if (BAND == 12) EEPROM.write(13, TXantenna); if (BAND == 15) EEPROM.write(15, RXantenna); if (BAND == 15) EEPROM.write(16, TXantenna); if (BAND == 17) EEPROM.write(17, RXantenna); if (BAND == 17) EEPROM.write(18, TXantenna); if (BAND == 20) EEPROM.write(20, RXantenna); if (BAND == 20) EEPROM.write(21, TXantenna); if (BAND == 30) EEPROM.write(30, RXantenna); if (BAND == 30) EEPROM.write(31, TXantenna); if (BAND == 40) EEPROM.write(40, RXantenna); if (BAND == 40) EEPROM.write(41, TXantenna); if (BAND == 80) EEPROM.write(80, RXantenna); if (BAND == 80) EEPROM.write(81, TXantenna); if (BAND == 160) EEPROM.write(160, RXantenna); if (BAND == 160) EEPROM.write(161, TXantenna); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void Reset() { // RESET memory in EEPROM lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print(" HOLD TO RESET"); // erase all EEPROM contents TODO !!! delay(2000); if ((analogRead(LeftPin)<512) and (analogRead(RightPin)<512)) { // Yes, we have a reset ! lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print(" RESETTING ... "); delay(1000); EEPROM.write(6, 0); EEPROM.write(7, 0); EEPROM.write(10, 0); EEPROM.write(11, 0); EEPROM.write(12, 0); EEPROM.write(13, 0); EEPROM.write(15, 0); EEPROM.write(16, 0); EEPROM.write(17, 0); EEPROM.write(18, 0); EEPROM.write(20, 0); EEPROM.write(21, 0); EEPROM.write(30, 0); EEPROM.write(31, 0); EEPROM.write(40, 0); EEPROM.write(41, 0); EEPROM.write(80, 0); EEPROM.write(81, 0); EEPROM.write(160, 0); EEPROM.write(161, 0); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print(" RESTARTING ... "); delay(1000); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void ReadButtons () { // Detect antenna select buttons depressed if ((analogRead(LeftPin)<512) and (analogRead(TXsimPin)>512) and (buttonpressed == 0)) { // Left button depressed in RX mode tone(TonePin,2000); delay (20); noTone (TonePin); ButtonTime = millis (); buttonpressed = 1; if (BAND != 0) memorize = 1; clearindicator (); RXantenna = RXantenna -- ; if ((RXantenna == 0) or (RXantenna > 5 ))RXantenna = (6); RXindicator (); } if ((analogRead(RightPin)<512) and (analogRead(TXsimPin)>512) and (buttonpressed == 0) ) { // Right button depressed in RX mode tone(TonePin,2000); delay (20); noTone (TonePin); ButtonTime = millis (); buttonpressed = 1; if (BAND != 0) memorize = 1; clearindicator (); RXantenna = RXantenna ++ ; if (RXantenna >= 7) RXantenna = (1); RXindicator (); } if ((analogRead(LeftPin)<512) and (analogRead(TXsimPin)<512) and (buttonpressed == 0)) { // Left button depressed in TX sim mode tone(TonePin,2000); delay (20); noTone (TonePin); ButtonTime = millis (); buttonpressed = 1; if (BAND != 0) memorize = 1; clearindicator (); TXantenna = TXantenna -- ; if ((TXantenna == 0) or (TXantenna > 5 ))TXantenna = (6); TXindicator (); } if ((analogRead(RightPin)<512) and (analogRead(TXsimPin)<512) and (buttonpressed == 0) ) { // Right button depressed in TX sim mode tone(TonePin,2000); delay (20); noTone (TonePin); ButtonTime = millis (); buttonpressed = 1; if (BAND != 0) memorize = 1; clearindicator (); TXantenna = TXantenna ++ ; if (TXantenna >= 7) TXantenna = (1); TXindicator (); } // Timers check if (millis () - ButtonTime > 300) { // Button press detect buttonpressed = (0); } // Memorize antenna if ((millis () - ButtonTime > memotime) and (memorize == 1)){ // Now memorize antenna after xxx ms memorize = 0; lcd.setCursor(15, 1); // print MEMORY indicator lcd.write(3); if (TXantenna == 0) TXantenna = RXantenna; // if TX antenna undefined, set TX antenna same as RX antenna WriteEEPROMvalues (); tone(TonePin,2000); delay (150); noTone (TonePin); delay (50); tone(TonePin,2000); delay (150); noTone (TonePin); lcd.setCursor(15, 1); // erase M indicator lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); if (BAND != 0) lcd.print(BAND,DEC); if (BAND == 0) lcd.print("Man"); } }