QRGLogger-847 260103

What is QRGLogger-847?

QRGLogger-847 is a simple Windows-program which listens for Yaesu FT-847s CAT port and if squelch is opened in the radio, QRGLogger-847 asks for the frequency and signal strength. Then, after squelch has been closed, program writes the date, time, frequency, signal strength and duration to the log. Program is useful when you for example want to know what frequencies are in use between certain frequency limits.

For example, let's put FT847 lower limit channel 145.000 MHz, and upper limit channel 146.000MHz, mode FM. Then, press (6)PMS, set the squelch on and press (4)Scan. Radio will begin scanning that 1MHz area, and if it stops on some freq, QRGLogger-847 will write it down.

In other words, this "fixes" the SmartSearch problem in 847. I never managed it search more than once the area defined.

And by the way, it is free!


- Yaesu FT-847 all mode transceiver, newer than serial 8G05 or modification made for polling freqs via CAT
- A PC With Windows 95/98/NT/2000 system
- Free serial port
- Null modem cable between FT847 and PC


Simply download the file and extract in a folder you want. Be sure that qrglogger.ini exists!

Download qrglog.zip, 190kb


Yes, maybe. I have already thought a possibility of adding a so-called frequency-bank (maybe .txt file?) which is read by the program. Then, after adjustable delay, program would move to next frequency in the file, and again, again, again again. That would be useful, because usually there is always some "birdie" or interference between lower and upper limits...

Please feel free to send any comments and critics to [email protected] I will try to make a better software then...