Here are some links to other Amateur Television related sites around the world. If you know of others that you think should be listed please E-mail me.
Alabama        - Tennessee Valley ATV
Australia      - VK2NNN's Australian Repeater List (with ATV)
California     - So Cal ATN Home Page
                    Visaila ATV KC6YRU
                    San Francisco ATV - WA6ZJG
                    W6YX Black Mt. ATV Repeater
Canada         - Saskatoon ATV
                    Regina ATV
Colorado       - List of Colorado ATV Repeaters
Florida        - SCATS
                    Tampa Bay ATV
Georgia        - Atlanta ATV Home Page
Great Britain  - British Amateur TV Club
                    GB3WV West Devon Repeater Group
                    GB3ZZ/GB3XG ATV
                    GB3TT Chesterfield ATV
                    GB3HV Home Counties ATV
Illinois       - Southern Illinois Amateur Television Group
Indiana        - Indiana ATV
Kentucky       - Central Kentucky ATV Society
Maryland       - Baltimore Radio Amateur Television Society -  BRATS 
Michigan       - Detroit Amateur Television Society
Minnesota      - Minnesota Fast Scan Amateur TV
Netherlands    - PI6ANH ATV
New Jersey     - Brookdale Amateur Television Repeater System
New Mexico     - New Mexico ATV
North Carolina - Triangle ATV Association
Ohio           - Central Ohio ATV
                    Dayton ATV
                    Cincinnati ATV
Oklahoma       - Tulsa (TARC)
Oregon         - Oregon ATV Association
Pennslyvania   - Carnegie Tech Radio Club - Has ATV!
                    ATV in Pittsburg
Switzerland    - Swiss ATV
Tennessee      - East Tennessee ATV KD4JGV
Texas          - Houston ATV - HATS
                    COMPAQ ATV
                    North Texas ATV
Utah           - Utah ATV
Washington     - WWATS
Wisconsin      - Badgerland ATV Society
Misc Links

Cyclops        - The Remote Piloted Vehicle (RPV) - It flies!
ATV Equipment  - PC Electronics
                    Wyman Research Inc.
ATV Magazine   - ATVQ
Balloon ATV    - Bill Brown
Airborne ATV   - Airplane ATV
ATNA           - Amateur Television of North America
TORRA          - Tournament of Roses ATV

Page Updated 14/Feb./1999

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