PIC frequency meters/digital scales - summary of projects

After some time I returned to my PIC counter projects. The goal was to clean, what can be cleaned, and make life easier...

I hope, that this goal was achieved, as I have:

  1. created new program. to calculate constants for timing loops,
  2. checked source code of all projects and unified them as much as possible,
  3. compiled all sources to HEX files for Xtal frequencies 1, 4 and 10 MHz and for IF 0.455, 9 and 10.7 MHz. For those, who will not fit to this table, there is program mentioned above...

Table of HEX files:

Project source code:Xtal
LEDDIGI IF=0.455 MHz 1 MHz 4 MHz 10 MHz
IF=9 MHz 1 MHz 4 MHz 10 MHz
IF=10.7 MHz 1 MHz 4 MHz 10 MHz
LEDDG2MA IF=8 MHz 1 MHz 4 MHz 10 MHz
LED8DIGT 1 MHz 4 MHz 7 MHz
LED2DOT IF=0.455 MHz 1 MHz 4 MHz 10 MHz
IF=9 MHz 1 MHz 4 MHz 10 MHz
IF=10.7 MHz 1 MHz 4 MHz 10 MHz
VHF_UHF 1 MHz 4 MHz 10 MHz
LCD4CNTR 1 MHz 4 MHz 10 MHz
LCDDIGI IF=0.455 MHz 1 MHz 4 MHz 10 MHz
IF=9 MHz 1 MHz 4 MHz 10 MHz
IF=10.7 MHz 1 MHz 4 MHz 10 MHz

Projects description:

LEDCNTER Basic frequency counter with LED display
LEDDIGI Basic digital scale with LED display.
LEDDG2MA Digital scale with LED display for HAM radio 2-m Rx/Tx.
LED8DIGT 8-digit frequency counter with LED display.
LED2DOT Frequency counter with 2 decimal dots.
VHF_UHF Dual band VHF/UHF frequency counter with LED display.
LCDCNTER Basic frequency counter with LCD display (full wired communication).
LCD4CNTR Basic frequency counter with LCD display (4-wires communication).
LCDDIGI Basic digital scale with LCD display.

Despite the fact, that I worked as carefully as possible there is a serious risk of errors in program, source code and HEX files.
I declare NOT to take any responsibility for damage or inconvenience caused by the use of mentioned items. However, I will be thankful for each notice or message pointing to some problems or errors and will try to fix them as soon as possible.