I search for HAMs having cardiac pacemaker and/or cardioverter/defibrillator. Please if you have one or if you know somebody with it, come to this page again in September or send  me some message.
Hledam radioamatery, kteri maji implantovany kardiostimulator nebo kardioverter/defibrilator.
Prosim, pokud mezi ne patrite nebo nekoho takoveho znate, podivejte se na tuto stranku znovu nekdy v zari nebo mi nechejte vzkaz v mailboxu.
Some years ago, I was asked, what restrictions for transmitting can such device cause. Theoretically, the answer is clear, medicine literature is full of such matters, but I've never seen any report or even statistics of those, who are concerned. So I want to try it.
If you know some, please, mail me, if you don't, please help me make one.
Kdysi na me byl vznesen dotaz, jak moc muze radiamatera omezovat vyse uvedeny "budik". Teoretickou odpoved znam, v lekarske literature je toho napsano spousta, ale zatim jsem nikde nenasel zpravy ci dokonce statistiku tech, kterych se to tyka. Tak se chci o nejakou pokusit.
Pokud o nejake vite, dejte mi prosim vedet, prosim o pomoc s jejim vytvorenim.
MNI TNX & 73!  Jarda MNI TNX & 73!  Jarda

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