Welcome to ON5OO homepage

Hello dear om,

Thank you for visiting my page.


My name is Jack, QTH id Brussels


Main radio activities are contest, OTxU and OTxP

operator (CW, and SSB) and some IOTA Expedition.

I am also a programmer and wrote some software

for radio amateur.



Free for you:


For IOTA fans, I wrote a IOTAclient for Dxclusters. It allows to connect to any Internet Dxcluster, or packet cluster with TNC (tested with KAM and TNC2) ,and spots IOTA dx announcements.








See here some screen shots:


Iota spots grid

Dxcluster telnet screen

Packet screen

IOTA reference grid

Contact info:


Jacques Debouche

Rue de la Piété 6,

1160 Brussels Belgium