Date: last full weekend in June.

Time: Saturday 12:00 - Sunday 12:00 UTC.

Bands: 10 - 80 m (no WARC).

Mode: CW

Categories: VLP (max. 1 Watt) - QRP (max. 5 Watts) - LP (more than 5 Watts) - QRO (more than 100 Watts).

Exchange: RST + serial number + entry class (e.g. 579001/QRP).


Multipliers: each DXCC country counts 2 multipliers per band with stations in the classes VLP / LP / QRP, else 1 multiplier per DXCC country and band.

Final score: total QSO points times total multipliers.

Logs: send within 30 days after the contest to:

Karol Cierpial, SP5YQ, G. Morcina 2m2, 01- 496 WARSAW, POLAND