Licensing information for Iceland - TF

Prepared by: OH2MCN - Veke & TF3VET - Sveinbjorn & TF5BW – Brynjolfur, OH2MCN
Status: October 1996, Dec '99 links added, Oct '01 complete update, Jan ‘11

Intro: Iceland implements CEPT agreement TR 61-01. Others apply via PTA.

PTT (from
PTA web site):
Post and Telecom Administration
Sudurlandsbraut 4
108  Reykjavik
E-Mail  pfs at
Telefax +354 510 1509
Telephone +354 510 1500
Web Page of

Paperwork needed:
7.Mobile or portable amateur radio stations can be used temporarily without a national Icelandic license if the radio amateur in question has a class 1 or class 2 CEPT Radio Amateur License. For further information, visitors should contact their own telecommunications authority.
Radio Amateurs from countries that have not adopted the CEPT Agreement have to do little bit more to get the operation permit.
What to do:
1.Fill out the application form carefully. Do not omit the comment of your national IARU society.
2.Include an unequivocal confirmation of the validity and class of your licence together with power, bands allowed and the speed of the CW test that you have passed.
This can be done in one of the following ways:
a.A copy of your licence and licensing conditions certified by a notary public (clear copies please).
b.A statement by your licensing authority.
c.A statement by your national IARU society.
3.Send your application at least six weeks in advance of your intended period of operation to:

Post And Telecom Administration of Iceland
Smiđjuvegi 68-70
IS-200 Kópavogur

4.Be sure to follow the above guidelines carefully. Incomplete applications are rejected.
5.Where to pick up yore licence: Same address as in paragraph three.

If you pay the licensing fee of ISK 1600 + VAT - in advance you can ask for your licence to be sent to you by post, or if time is short you may ask for it to be sent to the telephone station of the place of your arrival, outside Reykjavik. Send the fee to: Same address as in paragraph three.

6.Customs: There should be no problems, but if there is, you can ask the customs officers to contact Mr. Hordur R. Hardarson at the P.T.A.

"Brynjolfur Jonsson" < tf5bw at > IRA Web Master TF5BW

OLD info from:
Sveinbjorn Jonsson. Web page:
Storagerdi 10. E-Mail:
ve at
IS 108 Reykjavik. P-Mail:
tf3vet at
ICELAND Telephone: + ( 354) 553-3064

Travel info: DESTINATION ICELAND and subWWWay to Iceland

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